Here's another one of those puzzles. What does this say? Oh, that's easy. Three degrees below zero. Hey, did you read that story in the newspaper about all those top Aussies? Most of them didn't know whether there was a God or not. Yeah, they didn't score too well, did they? Nah, but I reckon it's simple. It is? Yeah, you can't prove God's there, but you can't prove he's not there either. So that settles a bit about proving it. You've got to go on the evidence. What's the evidence? Well, first there's a plan, see. A design. Like, if you found a watch and you found it ticking away, never stopped, all precision and real cool, you'd say, wonder who made this? She's a beauty. Well, the world's like that, from atoms, molecules and all that. It's scientific, man. That's incredible. Then there's the people. Every tribe, race and nation. Right from the very beginning, they've all believed in some power bigger than themselves. Hmm, of course, the next question is, what's God like? Yeah. Well, that's next time. Oh, hey, that's where the Bible comes in. If you really want to know, this is the book, the book of the future.