regular participation will improve your strength flexibility and endurance consult your physician before starting any fitness program remember don't overexert yourself have a fun workout welcome finding your own level of performance in the workout involves tapping into your mental as well as physical energy I feel that energy builds on itself when you expand energy it comes back to you this energy is the universal energy that exists in every single one of us we need to plug into it if used persistently over a period of time we will notice ourselves building not only physically but in many other ways as well that's the rewarding part about fitness you get out of it exactly what you put into it and more we'll be right back welcome welcome welcome to a great workout out here at the beautiful Kona Surf Hotel on the big island of Hawaii inhale exhale down two three one more time inhale to your left is Sherry Moore and to your right Aga Janklowitz both exercise instructors in their profession and they know how to do it right so follow the workout let's make sure that the form is very good today inhale up because the secret of the whole workout is in the form in the placement of the body in the placement of those muscles inhale and two and exhale number you get from it what you put into it so concentrate really hard today and make every movement count inhale up and two and down now two counts left over two arms reach out let's go and it's left and two and right and two now on your toe up and two and lift on your toe and it's right toe up and exhale up again let's go and one and two and lift now single one arm right left press press push out out seven now go for a twist and it's left right left nice easy twist easy easy easy and again let's go twist twist twist remember also today throughout the whole routine try not to use momentum try to make the muscles work there you go control your movements press twist four more times like this one and two now let's go with big arms and open them up and left and right and left and right open five six now bring both arms together let's go left right pull left pull right and it's fine and six and what are we gonna do today we are gonna work on the arms and concentrate on the shoulders then we're gonna work on the upper abdominals and then on the inner thigh and as usual burn calories with aerobics and it's five six seven now small twists in two three four make it tight six seven and hold it reaching out to the side nice and easy now block that movement with your toe just press outward outward and it's five six seven and switch to the center press down two three four more and it's one and tight and now over to the other side let's go and it's out and out just nice easy gentle presses into the thigh six seven back to the center press it down down three and four more times like this one and two now let's come real low take your hands place them on your hips now let's lift for the calves up up up and let's try to bring the buttocks still just a little bit lower now think of the movement here the back is real flat the heel is coming way off the ground press press press try to press real tight warm up the calves the Achilles tendons and the whole bottom part of your foot press up let's go here's five at the same time that you're lifting up with the heel try to press the knees backwards backwards backwards and squeeze real tight with the buttocks in remember the buns are squeezing in knees are pressing back the back is real flat stomach is slightly pulling in and the chest lifting up up four more let's make these four the best ones now and it's up and up and higher last time hold it up there for a second let's just hold on those toes press the knees a little further outward now palms down and try pressing the knees outward with the palm of the hand just nice easy pressure if it's steady five six seven and release it good work walk your legs in start bringing the heels into the floor press press press now start with your toe and then plant the heel into the ground make that muscle long long every time go and it's five six seven eight more times like this and really press the heel now down down down down and it's four three two and let's start with the arms start with the shoulders press let's start small squeezes in in in now let's imagine that there are two doors on both sides of us we are grabbing the door knobs on both doors and we are pushing in out in out open closed and it's open open open open open take it tight tight tight make it real tight now squeeze at the same time that you're pressing into the shoulder you are also pulling your arms outwards outwards with your out make believe that someone there is pulling those arms in opposite direction so your right arm is pulling even more to the right and your left arm is pulling more to the left eight more seven six five here's four and three and two now let's start it back small small now think of the movement here please the shoulders are pressing down down with the shoulders because what happens is when you press the shoulders down you can get all the concentration right into the shoulder muscles the arms are staying straight now the forearms the biceps and the triceps are one piece so you are flexing the whole arm and you're pushing that real tight real tight for eight more times and it's one and two and three four more times like this now real tight and two and three now hold it up there let's go up up up now these are called shoulder fly because we're lifting up with the shoulders use the shoulder muscles now lift your upper body come just a little bit forward so you take all that pressure into the shoulders so slightly bend forward six seven and needs are opening up up out out out make it eight seven six five four three and two now half ways up only and it's up up only with the elbows notice here the shoulders are staying in one place you are not lifting the shoulders all you are doing is lifting the elbows up the fist is almost staying in the same place no movement with the fifth it's just up with the elbows and eight more now it's starting to burn seven and eight let's take it overhead overhead and we will be back with aerobics don't go away and welcome to the aerobic part of this workout and let's shake hands on one thing you are not stopping throughout the whole routine you are going through the end with me here if you're getting tired if it's getting a little too difficult just walk or jog in place but please please do not stop we're trying to raise the heart rate a little bit get your rate going there get the blood pumping into the body and let's go up all the way with the ankles ankles to the butt up and up and up let's go and it's up and up and up and up real good here's five six seven bring it down side to side and go and it's left and right exhale exhale exhale eight seven six five four three two now with the arms out now back into the triceps let's go make the triceps real tight every time go and it's four three two and one real good drop it down just swing now with the knees in in with the knees nice and easy raise on your toes in in in real tight let's go go go here's five six seven now let's go circle with the hands circle go tight tight tight make it circle let's go go go here's five six seven eight now open up up make the movement real big now five six seven eight more times here's one two three four five six seven open big eight seven six five four three now in two counts go one out two out three out four singles and it's one two three and jogging place real good let's jump rope in place one arm one palm on the stomach one palm on the head let's make circles on the stomach now now now let's clap on the head go circle in the stomach and clap on the head real good here's five and six seven you're perfect jump rope jump rope I'm just easy now let's go jump six seven open to the left and right and left and right bow and arrow open open open eight more times it's eight and seven and six and five make the heel touch the floor every time are you exhaling for me go exhale breathe out push the air out four more times here's one two three and four now keep only with the legs only with the legs and it's left right left right five six seven bring it forward left right left right left right left now just small kicks forward let's go kick it kick kick now swing with the arms overhead and keep kicking out and it's toe toe now open to the side out to just real big make the movement real big four more times like this it's one you're hanging and I love what you're doing don't stop four more three two now to the back make the leg straight to the back and here's five here's six seven eight more times one two three four and it's five six seven and jog it real good ankles to the buttocks come on everybody let's make this last two minutes here the best effort yet ankle to the butt and the fifth into the shoulder like you're going for a nice easy strong pace run four three stay light but be intense with the movement go go four more times one two three four and take it two counts forward left right left right left right here's left here's right here's left here's right here's left here's wrong no singles nice easy walk forward all the way to me right here in Hawaii four three two double count right left single count one two three four double count two three and four real good jog in place that was very very good you bet I feel it let's just jog in place a little bit bring the heart rate down remember now always when you finish aerobics it is very important to keep the movement going for another few minutes just to let the heart rate come down naturally press press press so don't stop all at once keep jogging in place always go and it's eight seven six five four three two and step step step step step real good and it's five and it's six and it's seven and it's eight inhale exhale down one more time inhale exhale down flat back all the way down let the palms press forward make that back real flat relax your neck relax your shoulders relax your whole upper body this is the part where you're catching your breath back because what we did till now is we burned the calories we made you lean now we're gonna bring out the definition and make your muscles show you get over to the right cross the other arm over and now bend the opposite knee so you get a nice easy stretch on the straight leg hold it now lift it back up slowly walk it in two three and four cross the other arm over bend the opposite leg and feel a nice easy stretching sensation on the straight leg and relax it back to the center good work let's take a full sitting position let's get into the hurdle position now here's what you do don't put your leg flat on the floor but press your toes so they're upward and the heel is pointing up that way you protect your kneecap take a hold of your ankle and now don't come down but lift yourself up and start reaching out now let me mention one thing here it is not important how low you come rather think of how far you can reach that's what's going to get the stretch into the lower part of your back and the hips so you're reaching up and out now slowly bring it out further as far as you can go and now relax it down and slowly come in and bring the other leg out and shake it out real good work let's bring the other leg in and remember the heel is pointing up and the toes are flat on the floor so we protect the kneecap and take a hold of your ankle and now lift yourself up and pull yourself out out real nice and easy now just a little better effort here reach all the way out good work and now slowly bring yourself down and slowly come back up now we're gonna do the abdominals bring the legs out nice and easy shake them out for a second you're ready let's go what are we waiting for abdominals let's take both legs straight out and start pressing up and lift and press take it up and up and press and press make it real tight tight squeeze real tight I suggest keep the feet together press tight into the abdominals now try not to have any space between the floor and the lower portion of your back press upward every time it's not a squeeze back at all all you're doing is pressing upward all the time so you actually are reaching higher and higher and higher and yet higher four three two let's keep it going go go go and I tell you if you keep up here or do as many as you can because you come back tomorrow and I will guarantee you that you will be better tomorrow seven and eight now let's take it left and back and right and back press left and back and right and back press in release right release press it in release and right now it's straight like take it left back right back lift up release right release left release nice and easy with the lower back lift release give me four more times let's make this effort the best one of the day and here's four and here's three and exhale out last one up good work bring both knees in stretch out for a second bring your knees a little bit more toward the chest nice and easy feels good on the lower back stretch over to the side release the pressure this feels very very good and over to the other side in fact this feels so good I always get tempted to stay in this movement and not go on let's roll over to the inner thighs now let's place the right leg just about four inches off the ground and we are going to bring the lower leg up to the upper leg lift lift press heel to heel try to bring the heel to the heel at the same time everybody let keep the body feel tall keep the body tall and the shoulders are squared forward don't push back if you're pushing back you are losing all the concentration from that inner thigh all you want to do is keep pressing your whole upper body forward forward forward and that's how you can isolate totally isolate the inner thigh let's go eight more seven more six more count with me five four three two last time hold it up there now let's go with both legs both legs up and up and again lift up up up and up and here five six seven and hold it now cross the leg straight up and take it up and release lift up release lift up release and press now what you're doing is you're bringing the lower leg to meet the upper leg and what you're doing is really burning the inner thigh because that's what's giving you the movement here that inner thigh and six four more times go one two three and releases good work let's go to the other side are you ready lift that leg up in the air and now press up up up and go just up and once again reminding you what's happening with the upper body it is pressing forward not back but forward and it's up and up and up and go and here's eight seven six five and four three two now give me four more and make these four real good real tight on the inner side and four three two and both legs lift up two three and four more times and let's start pressing up release up release and do eight more and we will be back with a scratch reach bend lift tighten strengthen twist and jump you asked for it here it is the best of bodies in motion and home video cassette it's all in here 80 minutes of our spectacular backgrounds you'll find the exercises encouraging and motivating to the beginner and challenging to the advanced and above all the workout is easy to follow inspiring and it's a lot of fun it's the next step call toll-free one eight hundred three two one thirty nine hundred to order your copy send checker money order for forty nine ninety five plus three dollars shipping and handling to this address you may also order your copy COD or simply use your credit card the tape comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so call toll-free one eight hundred three two one thirty nine hundred and please remember to indicate your choice of VHS or beta the best of bodies in motion will help bring out the best in you call toll-free one eight hundred three two one thirty nine hundred and welcome back we're almost done let's bring the legs together place the palms on your ankles and with your elbows press downward add a little bit more pressure now make that movement steady and consistent but not too strong just nice easy consistent pressure downward and it's five and it's six and it's seven and it's eight now stretch both legs out I will always suggest you to keep stretching on your own for two or three minutes after we leave just to make sure that the body is totally relaxed and totally stretched out this nice easy stretch is an easy pull okay let's go to the left knee and to the right knee and to the left knee and to the right knee and to the left knee and to the right and left and right and left and right now flex the heels off the ground flex your toes tightly in lift the rib cage up slowly come down and let's say a big thank you to Sherry and a big thank you to Adam and a very big thank you to you come back tomorrow and I'll work you again