Hello, my name is Dr. Michael McCann and I'm Executive Director of the Center for Safety in the Arts. I'm a specialist in the hazards of arts and crafts materials and how to work safely with them. I'm also author of Artist Beware and the Health Hazards Manual for Artists. This lecture today will discuss the hazards of arts and crafts materials and explain how to work safely with these materials. The lecture will be divided into two parts. Part one, which you are now seeing, will describe who is at risk and what types of occupational illnesses can be caused by exposure to arts and crafts materials. Part two will describe the precautions you can take in order to work safely with your art and craft materials. There are several factors which help determine your degree of risk when you use art and craft materials. The first factor is the amount of material to which you are exposed. The greater the amount, the greater the risk. For example, using a quart of turpentine is more hazardous than using a cup. How long and how often you are exposed will also affect your risk. Working with a material eight hours a day, five days a week, is more hazardous than just using that same material for 15 minutes once a week. Very long work periods, which can occur when preparing for an exhibit or when finishing up at the end of the school term, can be particularly hazardous. Safe levels of exposure to chemicals are based on an eight-hour workday, meaning you have eight hours of exposure and then 16 hours without exposure, during which time your body can detoxify and excrete any absorbed chemicals. If, however, you are working for 12 hours a day, then your body has 12 hours of exposure and only 12 hours in which to recover. This can result in becoming ill if this prolonged exposure continues for any length of time. For example, a craftsperson was referred to me by her physician a few years ago because she had developed chemical hepatitis. She was coating her artwork with lacquer, using only an open window for ventilation. Normally, she worked only three to four hours a day. Then, in preparation for the Christmas season, she started working eight to ten hours a day without any improvement in precautions. Because of her work conditions and extended exposures, she developed chemical hepatitis. My recommendations were to space out her work hours and to install a window exhaust fan. The exposure conditions, of course, will be crucial in determining the risk. If you have proper ventilation and other suitable precautions, then you are not directly exposed to the chemicals and the risk is minimized. The toxicity of a chemical is a crucial factor since the toxicity determines how much of the chemical it takes to cause body damage. The more toxic the chemical, the less of the chemical it takes to injure you. A classic example is the Tylenol cyanide poisonings. Fatalities have occurred from the ingestion of Tylenol, but it usually takes at least half an ounce of the Tylenol to cause injury. However, since cyanide is much more toxic than Tylenol, all it took was one capsule containing cyanide to be fatal. The moral to be drawn from this is to use the least toxic art material possible. Another risk factor is the total body burden of a chemical. The total body burden is the total amount of that chemical in the body from all possible sources. Lead is a good example of this total body burden concept. We have lead exposure in everyday life from a number of sources which include lead in our drinking water leached from lead pipes or copper pipes which have been joined with lead solders. Lead in our food leached from the lead solder and tin cans. Lead in our air from living near lead battery plants and smelters. Lead in auto exhaust fumes from cars using leaded gasoline. All of these sources can add to our body burden of lead. If in addition you are exposed to lead from stained glass, bronze casting, pottery glazes and fritz, lead-based enamels or lead paints, then you are adding to this total body burden of lead. Your total body burden of lead might then be high enough to cause lead poisoning. However the above discussion assumes that all we have to worry about is exposure to one chemical. Unfortunately we're often exposed to a chemical soup consisting of a wide variety of chemicals. These multiple exposures can often be more hazardous than exposure to what just one chemical because of the ways in which chemicals can interact in the body. The simplest type of interaction is additive where the total effect on the body is the sum of the effects caused by each separate chemical. If you do arc welding you can get a certain amount of lung damage from the ozone produced and a certain amount of lung damage from the nitrogen dioxide. The total amount of lung damage would be the sum of the damage from the ozone and the nitrogen dioxide. This type of additive interaction is similar for chemicals that affect other body organs. Normally we assume that the effects of two chemicals are additive until proven otherwise. However sometimes the effect on the body is not additive but is synergistic, that is multiplicative. Here the effect is much greater than would be anticipated if the damage was additive. A common example of synergism is the interaction of alcohol and barbiturates. Either substance taken by itself in normal amounts is not dangerous. However in combination they can make you very ill or even be fatal. Another example of a synergistic effect is working with asbestos and smoking. If you smoke you have about a tenfold excess risk of lung cancer compared to people who do not smoke. If you work with asbestos and do not smoke the excess risk is about sixfold. If the effect of smoking and working with asbestos was merely additive then the excess risk would be about 16 times normal. The actual risk of lung cancer for smoking asbestos workers compared to the normal population is 50 to 90 times. This is a synergistic effect. The problem is that there is no way to test all the possible combinations of chemicals to which we are exposed. Unfortunately the way we usually find out about synergistic effects is by counting the bodies. The possibility of synergistic effects is one important reason to minimize exposure to all chemicals whenever possible. The final important risk factor is the existence of high-risk groups. Two people can be working in the same studio with the same exposure. One gets ill and the other does not. Why? The reason can be personal susceptibility. A number of groups of people are at higher risk than others for a variety of reasons. High-risk groups include children. Children are at much higher risk of illness from exposure to toxic chemicals for a number of reasons. Their body weight is smaller and therefore a given amount of chemical is more concentrated in their bodies than in that of an adult. Children are still growing and their cells are dividing and metabolizing faster. Growing cells absorb more chemicals than do cells that are not growing. This is how anti-cancer drugs work. Cancer cells are rapidly dividing and take up more of the toxic anti-cancer drugs than normal cells. So the growing cells of children absorb more chemicals than do the cells of adults. In addition there's an important psychological factor. Children under the age of 12 cannot be expected to understand and more importantly carry out precautions on a consistent basis. Therefore children under 12, that is children of preschool and elementary school age, should not be exposed to toxic chemicals. As an example I was once asked by teacher how to stop her kindergarten children from sniffing the rubber cement. I just asked why is it in the classroom? There are many cases in the medical literature involving nerve damage from the sniffing of materials containing hexane which is found in rubber cement. Over the age of 12 students can begin to work with toxic chemicals if they are taught the hazards, how to work safely and if the most dangerous chemicals like lead and cadmium are not used. Another high-risk group is disabled individuals. If a person has a medical problem or disability then he or she might be at high risk from certain exposures. For example if someone's hearing is 90% destroyed then that remaining 10% is crucial. Being exposed to noisy environments like wood shops might damage that residual hearing. Epileptic seizures that physicians thought were induced by exposures to organic solvents have also been brought to our attention. In one instance a kindergarten teacher told a student to clean up paint spatters with turpentine. He was then sent home. Once home he was found to be reeking of turpentine and had a rash over most of his body. A week or so later the boy started having epileptic seizures without any prior history. The physician believed the child had a low threshold for seizures and that the turpentine exposures triggered the seizures. Sniffing of organic solvents can be a serious problem with emotionally disturbed individuals especially adolescents. There have been several fatalities amongst emotionally disturbed adolescents who sniffed liquid paper correction fluid which contains the solvent 111 trichloroethane. Other high-risk disabilities include physical impairment, asthma and other allergies and diseases affecting particular organs which leave that organ more susceptible to certain chemicals. For example neurological impairments involving spasticity or weakness could interfere with the safe operation of machinery. Many asthmatics are particularly sensitive to exposure to dust and molds and to sulfur dioxide from pottery bisque firings and photographic fixing pass. Someone with hepatitis for example is much more susceptible to further liver damage from exposure to many solvents. Doctors usually recommend that patients with hepatitis avoid alcoholic beverages until their livers have completely healed. Exposure to other solvents should also be avoided. Other examples of high-risk groups include smokers, heavy drinkers, the elderly and people taking medications. Medications affecting the central nervous system can interact with alcohol and for that reason you are not supposed to drink alcohol when taking these medications. You should avoid exposure to solvents since solvents can also affect the central nervous system. In order to affect you chemicals have to get onto or into your body. There are three main ways for this to occur. Skin contact, inhalation and ingestion. There is a fourth way injection but I'm presuming most of you are not mainlining your art materials. More seriously there are a number of case histories where injection of paints into hands has occurred when people have accidentally put their hands in front of a high-pressure airless spray gun. In some instances this has even required amputation of the affected part. Normally however we are concerned about skin contact, inhalation and ingestion. Skin contact is the most common way in which art materials contact the body and occupational skin diseases are the most frequent type of occupational illness. I will discuss skin problems later. Many art materials can be absorbed through the skin particularly solvents like turpentine, toluene, xylene, methyl alcohol, glycol ethers and chlorinated hydrocarbons like dry chloroethylene, ethylene dichloride and perchloroethylene. If the skin's protective barrier is damaged through burns, cuts, sores and other skin problems then chemicals that would not normally be absorbed into the body through the skin can do so. The most common way however in which art materials get into the body is through inhalation. If an art material can get into the air then you have to worry about inhaling it. The types of airborne art materials include the following. Vapors from the evaporation of solvents like acetone, toluene, paint thinners and solvent containing materials. Spray mists from airbrushing, spray guns and aerosol spray cans. Here the concern is not only from any solvents in the spray but also the ingredients being sprayed including pigments, dyes, adhesives and plastic fixatives. Gases generated by art processes such as sulfur dioxide from kiln firing, nitrogen dioxide from nitric acid etching, hydrogen sulfide from sulfide toning baths and carbon monoxide from the burning of fuels. Metal fumes from the heating of metals for example, soldering, welding, foundry work and jewelry casting. Dust from materials such as dyes and pottery materials bought in powder form and dust generated from grinding, sanding and other operations. Machine generated dusts are finer than dust created by hand tools. The finer the dust the greater the hazard since fine dust penetrate deeper into the lungs. The final way in which art materials can get into the body is through ingestion. Now most of you are probably relaxing and saying to yourself I don't eat my art materials. However I bet that many of you do ingest your art materials. If you eat, drink or smoke while you are working then there's an excellent chance that you are ingesting your art materials. I know of a mural painter from San Francisco who had the habit of eating while she worked. She even told me that she could remember her sandwiches being all different colors from getting the paint on the sandwiches. As a result she developed a case of mercury poisoning because the mural paint she was using contained a mercury preservative. There have also been other cases of poisoning due to the ingestion of toxic pigments and paints. Having the coffee cup in the studio can be hazardous. Airborne materials can drop into your coffee or you might pick up another container with solvent in it instead of the coffee cup. I have had several artists tell me they have done this accidentally. The habit of putting solvents like turpentine or paint thinner in milk cartons, Coke bottles or similar containers can be very hazardous. Several fatalities have occurred in children who have picked up such containers thinking that the containers contain soda or milk. Another way in which accidental ingestion occurs is through the habit of pointing paintbrushes with your mouth. A classic example in the first part of the century involved radium dial painters who pointed their brushes with their lips. A high percentage of them developed bone cancer. A more recent example is silk kimono painters in Kyoto, Japan. They painted with dyes and also pointed their brushes with their lips. These silk kimono painters have been found to have a high rate of bladder cancer due to the ingestion of these dyes. Unfortunately I still find many painters who say that they point their brushes with their lips. Now I've described how our materials can enter the body. When we get to the precaution section in part two of this lecture you will see that many precautions are common sense. That is you're trying to prevent skin contact, inhalation or ingestion of your art materials. Now that you know how art materials enter the body let's look at the types of occupational diseases caused by exposure to arts and crafts materials. There are two categories of diseases that we have to be concerned with. Acute diseases and chronic diseases. An acute disease is the type most people are familiar with. You're exposed to a chemical and within a short period of time you develop symptoms. An example is splashing concentrated acid on your skin resulting in a burn. With acute diseases like this cause and effect are usually easy to see. The acid caused the burn. The burn will eventually disappear. Then you either learn how to work safely with a chemical or you hopefully avoid using it. Except in massive exposures most acute diseases are temporary. Chronic diseases are much more insidious. Suppose you're potter and have been mixing clay for 15 to 20 years without any problems. Then you discover that you're having difficulty breathing and are contracting a lot of respiratory infections. You go to a doctor and he diagnoses your problem as silicosis. The problem is it's too late. Silicosis is not reversible nor is cancer reversible. Another example of a chronic disease. Chronic diseases are usually caused by exposure often low level exposure to toxic chemicals over a period of years or even decades in the case of cancer. By the time the symptoms appear it's too late to do anything about the disease. The time to have taken precautions is back when you first started working with the clay. That means you had to know that clay dust contains crystal and silica which can cause silicosis and that you should not have been inhaling the clay dust. As you can see it is important to know what is in your art materials and what types of health problems they can cause. I will emphasize time and again the need to know the composition of your art materials. Now let's look at some of the actual types of occupational diseases caused by art materials. Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. Symptoms can include reddening, itching, cracking and a variety of other types of skin lesions. There are two basic types of dermatitis. Irritant dermatitis and allergic dermatitis. Irritant dermatitis is caused by chemicals that are skin irritants and everyone who has sufficient contact with the chemicals will develop this type of dermatitis. Concentrated acids and alkalis can cause dermatitis from a single short exposure. Most art materials however will only cause dermatitis after prolonged or repeated exposures. Examples of other irritants are dilute acids and alkalis, solvents, formaldehyde, fiberglass, amines, some tropical woods for example cocobolo and metals such as antimony, chromium and some barium salts. As an example of skin irritation problems I remember some years ago giving a lecture in Vermont. I described the deep slow healing skin ulcers that can be caused by dichromate salts. A weaver in the audience said that she's had skin ulcers for years and the doctors could never figure out the cause. It turns out that she used ammonium dichromate as a mordant with her natural dyes and always had her bare hands in the mordanted dye bath. Wearing rubber gloves was the solution to her problem. In contrast to irritant dermatitis, allergic dermatitis will only appear in those individuals who are susceptible. Allergic dermatitis is caused by chemicals called sensitizers and does not appear upon first exposure. First you have to become sensitized to the chemical which might happen on the first exposure or years later. Then upon the subsequent exposures you develop the allergic reaction. The classic example of allergic dermatitis is poison ivy itch. About 80% of the population is susceptible to poison ivy. Fortunately most other sensitizers do not affect such a large percentage of the population. Common sensitizers in art materials include turpentine, epoxy resins and glues, formaldehyde, woods such as western red cedar and rosewood and metals such as nickel, chromium and cobalt. In fact allergic reactions to nickel in earrings, watches and rings is so common it is called nickel itch. A major problem with skin allergies is that once you become sensitized you can react to even trace amounts of the sensitizer. For example artists who have become sensitized to formaldehyde find they can develop severe reactions to the trace amounts of formaldehyde in acrylic paints, some water-based glues, permanent press shirts, plywood and particle board to name only a few examples. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and one of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in the sun's rays. In art exposure to ultraviolet radiation as it is called occurs from sources such as arc welding, carbon arcs and xenon lamps. Some art materials can also cause skin cancer including some arsenic compounds and lamp black, carbon black and asphalten. Lamp black, carbon black and asphalten may contain impurities called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which have been implicated as a cause of skin cancer. If the skin is sensitive to many chemicals the eyes are even more so. Splashes of chemicals in the eyes can cause a variety of eye problems including conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyeball, corneal damage, cataracts and even blindness. The eyes are particularly sensitive to alkalis such as lye and ammonia and to acids. Infrared radiation produced by heating objects has been known the cause of cataracts after years of exposure. These cataracts have occurred from glass blowing and looking in hot enamelling and pottery kilns. Ultraviolet radiation from arc welding in particular can cause conjunctivitis and damage to the cornea. Some chemicals such as silver nitrate and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, the hardener used with polyester resin, can cause blindness. In one instance an artist splashed some methyl ethyl ketone peroxide in one eye and was blinded in that eye within seconds. Respiratory diseases are one of the major concerns from exposure to art and craft materials because of the many chemicals that can be inhaled. First I will discuss acute respiratory diseases. Pulmonary edema or chemical pneumonia as it is commonly called is usually caused by a large overexposure to a strong lung irritant. Contact with the irritant in the lung tissue causes the lungs to fill with water. This can be fatal and can result in a bacterial pneumonia. Chemical pneumonia was a major cause of the fatalities from methyl isocyanate exposure in Bhopal, India. One example of chemical pneumonia is chlorine gas poisoning from the preparation of Dutch mordant which happened to five students and teachers in Alberta, Canada in the 1970s. Other examples of chemicals which can cause chemical pneumonia include nitrogen dioxide from arc welding, isocyanates from polyurethane resins, cadmium fumes from low melting silver solders, manganese fumes, hydrogen sulfide gas from sulfide toning and petroleum distillates. There have been many fatalities particularly in children who have swallowed some petroleum distillates and then got chemical pneumonia from aspiration of the petroleum distillates into the lungs after vomiting was induced. Large acute exposures to lung irritants such as zinc chloride fumes from acid fluxes can cause acute bronchitis. Asthma is more properly described as a chronic disease but it is useful to discuss it here since once you have asthma a single exposure to the sensitizer can result in an acute asthma attack. Asthma occurs when the sensitizer affects the lungs. If the sensitization occurs in the upper respiratory system then hay fever type symptoms occur. Most of the chemicals described as skin sensitizers can also cause asthma if they get into the lungs. In addition fiber reactive cold water dyes and isocyanates from polyurethane resins can cause asthma. But asthma is not only caused by known sensitizers. Some irritating chemicals can cause asthmatic reactions even though they do not actually cause sensitization as found in normal asthma. Of course once a person has asthma he or she may find that an asthma attack can occur from exposure to dust, sulfur dioxide, cold and even from the breathing strain involved in wearing a respirator. Hypersensitivity pneumonia is a type of allergic reaction deep in the air sacs of the lungs. It can be caused by moldy hay, farmer's lung, moldy cotton, redwood dust, mother-of-pearl dust, ivory dust and some molds. One example of hypersensitivity pneumonia is that of a crafts teacher in an army camp who spent a day working with a mahogany like wood that was the crate for a shipment from the Philippines. He developed hypersensitivity pneumonia and was also found to have such severe lung scarring that he had to retire. This shows the dangers of working with unknown materials. If you do not know what you are working with you can be placing yourself in danger. The final acute respiratory disease I want to discuss is metal fume fever also known as zinc chills and foundry ague. Metal fume fever is usually caused by fresh zinc and copper fumes and is particularly a problem when welding galvanized metals. Flu like symptoms, fever, chills, muscular pains, nausea, headaches appear a few hours after exposure and disappear after 24 to 36 hours without any long-term effects. However make sure that your illness actually is metal fume fever. In one case described in Art News a welder thought he had metal fume fever and his doctor said to stay in bed. He died the next day. He actually had chemical pneumonia because he had been working with cadmium and had not known it. The early symptoms of chemical pneumonia and metal fume fever are very similar. Again know your materials. If he had known he had been using cadmium and received a proper medical treatment for chemical pneumonia he could be alive today. Chronic respiratory diseases can result from long-term low-level exposure to certain art materials. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are mostly due to cigarette smoking. However they are also due to low-level exposures to many irritants such as nitrogen dioxide, ozone, zinc chloride fumes and hydrogen chloride from heating polyvinyl chloride. The lungs reaction to an irritant is to produce mucus to dilute the irritant and coughing to try and clear the lungs. In addition the lungs breathing passages spasm shut to avoid the irritant. When you are exposed to these irritants for long periods of time the mucus production, coughing and obstructive lung passages occur even when you're not being exposed to the irritant. This is chronic bronchitis. Emphysema occurs when the tiny air sacs deep in the lungs burst leaving large dead air spaces which are not able to transfer oxygen to the blood. One well-known Canadian printmaker had such severe emphysema from years of etching with nitric acid that she can barely walk up a flight of stairs. Pulmonary fibrosis which means lung scarring is caused by materials like silica, asbestos, talc and beryllium. There are some old names for silicosis. Potter's rot, grinders consumption and stonemasons disease. We have seen silicosis in potters from silica containing clays and glazes, jewelers using the lost wax casting process and foundry workers exposed to silica sands. People doing sandblasting with sand and carving with stones such as granite and sandstone are also at risk for silicosis. Now people do not usually die directly from silicosis, emphysema or chronic bronchitis. What they usually die from is heart failure due to the extra strain on the heart trying to pump enough oxygen to the rest of the body and from lung infections. People with silicosis for example are more susceptible to TB, tuberculosis. Respiratory cancer can be caused by a number of art materials including cadmium fumes, lead and zinc chromate, asbestos and uranium oxide. Now some people have said that uranium glazes are safe because they use depleted uranium. True the U-235 has been removed so you can't make atom bombs out of it but it is still radioactive. Another chemical of concern is nickel. We do not know of all nickel compounds caused nasal and lung cancer but nickel smelter workers have a high rate of nasal and lung cancer. Formaldehyde causes nasal cancer in animals but we do not know definitely if it also causes cancer in humans but because it causes cancer in animals I would consider it likely to do so in humans until proven otherwise. The final respiratory carcinogen I want to discuss is hardwood dust. Although rare half of all known cases of nasal cancer are found in wood workers and cabinet makers exposed to hardwood dust we do not yet know if softwood dust also caused nasal cancer. The latency period the time from first exposure to when cancer appears is 40 to 45 years for hardwood dust and it has been known to result from as little as six months exposure. It has been estimated that the lifetime risk for nasal cancer in woodworkers is about 2%. Of course these statistics are based on exposures from the first half of the century when wood shops and cabinet making shops were full of wood dust. With modern dust collecting systems I would expect this nasal cancer rate to drastically decrease. The heart itself can be damaged by a number of chemicals. Some examples include barium carbonate used in pottery glazes, cobalt compounds used in ceramics and as pigments, carbon monoxide and methylene chloride. Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin which cannot accept oxygen. This deprives the body and particularly the brain and heart of adequate oxygen and can result in heart attacks especially in people who already have heart problems. Methylene chloride is metabolized inside the body to carbon monoxide. In one case history described in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a retired man took up furniture stripping as a hobby. He had a heart attack. After recovering he returned to his hobby and had a second heart attack. The third one was fatal and prompted an investigation of his paint strippers. Researchers exposed some volunteers to varying levels of the methylene chloride, the major ingredient in the paint stripper. The investigators found that the amount of hemoglobin bound up by carbon monoxide increased proportionately to the concentration of methylene chloride in the air. In a footnote to this paper the investigators reported that the same paint stripper was being used in recreational therapy with heart patients in a nearby hospital. Very high levels of exposure to some solvents can cause heart arrhythmias, that is variations in the heart rhythm. Heart arrhythmias can be fatal in some instances. Examples of solvents causing these arrhythmias include freons, methylene chloride, and toluene. This is particularly a problem when working in enclosed spaces or in glue sniffing type situations. Photographic developers can cause methemoglobinemia, which is an acute anemia caused by converting the iron in hemoglobin into a form which cannot accept oxygen. This would be mostly a problem from ingestion of photographic developers or from inhalation during mixing of the developer powders without proper precautions. Other types of anemia can be caused by lead, benzene, and glycol ethers. Benzene, or benzol as it is commonly called, can cause aplastic anemia, destruction of the bone marrow, which results in lack of red and white blood cells and platelets, and leukemia. Benzene, B-E-N-Z-E-N-E, is not to be confused with benzyne, B-E-N-Z-I-N-E, a less toxic solvent. Benzene used to be common in paint strippers until 1978 when it was removed because of the leukemia risk. Glycol ethers like cellosol, methylcellosol, and their acetates can be found in photo etching resists and some latex paints. These chemicals damage the bone marrow causing anemia. The kidneys, like the heart, are susceptible to heat stress. A person with damaged kidneys should not be working in high heat stress areas like foundries, gas kiln rooms, and glass blowing studios. Many chemicals can damage the kidneys too. These chemicals include uranium compounds, lead, mercury, cadmium, toluene, xylene, turpentine, and chlorinated solvents like perchloroethylene and ethylene dichloride. One example is the oil painter Kay Holden who developed severe kidney damage from using turpentine. The damage was so severe he had to have a kidney transplant. Some types of turpentine are more dangerous than others, particularly wood and steam distilled turpentine. Even the type of pine tree that gum turpentine comes from can make a difference in the toxicity of the turpentine. We have also seen many cases of kidney damage from exposure to cadmium fumes produced from soldering with low-melting silver solders used in jewelry. I have already mentioned the problem of bladder cancer in silk kimono painters in Kyoto, Japan. This is due to dyes based on benzidine and its derivatives. Many of these were direct dyes used in cotton and until 1978 were also present in many all-purpose dyes sold for consumers. Hepatitis is not just caused by viruses. It can also be caused by exposure to many chemicals including chlorinated solvents, toluene, xylene, arsenic and of course ethyl alcohol. If the liver is damaged then it is much more susceptible to further damage since the liver is the detoxifying organ of the body. Thus if you do have hepatitis then you should avoid exposure to any chemicals which can further damage the liver. Some chemicals, particularly chlorinated hydrocarbons, can cause liver cancer. In humans only vinyl chloride has been definitely shown to cause liver cancer. In animals most chlorinated hydrocarbons studied have been shown to cause liver cancer including carbon tetrachloride, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, ethylenedichloride and more recently methylene chloride. Because of this I would in general recommend avoiding exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons whenever possible. I think that the effects on the nervous system, neurotoxicity, is the most underrated chemical hazard. In the last several years researchers have begun to find that solvents in general are more dangerous to the nervous system than previously thought. Narcosis or central nervous system depression is probably familiar to most of you. If you've had a drink or two or three or four or five or more you know what I'm talking about. Narcosis is an acute reaction and the symptoms include lightheadedness, dizziness, lack of coordination, slowing of reflexes, headaches, nausea and blackout. Even death can result in extreme cases. However you have to drink ethyl alcohol, one of the least toxic solvents, to develop these symptoms. With most solvents these effects can occur from just inhaling the solvent vapors and the milder intoxication symptoms are quickly bypassed. Many people do not realize the severe intoxicating effects of many of these solvents. I have had many calls from artists who spent an afternoon doing silkscreen printing for example, attempted to drive home and then got into an accident or were arrested for drunk driving. In one instance an artist totaled her car driving out of the parking lot. Another situation I'm very concerned about is the effect of solvents on coordination and reflex time. Consider the following hypothetical situation. A student spends a morning in an oil painting class without adequate ventilation. The next class is woodworking. He or she cuts off a finger at the table saw. Would the cause of the accident be attributed to student carelessness or would the intoxication effects of the earlier solvent exposure be noted as a major contributing factor? For a long time it was thought that most organic solvents did not have any chronic effects. However research over the last decade has shown that long-term exposure to solvents may cause encephalopathy or brain damage. The severity of the brain damage can vary and symptoms include memory loss, personality changes, epileptic seizures, fatigue, weakness and difficulty in thinking. Toluene and xylene are two solvents which have been particularly implicated. For this reason many manufacturers are now placing brain damage warnings on the labels of their products. This type of brain damage might be compared to that found with chronic alcoholism. The brain needs a lot of oxygen to survive. Several chemicals can interfere with the transport or use of oxygen. Carbon monoxide prevents the hemoglobin in the blood from transporting oxygen and high levels can cause brain damage and death. Hydrogen sulfide produced by sulfide toning baths in photography and hydrogen cyanide which can be produced by spilling acid into cyanide containing gold and silver electroplating baths can cause oxygen starvation by interfering with enzymes which utilize oxygen. In one instance a jeweler doing electroplating accidentally spilled some acid into her cyanide plating bath. She was lucky she's still alive but only because she lived next door to a hospital. Even so she spent a week in an oxygen tent. So if you want to work with cyanide solutions here are my recommendations. First locate your studio carefully preferably near a hospital. Second purchase a proper laboratory hood and have it checked by an expert to ensure it is working. Third have an antidote kit available to keep you alive long enough to get to the hospital and finally take the antidote kit with you because most hospitals are not equipped to treat cyanide poisoning. If you get the idea I'm trying to discourage the use of cyanide you're entirely correct. Several heavy metals can affect the nervous system. Most people have heard of the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland but do you know the origin of the stereotype of the mad hatter? Well in the 19th century hatters used mercury compounds in the treatment of hats and many of these hatters had mercury poisoning which affects the nervous system and can cause psychotic like symptoms. Chronic manganese poisoning, manganism is very similar to Parkinson's disease and it can be difficult to distinguish the two. Both arsenic and lead can affect the peripheral nervous system, numbness of the arms, hands, legs and feet and very high concentrations can cause brain damage. Many studies of children have shown that very low levels of lead can interfere with brain development and learning. Finally there are two solvents which can cause peripheral nervous system damage, methyl butyl ketone and hexane. Methyl butyl ketone used to be in lacquer thinners. Hexane however is still found in many art materials including rubber cements and their thinners, spray adhesives and other spray products and contact adhesives. If a product label lists petroleum distillates and is extremely flammable then there's a good chance that it contains hexane. I have seen several cases of peripheral neuropathy caused by hexane in commercial artists. Early symptoms include loss of sensation in the hands and feet, loss of ankle reflexes and difficulty in walking. In severe cases paralysis of the arms and legs can occur. These peripheral nervous symptoms will go away two to three years after exposure ceases. In some cases permanent central nervous system damage can result with symptoms of weakness, fatigue and spasticity. An area of growing concern is the reproductive effects of chemicals and physical agents. Unfortunately there has not been enough research in this area. These types of effects can be divided into effects prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and on the infant after pregnancy. Prior to pregnancy many chemicals can affect both men and women. Effects can include interference with sexual function, lowered fertility, genetic damage to the chromosomes and difficulty in conceiving. Men can develop problems with the testes and women with menstruation. Examples of chemicals that affect men include manganese, cadmium, lead and glycol ethers. In women toluene, xylene and lead are of concern. Mutagens, chemicals that can cause mutations are of concern even at low levels. Examples of probable mutagens include lead, trichloroethylene and benzene. During pregnancy there are two major possible problems, miscarriages and birth defects. Chemicals that can cause birth defects are called teratogens and are particularly hazardous during the first trimester because that is when organ development occurs. Put simply birth defects can occur when cells are damaged that are precursors of organs like the brain, heart and arms. The classic example of a teratogen is the drug thalidomide. Other known or suspect teratogens include carbon monoxide, cadmium, manganese, lead and organic solvents. Teratogens can cause effects at low concentrations. In addition to the problems of teratogens the fetus can be poisoned by toxic chemicals. This poisoning could result in miscarriages and is a risk during the entire pregnancy. In addition to chemicals noise and vibration might affect the outcome of a pregnancy. I often get asked for recommendations about working during pregnancy. The basic problem is we do not have enough definite information about most chemicals so I usually end up giving the same advice doctors give about medications during pregnancy. Avoid them if possible. Not because we know they're dangerous but because we do not know the extent of the danger. In particular we do not know what are safe levels of exposure. If the only risks are accidental ingestion, for example acrylic or watercolor painting, there would not be a serious problem because it is easy to take adequate precautions. The real concern is with toxic airborne chemicals like solvents which would require excellent local exhaust ventilation to work safely during pregnancy. There can also be risks to the newborn infant. Breastfeeding can be hazardous if you are also working with solvents and some metals since they can be found in breast milk. In addition allowing infants or young children in the studio can be hazardous. Home studios are particularly hazardous because it is often difficult to separate working and living areas. In one instance an 18 month old child developed lead poisoning because her parents were doing stained glass in their kitchen. This is the end of part one the hazards of arts and crafts materials in which I discussed the various risk factors which determine the extent of your hazard, how materials get into the body, the types of occupational illnesses which can be caused by exposure to arts and crafts materials. In part two of this lecture I will discuss how you can work safely with arts and crafts materials. Welcome back for the second part of this lecture on art hazards and precautions. My name is Dr. Michael McCann and I'm executive director of the Center for Safety in the Arts. Part one of this lecture which you have just seen described who is at risk and what types of occupational illnesses can be caused by exposure to arts and crafts materials. Part two which you're about to see will describe the precautions you can take in order to work safely with your arts and craft materials. As you can see there are a large number of types of precautions you can take to ensure you are working safely with your art and craft materials. If you're an employer or employee for example in a school, museum or small business then many of these precautions are mandated by federal or state OSHA the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. As I discussed in part one if you do not know what is in the materials you are working with you can be in trouble. The first thing you should do is look at the label. The label on a container should be your first alert about possible problems with the material. Unfortunately at present the Federal Hazardous Substances Act only requires labeling with respect to immediate or acute hazards. For example the term non-toxic found on the label of many children's art materials only applies to acute toxicity and can be very misleading. For example asbestos could be labeled non-toxic under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. As a result several states have passed laws banning toxic art supplies from elementary schools and mandating chronic hazard labeling on all art materials. Hopefully Congress will pass similar laws in the near future. At present probably the only adult art materials with adequate chronic hazards labeling are those with the health label seal of the Arts and Crafts Materials Institute. This label has been approved by a toxicologist. As you can see it lists the hazardous ingredient hexane and the health hazard nerve damage. The California State Department of Health Services publishes a list of non-toxic children's art materials. This list is available from the Center for Safety in the Arts. More detailed information on the hazards of your art materials can be obtained from material safety data sheets. All manufacturers are required by law to have these material safety data sheets or MSDSs. The first page of a typical MSDS has information on emergency numbers, hazardous ingredients, physical data like boiling point and evaporation rate, and fire and explosion data, for example flashpoint and extinguishing media. The second page has information on health hazards, first aid, reactivity, and compatibility with other chemicals, disposal, and precautions. I recommend that you request MSDSs from the distributor or manufacturer on all your art materials. If you have difficulty in interpreting the MSDS or want more information on the hazards of your art materials, contact us at the Center for Safety in the Arts. We distribute a wide variety of publications on art hazards. Our address and telephone number will be given at the end of the lecture. Whenever possible, use the least toxic material or process. The least toxic solvents are freon, ethyl alcohol sold as denatured alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol, and odorless mineral spirits or paint thinner. You can often use these solvents to replace more toxic solvents like lacquer thinners, toluene, xylene, and methyl alcohol. Note that you also have to consider flammability. Other examples of less toxic substitutes are cadmium free silver solders, fluoride free fluxes, asbestos free materials, crushed walnut shells or glass beads instead of sand for abrasive blasting, lead free glazes and enamels, and cyanide free electroplating solutions. Sometimes changing a process reduces exposure. For example, brushing or dipping materials is safer than spraying them since you will not be inhaling the particulates. In addition, wet working methods reduce the risk of inhaling dust. Using moistened clay instead of mixing your own clay, liquid dyes, and wet grinding techniques are all examples of process substitution. Another way to reduce toxicity is to use water-based materials instead of solvent-based ones. For example, silk screen printing with solvent-based inks is one of the more hazardous art processes and requires expensive ventilation systems to work safely. Switching to water-based silk screen printing minimizes the health risks. Similarly, acrylic and watercolor painting are safer than oil painting, which requires mineral spirits or turpentine. This is particularly a consideration in high school painting classes where exposures in a class of 20 students doing oil painting could be very hazardous because of the large amounts of solvents used. A fan exhausting 3,000 cubic feet of air per minute would be required for every cup of turpentine or paint thinner evaporated in a one-hour class period. Instead, use acrylic, watercolor, or similar water-based paints. Of course, with young children using water-based materials is essential because children under 12 should not be exposed to toxic solvents or any other toxic chemicals because of their higher susceptibility. You should avoid cancer-causing materials because there is no known safe level of exposure to cancer-causing chemicals or carcinogens as they are called. Of course, the lower the exposure, the lower the risk. Because precautions that completely eliminate exposure can be very expensive, avoid carcinogens whenever possible. Finally, I want to make a point about using substitutes. I have had many artists tell me they tried substitutes, for example water-based silk screen inks, and said the substitutes do not give them good results. Usually they have tried the water-based inks a few times, basically in the same way that they use the solvent-based inks. Of course, using the same techniques will not give good results. Substitutes often have very different working properties than the original material, particularly if you're switching from solvent-based to water-based materials. For example, no painter would try to use the acrylics or watercolors with the same techniques he or she used for oil painting. It just would not work. Therefore, you have to experiment to find out the proper way of using substitutes. Ventilation is one of the most crucial precautions you can take. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about adequate ventilation. One such misconception is that an open door or window is adequate ventilation. There you have no control over the direction of the flow of air or the amount of air. What if the wind is blowing your art materials into your face? An air conditioner or air conditioning system is also an example of poor ventilation. Air conditioners recirculate most of the air and whatever is in the air. Even on exhaust, room air conditioners recirculate almost all the air. In addition, the filters and air conditioners will not remove fine dust from the air. They are intended to remove large dust particles which might interfere with the efficient operation of the air conditioner. So, what is proper ventilation? Well, there are two types of ventilation which remove toxic airborne contaminants, dilution ventilation and local exhaust ventilation. Dilution ventilation involves bringing in clean air into the room to dilute the contaminants to a safe level and then exhausting the diluted air to the outside. It does not eliminate exposure to the vapor or gas but only reduces the exposure. Local exhaust ventilation, on the other hand, captures the contaminants at their source and exhausts them through ducts so that the contaminants do not get into the air you are breathing. Dilution ventilation should not be used with highly toxic gases or vapors or for large amounts of any gases or vapors. This is because the amount of clean air, called makeup air, you have to bring in to safely dilute highly toxic solvent vapors, for example, would be enormous. Besides the difficulty of working with highly powerful fans, the energy cost would be high because you would have to heat or cool all that makeup air in winter or summer. With large amounts of solvents, you would also have to bring in large amounts of makeup air to safely dilute the solvent vapors. Dilution ventilation should also not be used with dust or fumes because it is difficult to calculate how much makeup air you need and the air motion could stir up a lot of dust into the air you breathe. Finally, as mentioned previously, you should not recirculate the air from studios where you're producing toxic airborne materials. A local exhaust ventilation system consists of an exhaust hood, ducting, a fan, and sometimes air cleaners. There are many types of exhaust hoods for different purposes. This is a movable exhaust, which is commonly used for large-scale welding. It only uses a small amount of air, but you have to locate the hood opening no more than six inches away from the welding point. Movable exhausts are also used in painting conservation when you are working with solvents on large paintings at close range. A slot exhaust hood is a very practical type of hood for use in the arts because a great deal of workspace is available. The hood with a horizontal slot is located at the rear of the work area so that vapors and gases are pulled away from your face. This slot hood can also be used for bench welding, jewelry, and similarly contained operations. You can have several stacked slots if your working height is more than several inches. Note that slot exhaust hoods can only pull gases and vapors over a maximum work table depth of about three feet. If you are pouring powders into a circular container, such as mixing clay in a circular clay mixer, then you should use a semi-circular slot exhaust hood as illustrated. A completely enclosed hood, for example a laboratory hood, is the most effective type of local exhaust ventilation since all the materials are used inside the hood. A spray booth is similarly enclosed. You can have a walk-in type for large-scale processes as shown here, or you can get smaller tabletop models. I recommend walk-in spray booths for large-scale spray painting and highly hazardous operations like polyester resin work. However, there can be problems in getting spray booths approved by fire departments or other local authorities because of the high fire hazards associated with many commercial spray booth operations. Woodworking machines that produce a lot of wood dust should have dust collecting hoods attached to exhaust the wood dust. Since many of these machines have built in hoods, simply attach a duct directly to the provided outlet. It is important to ensure that the connection is a tight seal. Many woodworkers attach a shop vacuum cleaner to the machine they're using at the moment as a dust collecting method. Note that if you are working with plywood or particle board, then you should not recirculate the exhaust air because of formaldehyde emissions which are not trapped by the dust collector. A final type of exhaust hood is a canopy hood. These are used to capture hot rising gases. Examples are canopy hoods over electric kilns, gas-fired kilns, and glass blowing furnaces. However, you should never place your head under a canopy hood because you will pull the contaminants past your face. Round ducting with as few elbows as possible should be used in local exhaust systems. The elbow should have gradual, not sharp bends. Too many bends increases the frictional resistance which decreases airflow in the ducts. This result is comparable to a garden hose with a lot of crimps in it. The proper type of fan is important. For dilution ventilation, use propeller type fans. For most ducted systems, propeller fans are not effective because they cannot pull air through the duct against the duct resistance. Instead, you have to use a centrifugal fan. Local exhaust systems must be spark or explosion proof whenever flammable gases or vapors are exhausted. This can include explosion proof fan motors if the motor is in the path of the flammable vapors, spark proof fan parts, and explosion proof electrical equipment. You need to consult a knowledgeable industrial ventilation engineer for detailed assistance. Dust collectors are usually present in local exhaust systems exhausting dust. Cyclones or fabric collectors are the two main types of dust collectors. A cyclone dust collector is shown here. Electrostatic precipitators are often used in welding situations but should not be used where large amounts of dust are being captured because of the frequent cleaning which would be required. Many people ask about charcoal filters to absorb solvent vapors so they can recirculate the air to save energy. I definitely recommend against this. Charcoal filters become saturated quickly and without continuous exhaust air monitoring you cannot tell when you have to replace the charcoal filter. Now, here are some simple rules for good ventilation. First, use local exhaust ventilation whenever possible. It's more effective than dilution ventilation. Second, provide adequate makeup air to replace the air exhausted. You need to bring in one cubic foot of makeup air for every cubic foot of air you exhaust. Otherwise, the air pressure inside the room decreases because you are exhausting more air than you are replacing which in turn affects your fan performance. You can increase the amount of makeup air by opening a door or window or by putting a grill into the door. Often, especially in schools, mechanical air supply systems are used. Good ventilation is a directed flow of air. You want clean air to come in, go past your face, mix with the contaminated air and then be exhausted. The contaminated air should be pulled away from your face, not past your face as is happening in the left illustration. The fan is behind her so the contaminated air is being pulled past her face. The right illustration indicates the proper type of dilution ventilation where the contaminated air is being pulled away from her face. Note that placing your work table against a window and placing a window exhaust fan at work level can give you very good inexpensive ventilation if your work is confined to the area immediately in front of the fan. Canopy hoods are often misused as shown here. The man shown has his head under the canopy hood so that the contaminants in the trays are being pulled past his face. A slot hood would be better because it pulls the contaminated air away from his face. Another problem with this canopy hood is that most of the air entering the hood is doing so from near the canopy opening. Only a small amount of contaminated air from the trays is being pulled into that canopy. This canopy hood could be improved enormously by enclosing the sides of the canopy with sheet metal. Then you have only the front open. Next, enclose the front with plexiglass or something transparent leaving about 18 inches open at the bottom. The enclosure allows all the air entering the hood to pass over the trays and also prevents the user from putting his head under the hood. This can simply and inexpensively convert a bad ventilation system into a good ventilation system. As I have mentioned, the contaminated air should always be completely exhausted to the outside and of course make sure that the contaminated air you have just exhausted does not get back into the studio or does not go into someone else's window. That can create unfriendly neighbors. One such example is shown here. The blue building is a kiln building. The slide was taken from the adjoining building which is separated by a narrow alley. Note the vent in the kiln building and the air intake for the neighboring building immediately below. As you might guess, there are frequent complaints from the neighbors about the contaminants from the kiln building entering their building. As another common example of poor exhaust fan location, I have often seen exhaust fans on the roof located within several feet of the building air intakes. Finally, make sure that your ventilation system is adequately maintained. Hoods, ducting, fans, and air cleaners should all be regularly inspected. Further details on ventilation can be found in the Center for Safety in the Arts book Ventilation. How you store and work with art materials is the topic of the next section of this lecture. One basic rule about storage of flammable and toxic materials is to buy them in small quantities so you do not have large amounts being stored at any one time. Glass containers are usually not recommended because of easy breakage. This can especially be a problem if acids, for example, are stored in glass containers on high shelves where, if the containers fall and break on a tabletop, a person could get splashed in the face and chest area. Preferably, store materials on low shelves. If you have to use shelving, have doors or some other methods of preventing the containers from falling. Clay and glaze chemicals purchased in 100 pound bags are especially a difficult storage problem. Store these bags and pallets away from high traffic areas. Ripped bags should be used immediately or placed in plastic garbage bags to prevent dust from being tracked around. Many dye and glaze chemicals are sold in paper bags which are easily ripped. These dry powders should be stored in plastic containers, coffee cans, or similar vessels. You do not have to transfer the powder but can place the entire bag in the container. When doing so, make sure you always transfer labels including warnings. A major problem with storage of art materials is the incompatibility of certain chemicals. For example, ammonia and acids should not be stored together nor should concentrated nitric acid and any organic materials. This is because of the risk of chemical reactions and possible fire if the different chemicals should mix in an accident. One example of a situation of this sort which could have been a disaster was in a California art school. One studio had an uncovered acid pickling bath on a bench. On a shelf right above this acid bath was a bottle of sodium cyanide. This is what I call a disaster waiting to happen. If the bottle fell and broke, spilling cyanide salts into the acid, the hydrogen cyanide gas produced could have killed everyone in the room. In addition, since the school had a recirculating air conditioning system, it would have distributed the hydrogen cyanide all over the school. Preventing this type of potential disaster is another reason why you have to find out about the composition of your art materials. The problem is, how do you find out about chemical incompatibilities? Material safety data sheets will give you this type of information on a product in the section on reactivity data. In most of the art studios and schools I visited, the biggest immediate life-threatening hazard I have observed is the storage and handling of flammable solvents. Several times I have seen people using torches or smoking cigarettes close to where someone else was working with flammable solvents. All smoking, open flames, and other sources of ignition should be banned in a room where flammable solvents are being used. If you cannot physically separate ignition sources and flammable materials, at least separate them in time so that two such incompatible activities are not going on at the same time. Warning signs like these can also be useful. Large quantities of flammable and combustible liquids, more than a few gallons, should be stored in approved flammable storage cabinets. The purpose of a flammable storage cabinet is to give you time to escape in case of fire. If you had several gallons of flammable solvents in the open and a fire started, the solvents could quickly explode from the heat of the fire. Approved flammable storage cabinets are designed to prevent their contents from catching fire or exploding for at least 10 minutes to give you a chance to escape. They are designed to protect lives, not property. This also means that you should not store other flammables right next to the flammable storage cabinet. Safety cans should be used to store more than a pint of flammable liquids. Safety cans have pressure release lids so that vapor pressure does not build up inside the can. Safety cans also have self-closing lids and flame arresters so a fire outside the safety can cannot flash back into the can. For oil or solvent soaked rags, an oily waste can is best. These waste cans will reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion that can occur with oily rags and the risk of fire from evaporating solvents. These containers should be emptied daily. Waste solvents should be stored in solvent waste cans. In essence, solvent waste cans are safety cans with wide mouths, making it easier to pour waste solvents into the can. In addition to the mentioned precautions against fire, it is crucial to have the correct type of fire extinguisher for the type of fire you are most likely to encounter. There are many different types of fire extinguishers for particular purposes. There are four basic types of fires, classes A, B, C, and D. A class A fire involves wood, paper, and ordinary combustibles. A class A fire extinguisher contains water or foam. A class B fire involves flammable liquids. Water could spread this type of fire since many flammable liquids will float on top of the water. You need a class B fire extinguisher which contains carbon dioxide or dry chemicals. A class C fire is an electrical fire. Water should not be used to extinguish an electrical fire unless the power has been shut off. A class C fire extinguisher can also contain carbon dioxide or dry chemicals. Thus, carbon dioxide and dry chemical fire extinguishers are considered class B, C fire extinguishers. A class D fire involves combustible metals like magnesium and needs a class D fire extinguisher which contains a special dry powder. Most artists do not work with combustible metals and should not need a class D fire extinguisher. Each class of fire extinguisher has its own symbol as shown here. In most studios where there is a possibility of class A, B, or C fires, you need a class A, B, C multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher. You could also have both a class A fire extinguisher and a class B, C carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. If you do not have ordinary combustibles around, then the class B, C carbon dioxide fire extinguisher would be adequate. Now that you have the right type of fire extinguisher, where should it be located? Fire extinguishers should be placed near exits or near high fire risk areas, but not on top of them. You need to be able to get to the fire extinguisher. Also, fire extinguishers should not be hidden behind things or used as coat racks. Do you know how to use your fire extinguisher? Different types of fire extinguishers are used in different ways and from different distances. Trying to read the instructions on a fire extinguisher while the fire is merely burning behind you is not recommended. It is easy to get fire training in the use of these fire extinguishers. Fire departments are happy to give this type of training to groups of people such as your school or local artist organizations. Now, what are proper fire emergency procedures? The first thing you always do in a fire is to call the fire department or follow your employer's written emergency procedures if different. Use the fire extinguisher first only if you have to clear an escape route. Too often someone tries to put out the fire without notifying anyone and then when they fail minutes have been lost, meaning a bigger fire with more risk to people and property. Once you have notified the proper authorities then you can try to use the fire extinguisher if you know how, if you have had training in the use of a fire extinguisher and if your emergency procedures allow. Usually all you are trying to do is to limit the spread of the fire until professional help arrives. Of course if you are a teacher then your primary responsibility is to evacuate your students. As you can see there is a lot more to fire extinguishers than simply picking one up in a fire, pointing it and pulling the trigger. The everyday procedures you use to handle chemicals can have a big effect on how much exposure you receive. With solvents the most important thing is to minimize evaporation by keeping all containers covered and placing solvent soaked rags in proper covered waste containers not in open barrels. Powders should be handled in such a way as to minimize dusting into the air. Instead of frequently mixing up small batches of powders it is better to make concentrated solutions or paste once in a while. With small amounts of powders a simple way to work is to use a glove box. Take a cardboard box, shack it on the inside to make it easy to clean, put a glass or plexiglass top on it and put two holes in the sides for your arms. Then wearing gloves mix the powder into a paste or concentrated solution inside the box. This is inexpensive, safe and contains the powder so you need not wear a dust mask or have a messy cleanup job. When transferring powders do so carefully do not dump them as shown here. This person was mixing up toxic white lead for a pottery glaze. To get out the last bit of lead white she shook the container which caused white lead to become airborne and settle all over her hair, clothes and studio. Note also that her dust mask is only good for non-toxic dusts. Always pour liquids carefully so you do not splash the liquid. Also wear proper protective clothing to reduce risks. I will discuss personal protective equipment at a later point. Here are some simple practices to help protect you. In order to prevent accidental ingestion of your art materials do not eat, drink, smoke or apply makeup in the studio. In one stained glass studio lead was found in the coffee cups at the sink. Keep separate work clothes and change into clean clothes before going home or into living areas. This is especially important in dusty areas in order to prevent transporting toxic dust home on clothes. Wash these work clothes separately from other laundry. In cases of splashes in the eyes rinse with water for at least 15 to 20 minutes and immediately contact a physician. You should have an eyewash fountain whenever you are working with corrosive or irritating chemicals. The eyewash fountain should be elbow or foot operated since you might need both hands to keep both whole eyes open. The portable eyewash shown here is not recommended because it does not hold enough water to adequately rinse your eyes. You can only rinse one eye at a time and the portable eyewash can become contaminated with microorganisms. The wearing of contact lenses can be a problem in industrial and art situations because of possible dust getting under the lens which might cause corneal scratching and also the concern that soft lenses might absorb some gases and vapors. Another problem is getting the lenses out quickly in an accident when seconds are important. In one instance a student wearing contact lenses splashed acid in both eyes. She managed to get one lens out but had difficulty removing the other lens so she rinsed her eyes with the remaining lens still on the eye. Although the eye without the lens was washed adequately she developed a circular scar in the other eye where the contact lens remained. If you have to wear contact lenses for adequate visual correction you should be wearing a sealed goggle. If you switch to regular eyeglasses plus goggles in the studio it is important to remember that you have to allow about 15 minutes for your depth perception to adjust. If you splash liquids on your skin rinse the skin with lots of water. If you're using storing or mixing concentrated acids or alkalis or other crows of materials then you should have an emergency shower. If you splash the acid on your clothes you should get under the shower pull the handle and then remove the contaminated clothes after the water has begun to flow. Seconds can be crucial to prevent serious burns. In order to prevent electrocution however make sure that your emergency shower is not located within splash range of electrical switches outlets or electrical equipment. Here you can see an electrical switch near the handle of the shower which is easily within splash range. Do not use solvents like turpentine or paint thinner to clean your hands. This can cause dermatitis. Instead use soap and water. To remove paint use baby oil then soap and water. If you use a waterless hand cleanser purchase it from a safety supply company. Inexpensive waterless hand cleansers often contain solvents, harsh abrasives or alkalis which themselves can cause dermatitis. Housekeeping may be a word we all hate but becomes crucial when working with our materials especially powders. Dust can easily become airborne where they can be inhaled or settle all over your work area. In one situation the floor dust in the stained glass studio was found to contain 1.1% lead. Do not dry sweep it stirs up the dust. There are even problems with sweeping compounds. You need to use a lot of these sweeping compounds to be effective. In addition it is difficult to get under shells with sweeping compounds and they can leave a greasy residue on the floor. Preferably wet mop or vacuum. Wet mopping is the simplest. Wet mop both floors and work surfaces. If you have a cement floor you should seal it so that it does not trap dust. In ceramic studios if you have a floor drain with a clay trap then you can hose down the floor. If you are using clay, lead or other highly toxic powders you cannot use a normal industrial vacuum cleaner because the very fine respirable dust will go right through the vacuum cleaner and back into the air. You need to use a special vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency HEPA HEPA filter. Cleaning up spills can be more of a problem than most people realize. You should plan in advance what to do in case of spills. Schools should have written emergency plans. The first step is to identify what was spilled. If it is a toxic chemical or flammable liquid then special precautions are needed including proper personal protective equipment and clothing. Spills of flammable liquids are the biggest hazard. Here you have both a health hazard and a fire or explosion hazard from vaporization of a liquid. For large-scale spills of flammable liquids more than a quart the following are my recommendations. Immediately shut off any open flames or pilot lights in the room where the spill occurred. Call the fire department to report the spill. If the spill is in an institution with written emergency procedures calling for reporting emergencies to a particular person follow that procedure. All power in that room should be shut off from a remote circuit breaker or power control. Do not shut off equipment from inside the room because the act of shutting off equipment can generate a spark which could cause a fire. If the room has an explosion proof exhaust hood then it should be left on to remove the vapors. This means that the exhaust system should have a separate power supply or circuit breaker so that other power in the room can be shut off. Also open any windows to aid in dissipation of flammable vapors. Evacuate the building as a precaution because of the fire risk. If an individual trained in handling spills is available then that person should determine the extent of evacuation. Do not try to clean up the spill yourself without adequate training. For a spill size of a quarter more the person doing the cleanup should be wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus scuba because the vapor concentrations could easily exceed the capacity of air purifying respirators. In addition gloves and protective clothing are needed. If no one is trained in spill cleanup then wait for the fire department for assistance. In some cases the fire department might not have the needed expertise so that outside help might be needed. For small scale spills you would not usually call the fire department or evacuate the building. In cleaning up the spill wear the proper air purifying respirator and protective clothing. Spill control kits are available for small scale spills. Clay dust, vermiculite or charcoal can also be used if nothing else is available. Use spark proof tools to clean up the contaminated material and place it in a plastic bag for proper disposal. Disposal of toxic chemicals whether it is from a spill or just leftover materials can be a major problem. The Environmental Protection Agency has many regulations regarding waste disposal and many local government agencies have their own restrictions. If you are disposing of large amounts of toxic chemicals or highly toxic chemicals then you should use a reputable waste disposal firm. Smaller amounts can often be handled in-house. One major rule is not to pour solvents or other toxic chemicals down the sink. By doing this you can poison septic tank systems, corrode pipes and create many other problems. One way to dispose of less than a pint of solvent is to let it evaporate inside a hood or outside in an area where no else will be exposed. You can also use this method to dispose of solvents you have cleaned up with spill control materials. If local regulations permit non hazardous aqueous liquids can be poured down the sink one at a time with lots of water to dilute them. Acids or alkali should be neutralized first. For example use sodium bicarbonate baking soda to neutralize acids using pH paper to tell you when it is neutralized. Sources of help concerning disposal can include your county health department, local chemical companies and state environmental conservation departments. A wide variety of personal protective equipment is available. It is essential to make sure that you have the right type of personal protective equipment to protect against a particular hazard, that it fits and that it is properly maintained. Gloves are one of the most essential types of personal protective equipment. There are many different types of gloves for different purposes. To protect against heat, leather gloves are often sufficient. Asbestos gloves should not be used and are being banned because they release asbestos fibers. Cloth gloves can protect against cold and infrared and ultraviolet radiation. There are also a wide variety of rubber and plastic gloves for protection against contact with liquids such as acids and solvents. But be sure that you have the right type of glove for the particular solvent you are using. It is very disconcerting to have your gloves on and dip your hands in the solvent only to find the gloves dissolving. Manufacturers of gloves have glove charts which list what type of glove can be used with what solvent or other liquid. Another important type of personal protective equipment is face and eye protection. Note that face protection is different from eye protection. A face shield protects the face but most face shields do not provide adequate protection to the eyes which are much more sensitive to small exposures. If you need a face shield I would recommend wearing goggles underneath. There are three types of hazards requiring face and eye protection. Chemical splash, impact and radiation. You would only need face shields to protect against corrosives like hot concentrated acids, impact from chunks of wood from lays or intense ultraviolet or infrared radiation. For example arc welding or foundry pores. There are a wide variety of types of goggles depending on the type of exposure and the intensity of exposure. As shown in this illustration you can get goggles for example that are tested for chemical splash and light impact. Most artists are aware of the need for welding goggles to protect against ultraviolet radiation as shown here. Note however that he should not have bare arms or loose hair. Most glassblowers know that infrared goggles are needed to protect against the infrared radiation produced in glassblowing. However infrared goggles are also needed for looking in enamelling and pottery kilns since we have seen cases of cataracts caused by infrared radiation in potters and anomalous. Warning signs can also be useful to remind you and alert others of potential hazards. Noise is another hazard that might require suitable hearing protectors. If you have to raise your voice to speak to someone one to two feet away then you have a potential noise hazard especially if the noise is steady. If you cannot eliminate the noise by proper maintenance, quieter equipment or isolation then evaluation should be made to determine if earplugs or earmuffs might be needed. There is a wide variety of other types of protective clothing available for various purposes. In this example the person is wearing a laboratory coat, elbow-length gloves, respirator and goggles. Finally I will discuss respirators. Respirators are probably the most misused type of personal protective equipment. Respirators should be a last resort when all other types of precautions are not adequate. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA respirators can only be used in emergencies while engineering controls are being installed or if engineering controls are not feasible. In addition OSHA requires all employers requiring respirator use to have a written respirator program. There are two basic types of respirators, air purifying and supplied air. Air purifying respirators work by removing the contaminants from the air you are breathing while air supplied respirators provide you with a source of clean air to breathe. I am only going to discuss air purifying respirators in detail because those are the type you are most likely to use. Air supplied respirators are needed in situations that are immediately dangerous to life or health or where concentrations of chemicals in air are too high for air purifying respirators to be effective. Basically artists should not be working under such hazardous conditions that wearing an air supplied respirator is necessary. All respirators should be approved by NIOSH the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. In one survey conducted by the Centre for Safety in the Arts over half the respirators artists were using were not approved. The common non-toxic dust masks sold in many hardware stores do not provide adequate protection against toxic materials. In one case a man who was spray painting the bottom of a boat with paint containing xylene dropped dead. An autopsy showed that he had very high levels of xylene in his blood comparable to that found in glue sniffing situations. He was wearing an ordinary non-toxic dust mask that was not approved by NIOSH. He also had a beard. The xylene went right through both the dust mask and his beard. He could be alive today if he had shaved and had been wearing a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor cartridge and a spray pre-filter. There are a wide variety of filters and cartridges for air purifying respirators. These include filters for dust and mists such as toxic powders and spraying with water-based materials and for dust mists and fumes for example metal fumes. Cartridges contain absorbance such as activated charcoal to remove various gases and vapors. There are cartridges for organic vapors like solvents, acid gases including chlorine, hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide and for ammonia. There can also be combination cartridges for example acid gas organic vapor. The more particles trapped on a filter the more effective it is at filtering. When dust respirators become difficult to breathe through change the filter. Cartridges should be changed after two weeks, after eight hours of cumulative use or if odor breakthrough is detected. For this reason you should not use air purifying respirators with chemicals like methyl alcohol, nitrogen dioxide, isocyanates and carbon monoxide which either have no odor or the odor threshold is above the toxic level. If a material is an eye irritant then you should use a full face air purifying respirator. It is crucial to make sure that your respirator fits properly. If there is not a proper skin to face piece seal then contaminants will take the path of least resistance and not go through the cartridge or filter. People with beards, facial scarring, broken noses or jaws or similar problems cannot get a proper seal and cannot get adequate protection with air purifying respirators. In addition women often have difficulty in getting a respirator to fit because they tend to have smaller faces than men for whom respirators were designed. In recent years however many companies are making respirators in small and medium sizes. You should do fit testing to make sure that your respirator fits. The simplest fit test is a negative pressure test. This should be done every time you put on the respirator. Block the air intake with your hands as shown and inhale until the face piece collapses slightly. Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds. If the face piece goes back to normal this indicates you have a leak. Try adjusting the straps or try another model until you get a respirator which fits you properly. A positive fit test involves blocking the exhalation valve, exhaling until the mask expands and seeing of the air escapes. More sophisticated fit tests involve testing to see if you can detect the odor of irritant smoke or banana oil isoamyl acetate while wearing the respirator. Respirators should be cleaned and inspected regularly. Use ordinary soap and water, a scrub brush and then air dry. Each person should have his or her own respirator because of both fit problems and the risk of transferring skin infections. Respirators should be stored away from heat and light for example in ziplock plastic bags and not left in the open as shown here. As you can see there are a lot of problems with respirators. They are not the inexpensive solution most people think they are once you consider the cost of buying a new set of cartridges at least 26 times a year and all the time involved in proper maintenance. In addition people with heart or lung problems usually cannot wear respirators because of the extra strain on the heart due to the high breathing resistance of the cartridge or filter. Some other medical conditions including claustrophobia and asthma might also prevent someone from wearing a respirator. What do you do if you get ill despite your precautions or because you have not been taking them? If you have symptoms you think might be caused by your art materials you should tell your doctor what you are working with and what you know about their health effects. If you have literature on the materials take it to your doctor. Keeping a record of what you are using can help isolate the cause if you become ill. A major problem is that most physicians have no training or experience in diagnosing the toxic effects of chemicals. If your physician does not believe that art materials could be hazardous then you should consider finding another physician or go to a doctor specializing in occupational medicine. I know of several cases where lead poisoning or other types of chemical poisoning have been diagnosed as psychosomatic. We refer many artists to occupational health clinics that are found in many large cities and to specialists in occupational medicine. I often get asked if there are tests to see how much of a chemical is in the body. Basically there are very few tests for chemicals which are useful in diagnosing a chemical related illness. One of the few such tests is a blood lead test which I recommend annually for anyone working with lead. If the blood lead is above 40 micrograms per 100 grams of blood that is an indication of lead poisoning. For children or pregnant women blood lead levels should not be above 25. If your blood lead is above 20 micrograms per 100 grams of blood then it means you should look at your work habits to see why your body is beginning to accumulate lead. Most other chemicals, for example solvents, do not accumulate in the body so analyzing the blood or urine for those chemicals is not useful. Even alcohol breath analyzer tests have to be done within hours to show meaningful results. Instead most medical tests for the toxic effects of chemicals rely on testing for organ damage. For example if you are a potter or are exposed to lung irritants such as nitrogen dioxide or zinc chloride fluxes then you should have regular lung function tests and sometimes chest x-rays. These can detect asthma, chronic bronchitis, silicosis and other lung problems. Other tests include liver function tests for chemical hepatitis, urine tests for kidney damage, neurological tests for nerve damage from solvents and metals and audiograms for noise induced hearing loss. In many instances you should have a baseline test now so that future test results can be compared to this baseline test. This concludes part two of my lecture in which I discuss the various types of precautions you can use to protect yourself against exposure to hazardous arts and crafts materials. This included knowing your materials, substitution, ventilation, storage and handling, personal protective equipment and medical tests. For further information please contact the Center for Safety in the Arts at the indicated address and telephone number. Remember taking simple precautions can protect your health or even your life.