Recently we had an offer entitled AD 2000. So many ordered this offer that we have decided to expand it and include many, many more signs into the tape so that it could actually be used as a study tape on the subject AD 2000. Jack, I think it's quite ingenious the way the Lord led you to do this to actually put many programs together. Right, we tried to do each tape a little different from the last one. And we were going to do about an hour, hour and fifteen minute tape on this subject and then when I saw some of the programs we had already done for nationwide television I just felt the excitement and exhilaration in those programs and said we have to sort of bridge those together and give it to the public as it was presented. So that's what we're going to do. You know Jack, we always pray that the Holy Spirit will give us the power that we need when we go on television and I felt that same exuberance and excitement that you're talking about. I have a question though, before we get into that first tape that I'd like to ask, I'm sure many of our friends would like to ask you, why do you think that we are right now near the end of time? I get so tired of these Christians who say oh nobody can know everything continues as it was. I mean what are they studying? There's so much happening it's unbelievable. You know when we are told in Hebrews 10 25 that we as Christians are to exhort one another, stir up one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching then it's just logical that we will know when it's approaching. But how? Through signs. And I'm going to just begin this program and tape by showing you some terminology about the end or end times. Now no getting around what end or end times means. First of all in Ezekiel chapter 38 we find that an enemy under the names Gog, Magog, Meshach, Tubal and Rosh and Rosh is the head of it all or in the Greek Rusea or in English Russia invades Israel but when? In the latter years and the latter days chapter 38 verses 8 and 16. In Daniel chapter 11 verse 40 there is a southern leader undoubtedly Egypt or Syria that joins with Russia in the invasion of Israel and it says at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him. In Daniel chapter 10 verse 14 Michael the archangel appears to the prophet who has been in prayer and his prayers have been hindered and when he makes contact with Daniel says I am come to show you what shall befall thy people the Jews when? In the latter years. Then describes what will take place in the latter years in chapter 12 to those Jews, Daniel's people. So at that time there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation and at that time thy people the Jews shall be delivered but when is that time? In chapter 12 verse 4 the time of the end. The disciples came to Jesus in Matthew 24 verse 3 and said tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age? End of the age of grace just before the thousand year period of millennium begins. Actually what shall be the time when we come to the end of this age which many are predicting to be around 2000. Same chapter verse 24 Jesus said the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for it will win this unto all nations and then shall the end come. The end of the age of grace as we go into the millennium. In first Timothy 4.1 the Holy Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, latter times some shall depart from the faith. In Timothy 3.1 this know also the last days perilous time shall come. So there's no doubt about it but in 2 Peter 3.3 one of the signs will be these Christians who say it will never happen in my lifetime. Grandma talked about it and nothing's changed. So the apostle Peter under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says knowing this verse that there shall come in the last days scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming for since our fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were. But the day of the Lord will come when you get down to verse 10. Jack let's get into the first program right now of this great tape entitled AD 2000. Jack we're hearing so much about the year 2000 and you know we're not far away from it right now. Just a few more years and we want to talk a lot about that tonight. As I put all these facts together I was overwhelmed at what is being said about the year 2000 and you know we are 2400 miles from Los Angeles Detroit to Los Angeles. When one gets to St. Louis he's 25 percent of the way. When he gets to Amarillo he's 50 percent of the way and somewhere between Albuquerque and Flagstaff Arizona he's 75 percent of the way and then he finally gets there. That's what we're going to do with signs tonight to show you that this is the countdown to the coming of Christ folks. We don't know the day and the hour of Matthew 2436 but Jesus said you'll know when it's near how near Jesus even at the door Matthew 2433 and I believe it's right at that moment. Not just here in the United States all around the world they're talking about the year 2000. There's an Italian magazine called Ulysses 2000. The front cover of Life magazine recently presented the question what about the future in you 2000 and beyond. The World Future Society makes the projection of a picture of the world of 2000 and beyond its major enterprise. Major corporations are beginning to adopt a 2000 logo for advertising purposes. The New Age movement sets its sights and goals for 2000. New Agers say a paradigm shift must be effected by the year 2000 then the world will enter into the New Age. Globalism will flourish, national boundaries will blur and mankind will realize their own divine godhood. New Agers continue by the year 2000 all humanity will enter into harmonic convergence and communication with the masters or spirits. John Randolph Price of the Quantus Foundation and the Planetary Commission states the New Age Earth celebration will be fulfilled by the year 2000. There we have it again the Illuminati created in 1776 plan goals for a one world federation of nations. The New World Order now listen to this. This started in 1776 by the year 2000. Global scholars are completely enthralled with that date the year 2000. Jack why? And as you said at the beginning of the program Rexella the Hindus, the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians, the New Agers were all saying it and this is so exciting and I like to really get hept up but I have to go slowly because it's deep. We must begin laying the foundation with the six day theory the six thousand years before we can get to the two thousand years and I was overwhelmed as I saw this in the past week how the Jews say there will be six thousand years of history and you can find that in the Talmud you can find it in the book of Enoch which is a Jewish writing which comes out at the end of six thousand years and bases it on Psalm 90 verse 4 for a thousand years in thy sight Jehovah is as yesterday. Thousand years is as one day. The Jews believe the world was created in six days six thousand years and God rested on the seventh day the final one thousand years so the world will go on for six thousand years which culminates in the year two thousand because there are four thousand years from Adam until Christ four days and there are two thousand years from Christ until we believe the end of the age of grace so four thousand and two thousand six thousand or four days and two days for six days all right. This is exciting because when we come to the Christians we find that they say the same as the Jews as they talk about six days we can talk about the epistle of Barnabas not the gospel of Barnabas be careful that is spurious false and attacks Christianity but the epistle of Barnabas was written by the man who traveled with the apostle Paul and the great missionary journeys recorded in Acts chapters 13 through 15 and he was a close friend of the apostle Peter who said he agreed with Peter's equation of the six days and that of course is found in second Peter chapter three beginning with verse three knowing this verse that there shall come in the last day scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming all things continuous they were he's not going to come so Peter says in verse nine oh he is coming but he loves you the Lord is not slack concerning his promise to come again but he's long suffering patient not willing that any should perish so he waits to give you another day but verse 10 says the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and when back to verse eight a thousand years is as a day a day is as a thousand years the same as the Jewish equation from Psalm 90 verse 4 the Lord as I said created the world in six days Genesis 131 and he rested on the seventh day Genesis 2 1 so the world will go on for six thousand years and that's the four thousand years of the Old Testament Adam to Christ and then two days of the New Testament Christ to the end and that comes out folks the year 2000 for the six days and this is interesting not only did Barnabas say it but st. Bartholomew's epistles states it Aranius the great church father in his writings in 140 AD said it so they weren't looking for the immediate coming of Christ in their time they lived in the fourth day four thousand years had passed but they said two more thousand years six days and that'll be it and Jesus is giving us a glimpse of what that's going to be like in Matthew 17 it says after six days Rexella I mean it's so meticulous scripture after six days six thousand years and he shows us what it'll be like he taketh Peter James and John with him into a mount apart and was transfigured before them he's showing them what it will be like when he returns and but it's after six days now the two days Hosea 6 2 this states that after two days he will revive us and in the third day he will raise us up the rapture the resurrection that we may live in his sight so the two days of course are this particular time six thousand years is finished the two thousand years of the new era is finished and everyone's talking two thousand I saw it again in John chapter one the last verse closes with the return of Christ and then chapter two verse one the next verse says there was a wedding the third day after we've been raised after the two thousand years the weddings described in John 3 verse 29 it's Christ and his bride the church believers from all denominations and that's when he comes all right check now let me just get it straight in my mind this is when he raises us from the dead that we have this wedding that's right first Thessalonians 416 the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with the dead in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air so shall we ever be with the Lord and we're going home all Christians from all denominations for the wedding for the bride let us be glad and rejoice and give honor unto him for the marriage of the lamb is coming his wife has made herself ready Revelation 19 7 and then Christ returns with his bride for the one thousand year honeymoon it's all happening it's all coming to pass Jack for all of our Jewish friends we've got a great number of Jewish friends as well as Muslims and Hindus who watch this program for our Jewish friends right now I want to just say that the year 2000 seems to be very important to you also there's a great exodus of Soviet Jews that is been intensifying and Jews have been going home from around the world and Jack is that significant in the light of 2000 120 nations have yielded up their Jews and they're there in Israel speaking 83 languages but the last whole lot as we've said so often on the program is from the Soviet Union they have direct flights now from Moscow to Tel Aviv and that is Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 18 I will bring them from the north Russia's north of Israel to the land I have given them as inheritance he only gave it to him in 1948 and so it could never have happened till this time and now the New York Times says this is the last whole lot of Jews coming from Russia to their own land and when does that happen verse 17 at that time when the Russian Jews go home oh oh Rexella Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord Messiah comes and sits on David's throne Luke 1 32 when does he come after six days six thousand years or in the New Testament after two days the year 2000 check the Jews are really really looking for him I have here from Jerusalem a Brooklyn based rabbinical leader hailed as a miracle worker Rabbi Sniersen who is 87 said you should now oh listen to this this really blessed my heart friends that you should not fear mounting conflict in the Gulf which secular analysis and analysts have said it could spill over into Israel he said don't be afraid there's nothing to fear or worry about in the events now taking place they should not affect the spiritual or bodily peace of any Jew because these events are preparation to bring the Messiah very very soon the Jews are looking for their Messiah the Hasidic Jews the strictest Orthodox group of Jews on earth believes what the Bible teaches about the coming of Messiah and they have what is called the yellow cut shimony I've mentioned it before but we have so many new viewers which is a 13th century interpretation of Isaiah 61 which says that when Iraq Persia which originally was Persian our Iraq invades the area of Saudi Arabia with the consent of the King of Jordan that is when Messiah comes now we believe that's going to happen we don't believe it's going to happen right now we think there could be concessions this thing with Iraq will be called off presently but it's going to come around 1996 and that will lead to the year 2000 and Messiah will come and these folks the Jews from their scriptures Old Testament are so convinced that it will happen they've already built the home for Messiah in which he can live when he comes back to Jerusalem not only the throne is waiting the home is waiting and the computer list of Levites Coens a thousand of them is waiting to hand to the Messiah and say here pick them for temple service found in Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48 Jack I have in my calendar in my hand here a calendar of Jewish holy days right up to 1999 you see that on your screen Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur will always be celebrated in late September or early October and the feast of tabernacles follows these two events annually now as they see it on the screen there that's very very clear what I have just mentioned what do you think that all that means Jack that's an important calendar I'm so excited I could go into a shouting spell I know you could there are seven major feasts among the Jewish people four in the spring three in the fall the four in the spring are called the former rain the three in the fall are called the latter rain and so you've heard of the latter rain movement now the Lord Jesus concerning his crucifixion his resurrection and the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came through the Father saw that all these events happened right on the day right on the day in the first four events why wouldn't it be logical and to say that the other events are going to happen right on the day so here comes Yom Kippur and the feast of tabernacles feast of tabernacles follows all of this and that's when Christ Messiah returns and from now right until 1999 just as we go into 2000 it will always happen in late September or October now oh Rexella Matthew 117 again it's on here folks there are 14 generations from Abraham to David and there are 14 generations from David until the carrying away in the Babylon and there are 14 generations from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ 14 14 14 42 you've heard me before but I'm putting it all together tonight and we find that Genesis chapter 12 was written in 2085 when it was written Genesis 12 horses Abraham was 75 years of age 2085 plus 75 is a total of 2160 years what am I saying from Abraham to Christ 2160 years divide that by 42 generations it comes out to 51.4 51 years point four Jesus said the generation that lives to see Israel becoming a nation Matthew 24 32 to 35 shall not pass they became a nation in 1948 on May 14th 51.5 added to it comes out to September or October of 1999 when Messiah comes back the end of the 2000 year period the end of the total package of 6000 years and we're alive to see it all I'm not setting the date but there was no limitation in the Bible it was only we wouldn't know the day and the hour we would know we would know when it would be near he's coming folks oh you need to be saved you're really excited we have all these signs we can't get into them many many well Jack you know what one thing I want to say someone you moon the the Korean Reverend from Korea says that he is the Messiah so some people are saying the size already here I know and he just declared the fact that he was the Messiah to an assembly of 500 religious leaders from among the Hindus and the Islamic and all and they agreed that he probably could be even the grand mufti of Syria the leader of Syria's Muslims unbelievable what's going on all right Jack we don't have let me just all right we can't get into all these signs I know so maybe we have to get into them next week or the week after but in Matthew 24 they said what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world that's not world there that's the Greek aeon age what shall be the end of the 6,000 years the end of the six days you get it ten years from now and Jesus said there shall be false Christ here we have Lord Matri in England we have moon both claiming to be the coming Messiahs for the near future he said there shall be wars and rumors of wars here we have the situation in Iraq this isn't it yet folks but it will be there because Revelation 9 14 and 15 says the final judgment begins at the Euphrates River and that is 40 miles west of Baghdad he says there shall be famines look what's going on in Ethiopia tonight look what's going on in Russia they're holding out their plate to the west for help he said there shall be pestilences the World Health Organization says 100 billion cases of AIDS by 2000 that's Revelation 6 8 they've contracted a disease because of the beasts of the earth the green monkey virus earthquakes in diverse places I wish we could show that we have a package proving that from the day Jesus spoke that until 1953 there were 28 earthquakes almost covering 1950 years and in the last 30 some years 53 to now let's quickly get that on the screen right there we have it Jack Earth's major quakes and that's just from 1953 onwards right there we have 28 and with the recent ones in LA and that have been happening there are over 31 so we had a total of 24 the first 1950 years of history and we've had six or seven more than that just since 53 don't tell me all these things have always been we've always had some wars we've always had that's not the point Jesus said when you see all these things but we've got to get into this space we really don't have time to get this we'll have to come back to it next week about the circles in the field all right well I'm not sure can we get the circles in the field here on the screen all right we'll get the circles in the field we can do it Jack okay all right chasing around after the crop circles there in southern England it's absolutely astounding the mysterious circles etched in British farmlands may be messages from the stars some people say from the star the bright morning star Jesus you'll see the sign of the Son of Man they have absolutely scientists and laymen are baffled by these mysterious circles but now scientists are getting together in southern England and they are determined to find out what the answer really is to tell you already had 50 of them there for a week and they said they couldn't understand it all they knew was that the restrained vibrations emitting from the ground and weird sounds all right this was reported on what is it 60 minutes let's talk about it again next week too Jack I think that'd be very good but what does it mean Jesus said there shall be signs from heaven not just in heaven from heaven look 2111 there should be signs in the Sun and on the moon and the stars these circles are happening in Japan in Russia in England and now in three states of the USA and nobody knows why they're baffled they're mystified I'll tell you why when these things begin to come to pass he's just been talking about space exploits in Luke 21 25 says then look up lift up your heads your redemption draws nigh verse 28 it means that he's coming and we're coming to the end now the two thousand years oh he's been talking about the year two thousand is just around the corner we're almost there and right about that time a great event takes place and Jack what is that great oh and the Lord Jesus mentioned this and it was his wedding and you see he is the Lamb of God John 129 and the Bible speaks about the marriage supper of the lamb this is in honor of Jesus Christ and his bride the church and Jesus said it would take place on the third day if a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day then two days will pass in the New Testament era or two thousand years and then the wedding and so it looks like it's all so near and that wedding is found in Revelation 19 7 let us rejoice and be glad and give honor unto him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife hath made herself ready and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints why do we know it's near signs signs and we're going to deal with some of these signs in this next portion for the sake of those who did not watch last week of the week before I mentioned that US News and World Report had asked my husband to send in an article on the Middle East he did they also ask Dr. Billy Graham and Pat Robertson and one of the ladies who read that article was not too happy and so I've chosen Jack for the first article tonight from US News and World Report a feedback letter from a lady I won't give her name but she's from California so the book of Revelation is now being interpreted in the light of the present golf crisis question mark during World Wars one and two it was firmly believed by many that the same book was about those events well Jack she's sort of digging you a little bit there I think I have to laugh at that one because World War one World War two didn't have the signs all of them moving in the direction pointing to Christ's return like all the signs do now as we're going to see today but just to prove that the book of Revelation does have something to do with the present situation I'm going to repeat something I've used in the past and that's put a map on the screen right now because this is really interesting you see Iraq and then of course you see Baghdad the capital now notice the Euphrates River and I'm going to ask them to hold that map there for a few moments while I quote the verse there is the Euphrates River about 40 miles west of Baghdad the capital of Iraq is it the book of Revelation turn to chapter nine verse 14 the last judgment loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates and the four angels were loose to slay a third part of mankind there is no interpretation there I quoted the verse as it was it's going to take place right there as the beginning of the end yes I can find the present situation in the book Revelation all right Jack then she goes on to say the doomsday people would do well to study up on the style and intent of the apocalyptic writing and quit trying out smart God by attempting to calculate a date which holy scripture tells us only he knows alone Jack I got about 70,000 hours of study in the scripture if you were to sit down with a Bible now and study a 24 hours a day not taking time to eat or sleep it would take you seven years to put that much time into this blessed book so I have studied it this is the hour folks now why everybody misinterprets what she said just like she does from the scriptures when Jesus said in Matthew 24 36 but of that day an hour knows no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only he did not mean to imply that we would not know when it's near in fact the only time situation has to do with the day and hour he said we would know when it's near even at the door Matthew 24 verse 33 and then three verses father says but not the day in the hour now how are we gonna know it's near signs Matthew 24 he lists all of the various signs wars rumors of wars famines pestilences earthquakes in diverse places and says in verse 33 when you shall see all these things all these signs then know it's near even at the door not the day and hour but the nearness again in Romans 13 12 that knowing the time that now it is high time to awaken out of sleep for now is our salvation near than when we believe what salvation not the salvation of the soul that takes place instantaneously when one calls on the name of the Lord Romans 10 13 this is the salvation of the body when Christ returns to get the dead in the living bodily in Romans 8 23 and he says that salvation is near than when we first believed how do we know signs again they come along with first Thessalonians five one but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I read into you for the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night and because he comes as a thief in the night the thief comes and catches one unawares they say nobody can know wait a minute let's keep the text in context or we end up with a pretext verse four says to Christians you are the children of light that day shall not overtake you as a thief in the night therefore let us watch and be sober again in Hebrews 10 25 he says to Christians exhort encourage one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching Rick Sella how can we know that the day is approaching unless we study the signs we believe it is approaching we believe that all things are here we believe that it's right at the door that Christ is coming how through signs that's why in first Timothy 4 1 we have the signs of the occult taking over in the last days demonism it's here in second Thessalonians or second Timothy 3 verses 1 to 5 says this know also that last days perilous time shall come how do we know where in the last days 19 signs in second Peter 3 3 knowing this first that there shall come in the last day scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming one of the last things that they'll be doing is what this lady just did in US News and World Report saying where is the promise of his coming no one can know that it's dear no one knows the day and the hour right but we will know when it's near even at the door but as we get into the next series of articles we are going to let rabbinical writers great rabbis and others tell us that they believe is near now we are not date centers but we're going to let them set some dates right now that'll startle you all right Jack keep it in context or becomes a pretext that's good I like that all right we have been talking in fact Jack has been explaining to us the sixth day theory four thousand years from Adam until Christ two thousand from Christ until now he's going to explain that a little bit more to us but I have here some additional information Jack really dealt with this last week but this is new stuff this week oh this is exciting from the rabbinical and messianic writings the message of Rosh Hashanah more than any other time in the past should now be heard we are close to the conclusion of six thousand years since the Garden of Eden and the time for the shofar to blow is at hand whoo that's really powerful when the earth reaches its sixth thousandth Rosh Hashanah the shofar will blow calling to a resurrected life those who have believed in Messiah wow Jewish writings that's tremendous and then a rabbi's Nielsen who is quite outspoken as you well know one of the spokespeople for the rabbis he says Messiah is coming very very soon and as we told the folks last week they have already prepared his home they already have the computer list of the Coens because they must be Levites and all Coens are Levites and they'll say here it is to the Messiah choose your priest for temple service but we have a chart we're going to put on the screen right now and of course you can't read all of this but the thing I want to prove is that this comes right out of Israel it's just been released and proves that from Adam and Eve until Jesus Christ is a period of four thousand years and then from Christ until our day of course is 1990 ten more years and we've got two thousand so we'll have a total of six thousand years there is the proof the sons the grandsons the great-grandsons the great-great-grandsons don't say we don't know what we're talking about right now the Jewish people and the reason these rabbis said what they just said is that they base the fact of the year theory on Psalm 90 verse 4 a thousand years in thy sight Yahweh Jehovah is but as yesterday is but as a day all right God created the world in six days Genesis 131 a day is as a thousand years a thousand years as a day and then he rested on the seventh day Genesis 2 1 so the world will go on and turn off for six days six thousand years and then rest for the millennial period a time of blessedness the seventh day for the final thousand years and they're saying that it's here and of course the Christians also from second Peter 3 8 claimed the same teachings a thousand years as his day a day as a thousand years six days he created the world six thousand years of history and he rests the final day the final one thousand years for the total of seven and folks this is nothing new as we've been showing you in the epistle of Barnabas and he's the one who traveled with the Apostle Paul in Acts 13 and 14 in the epistle of st. Bartholomew in the writings of the great church father Aranius they lived at the four thousand year period at the beginning of the Christian era and every one of them said it will not happen now in our time two more days must pass two thousand more years and then Messiah will come because it must be four days from Adam to Christ and then from Christ to the end two more days six days six thousand years and folks we've got somewhere between nine to eleven years left depending on which calendar you look at. Jack everybody is talking about the year 2000 everybody I mentioned that last week just quickly I'm going to give something that someone sent into us a little booklet called mega trends 2000 by John Nisbet and Patricia Aberdeen I've copied down six things that they had to say in this book I'm going to name them really really quickly number one we stand at the dawn of a new era that will culminate in the year 2000 number two the year 2000 is operating like a powerful magnet on humanity number three metaphysical groups predict that the end will undergo a cladoclysmic shift around the year 2000 occultists and spirit guides predict the earth will shift on its axis around the year 2000 that was number four number five new agers look at the year 2000 as a time of rescue via listen to this friendly spaceships number six the magnet power of the year 2000 is very unique Jack can you quickly tell us what you think about all this? Everyone's talking about the year 2000 folks and as I said that's between nine and eleven years from now I wish I could get into all of that but you have to get this tape and study it to really know what this is all about now listen to me folks in Hosea 6-2 he's talking about the two days the four days had to do from Adam to Christ I'm going to be repetitive because I want it to sink in and then the two days begin with Christ until the end alright after two days he will revive us in the third day he will raise us up that we may live in his sight so two days of New Testament history will pass the year 2000 the third day will be the millennium he raises us up the rapture takes place we live with him in his sight and when you get to John chapter one the closing verse is about the return of Christ chapter two verse one says there was a wedding in the third day Jack it is absolutely amazing how many Jewish rabbis according to Old Testament prophecies are talking about their Messiah coming I think that's very exciting you know Rexeleth Christians don't want to see it's near let's just listen to what all these great Jewish rabbis are saying and it's not only Rabbi Shivalai we're going to hear and Rabbi Sneerson you know he just said that he believes he's going to be alive when Messiah comes and he's in his late 80s and there's Rabbi Ashkenazi and just so many I'll tell you it's exciting and this next portion will really thrill you as you hear what this Rabbi has to say concerning the book of Daniel. Jack, Rabbi Haim Shivalai made some predictions in 1935 and I think they're going to shock you as they did me. Rexeleth let me just insert this for a second it shocks me because when God showed me four months ago that everything is in the twelve chapters of the book of Daniel as far as the future is concerned that we needed nothing else I thought I was the first to see it and then this Rabbi got this message together fifty five years ago and said identically what I said. Exactly this is what he said a great war including the use of chemical and germ weapons will be waged between Arabs during Sukkot 57 51 which is 1991 and the messianic era will begin he goes on according to Shivalai's book the chronology of Daniel when augmented by the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 indicate a great war will be fought. Now Jack you've been speaking from all of these books. He said it's all there in the book of Daniel and as I've been telling you the angel Michael appears to the prophet Daniel says in chapter 10 verse 14 I am come to tell you what shall befall your people the Jews the Israelites in the latter days the final days and he says that's augmented by Ezekiel 38 39 that is Magog Meshach Tubal and Rosh we'll be talking about it in a few moments he includes Joel chapters 2 and 3 chapter 2 verse 20 is when the Russian army is driven back to Siberia chapter 3 verse 2 is when all the armies of the world gather at the valley of Jehoshaphat that's the valley right under the mount there of olives and then he ties in Zechariah 14 and that's when all nations come against Jerusalem in verse 2 same thing we've been saying but oh he said this will be the beginning of the era of the Messiah when Messiah comes and he pinpointed it 55 years ago for 1991 as the beginning of the messianic era which leads to the coming of Christ and it looks like it could easily be the year 2000. Oh that is the all-important question are you ready this is why we are on television why are we making this tape so you can answer that question in the affirmative I am ready the year 2000 is almost upon us Jack this is one of the most exciting tapes we've ever made. Rexella but the portion that they're about to see is the part that has excited me the most in months and months of study because I saw that men living 2200 years ago 1900 1800 1700 as we approached the time all believe that they would not see it in their lifetime because it would happen in the year 2000 and they had 1900 years to go or 1800 years to go and yet they set the period for 2000 so we're not just talking about some modern day cooks we're talking about some of the greatest religious names in history and they believed that the wind-up would be in what is just a few years away from now so if you really want to get excited this next part will do it for you. You've talked about the six thousand year theory before on our telecast Jack would you quickly enumerate what that really is because I have some interesting articles here. I'm so excited Rexella since I started studying this I found 11 famous personalities in history now who proclaim the six thousand year theory meaning that Armageddon would come to pass Messiah would return at the year 2000 which is only ten years away now it's based according to the rabbis on Psalm 90 verse 4 a thousand years in thy sight is but as yesterday is but as one day the Christians base it on 2nd Peter 3 verse 8 but let's back up to prove that it's talking about Christ's return verse 3 of 2nd Peter chapter 3 knowing this first that there's a come in the last day scoffers say where is the promise of his coming all things continue as they were wait a minute the reason God waits is because he loves you the Lord is not slack concerning his promise to come again as some men count slackness but as long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish but one day the door of grace will close so verse 10 says the day of the Lord will come but when here's that mathematical equation a thousand years is as a day a day is as a thousand years so the Jews base it on Psalm 90 verse 4 the Christians and 2nd Peter 3 8 what does that mean a day is as a thousand years God created the world in 6 days Genesis 131 and rested on the 7th day Genesis 2 1 so history will go on for 6 days a day is as a thousand years 6,000 years and then will come the 7th day the millennium now let's get into those okay check 4,000 years before Christ 2,000 years after Christ it should be around the year 2000 from Adam to Christ and we've got charts here naming Adam his children his grandsons everything right to the hour and it's 4,000 years from Adam to Christ and from Christ to now 1991 we got about 10 to 13 years left listen to this friends Rabbi Elias who lived 200 years before Christ said the world endures 6,000 years 2,000 before the law 2,000 under the law and 2,000 under Messiah Rabbi Katina said in a commentary on the Talmud the world endures 6,000 years the 7th millennium shall be the millennial 1,000 years of remission that God alone may be exalted in that day and then like Tantius in his divine institutes chapter 14 states this therefore let the philosophers who enumerate thousands of ages from the beginning of the world know that the 6,000th year is not yet completed and that when this number is completed the consummation must take place they're all saying 2,000s yeah? Riksela I've got chills I mean they did not set a day and hour for no man knows the day and hour Matthew 24 36 but Jesus said you'll know when it's near even at the door Matthew 24 33 now these men Jewish rabbis who lived 2,200 years ago said we know it's not near for us but it will come in 2,200 years from now at the year 2,000 now I'm quoting them so get this and of course we can find that in the Talmud in the Jewish book of Enoch from Rabbi Elias from Rabbi Katina and then in the Christian era we had the epistle of Barnabas the epistle of St. Bartholomew in the first century and this was the man who traveled with the Apostle Paul is Barnabas in Acts 13 and 14 and he said it will come at the year 2,000 and he said that's 1,900 years from my time I won't live to see it but it will happen and then of course in the next century Aranius in 140 AD said it will be the year 2,000 so I won't live to see it but it will be 1,860 years from now and then in the third century we had so many Hippolytus, Lentenius and Methodius saying it will happen in the year 2,000 we won't live to see it for 1,700 years from now then during the Reformation there was a deadness and quietness about prophecy even Calvin who wrote the Institutes and who exposes in almost every Bible book omitted the prophetical books and so no one was up on prophecy during the centuries but there was a lone voice his name was Martin Luther and in the 1600s he said in the year 2,000 Christ will come he said I will live to see it it's 400 years from now so from 2200, 1900, 1800, 1700, 400 they all pointed to that time and Rexel I've never been so convinced that this is it it's the wind up and that's why when we hear about Armageddon it's coming together like it never has we don't know the day and hour but we know it's near even at the oh be ready I'm glad you're one of the voices today Jack who's saying it and then we've got to see why because Russia's gonna march that's part of the whole package that's coming in this next decade I think you're about as excited as I am right now I'll tell you my soul has been stirred and blessed I feel like shouting a little bit right now because AD 2000 is not very far away but you know when it happens the greatest thing that's ever happened to any Christian at any point of his life here on the other side is going to occur can you tell us what it is oh they'll soon be seeing it all right we'll go right now to the last part of this all-important subject that we wanted to present to you AD 2000 if you have been watching our programs in the last few weeks you have heard Jack talk about the year 2000 quite often I'm very excited to give to you a couple of articles right here in the front of our program the first one is from the forum it goes like this ten years from this month a new millennium begins January 2001 Charismatics preach of coming apocalypse space programs and disarray seek a rejuvenation through long-term missions to other worlds for now the clock is ticking toward the new millennium let's get on with getting on toward the future and I want to just but in there for me because a lot of folks are hearing this about 2000 and World War Armageddon and they're frightened listen if you are a Christian you ought to be rejoicing why because we are soon going to claim our eternal inheritance the Bible teaches that the rapture comes first first Thessalonians 416 the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort comfort one another with these words then seven years later we return with Christ for that inheritance and that's why June 14 says the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints and Revelation 19 14 says the armies in heaven followed him and what happens and why they lived and reigned with Christ 1000 years Revelation 20 verse 4 so this means that he's going to call us home soon we'll return with him seven years later to claim our eternal inheritance as we rule and reign with our wonderful Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Jack listen to what Martin Luther said in the 16th century it's absolutely exciting according to some historians the 16th century religious leader and founder of Protestantism reasoned that if a day equaled a thousand years in the eyes of God and he quoted Psalm 94 which says for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday and creation took since six days the world should last six thousand years then comes the seventh day and since Luther figured Jesus arrived on earth slightly less than four thousand years after creation the theory goes on the second coming should begin just short of six thousand years after the creation or somewhere around the year 2000 Luther said it don't accuse me of setting dates when I quoted the epistle of Barnabas the traveling companion of the Apostle Paul in Acts 13 and 14 who says it will come to a climax at the year 2000 for the total six days and the epistle of st. Bartholomew and the Jewish Talmud and the Jewish writings entitled the book of Enoch and then the church writings of Arrhenius 140 all saying it will come to a six thousand year period and that is when we hit the year 2000 why now Luther I can't believe that Martin Luther the founder of Protestantism Lutheranism said the same identical thing in the 16th century and he used Psalm 90 verse for the text that the Jewish people used to prove it they said it it's their dates but I believe it I don't know the day and hour but I will know when it's near even at the door Matthew 24 33 and I believe it's near and that we're coming to the climax of the sixth day before the glorious seventh day the Millennium when we claim our inheritance as I said a moment ago ruling and reigning with Jesus. Oh the all-important question is are you ready for that momentous event when the Lord comes returns are you saved have you really opened your heart to him and for those of you who have actually received the Lord but you're not walking with him these days we implore you to get ready because the time is so very very very near. Jack please tell us once again how to be ready and lead those who are away from the Lord back to him. Okay I'm going to actually pray two different prayers one for those who want to receive Christ and the other for those who have received Christ but have grown indifferent and now want to come home because as you viewed these programs your heart was stirred into the realization of the fact that the coming of the Lord is right at the door so first of you want to be saved there's only one way to become a possessor of eternal life and that's by receiving Christ and the blood he shed at Calvary for the remission of your sins you can't save yourself there's nothing one can do it's the blood in Jesus Christ God's Son that cleanses us from all sin first John 1 7 so first of all you must believe you're a sinner I think all of us know that all of sin Romans 3 23 then you must know that the Bible teaches that punishment comes because of sin for the wages of sin is death Romans 6 23 but the good news is that Christ died for us and at Calvary Romans 8 32 says God spared not his own son Jesus was hanging there dying bleeding for you bearing your sin my sin every sin of every human being God couldn't even look at his son that's why Jesus said Eli Eli Lama-sabbathani my God my God why have you forsaken me the father had to turn his face away because every sin of every sinner was on Jesus as he was taking our place bearing our sin bearing our punishment bearing our judgment and now there's one thing left to do Romans 10 13 did you notice that 3 23 6 23 8 32 and then 10 13 that's the Romans road whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved so I want you to look at me now from a sincere heart pray this Lord Jesus I'm a sinner all have sinned you bore my sin at Calvary you shed your blood from me to cleanse me Lord Jesus I receive you and your shed blood for the remission of my sins come into my heart save me now help me to be ready for your return in your name I pray this amen now to you Christians the Bible says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 2 1 we read that we have an advocate with the father the Lord Jesus Christ and if we bring our sins our advocate our lawyer will take our case to the father and ask for forgiveness on our behalf isn't that wonderful oh what a loving savior we have so if you're a Christian but away from God you're cold lukewarm indifferent and you say if Jesus were to come today I'd stand before him ashamed 1 John 2 28 saved as by fire by the skin of my teeth 1 Corinthians 3 15 and I don't want to meet him like this I want to hear him say well done at that day well then let's settle at this moment pray this prayer from your heart Lord I've wandered far from you I've become cold lukewarm indifferent I have not been serving you because I have not been living for you I'm coming home I have been washed in your blood already now wash my feet afresh they've become soiled in the world and his pleasures I'm returning Lord I will live for you I will love and serve you until that moment I see you I want you to say to me in that day well done so Lord I'm coming home now this is my new vow of dedication to live for you in Jesus name amen amen I feel that many of you just prayed one of those two prayers if you did we would love to hear from you please write to us and we would like to send you this wonderful little book it is titled first steps in a new direction absolutely free no obligation just write and let us know that you made a decision for the Lord or you decided to come back to him and live for him in these last days this is our prayer God bless you as you walk with him until he comes again perhaps we'll be very very near communism crumbles europe unites space signs above never has so much happened with such rapidity dr. jack vannepe world renowned prophecy scholar producer of powerful videos on russia and america's role in end time prophetic events now turns his attention to shocking predictions to occur you learn about end time terminology end time numerology end time catastrophes end time organizations and end time leaders you'll also learn about end time europe in the eec mark prepared for 1993 you'll understand why the russian jews are the final tribe to return to their homeland other startling events studied on this tape cover drugs aids chernobyl the new world order the new age antichrist and the greatest space spectacular in history does the bible specifically answer these and other astounding questions about the end of time no doubt about it where you'll find them in dr. vannepe's newest video the 90s startling end time signs and your future to order your copies simply phone the toll-free number on your screen and have your credit card ready request the 90s startling end time signs and your future or just 1995 by calling 1-800-832-5022 the sooner you call the sooner we'll be able to send you this remarkable videotape the number to call is 1-800-832-5022 to order by mail send your checker 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