There is a place for informed debate, but that place is behind closed doors. What were their temptations? Speak. I accused myself of being unable to control unworthy thoughts. What kind of thoughts? I wished you were dead. Some revelations may shock you. You're not welcome in my church. Call my pastor. Well, Michael, you can shove your whole damn religion. The emotion will compel you. Where have you been? I've been losing my self-respect. You should try it. Take to me! A television masterpiece. Brides of Christ. Wednesday, September 4th on ABC. You've enjoyed The Three Tenors. Now, preview of our ABC special next Wednesday night at 8.30. Clive James, postcard from London. The Cogra Kid first stepped out of London 30 years ago. He survived to retrace those steps. I haven't been back here for years, but the place has lost none of its charm. Some things are still the same, except... To get a good position, you have to stand on a child. So, what is the London magic? What makes it unique? Everyone's eccentric in London. Everyone is off his rocker. Checking that out, from Oxford Street to distinctly aristocratic society. Maybe Clive's found the answer. Londoners usually don't care how odd they look, and that can be very relaxing. Another witty Clive James postcard. This time from London. 8.30 Wednesday on ABC. A stunning new drama series. O.B.D.N.'s. Yes, sister. Takes you into a secret world during a decade of radical upheaval. Aren't you just the tiniest bit sorry to see some of this stuff go? What's going on? Some revelations will shock you. You're not welcome in my church, Paul might perish. Where have you been? Losing my self-respect. You should try it. The emotion will compel you. Brides of Christ, Wednesday, September 4th on ABC. Good evening, I'm Kerry O'Brien. Events in the Soviet Union appear to be moving to a rapid climax. On Lateline tonight, we'll have all the latest from Moscow, followed by the brilliant documentary series, The Second Russian Revolution. Join us straight after the news. Because of tonight's special Lateline and the documentary, The Second Russian Revolution, the second Russian revolution, the second Russian revolution,