Hey, look who's back on Monday. Yes, it's that funny little man whose life is one great big disaster. You're heading for weeks of fun when Rowan Atkinson stars as the one and only Mr. Bean, starting 8 o'clock Monday. Is laughter better than sex? Yes, yes, yes! Is football stupid? 47, 23, 87, so heighten! No good, it's a girl. The World Series debaters answer these two burning issues on just one video. But wait, there's more! It's witty. These are blokes who wear their names on the outside of their jumpers. It's intelligent. And do we have any more? Any more? It's World Series Debating on video from all ABC shops, ABC centres and video retailers. Hello and welcome. Clive Hurl, updating ABC National News. There are fears tonight the Japanese Prime Minister's resignation may hurt Australian exporters. Motohiro Hosokawa quit today amid allegations of corruption. Now economists fear a new government may delay his economic stimulus package and that could weaken Japanese demand for Australian commodities. The resignation sent the Japanese yen into a brief nosedive, but the news from Tokyo didn't come as a total surprise to Australian markets. Dealers say investors have been protecting themselves by buying US dollars over the past 48 hours in anticipation of the announcement. And the left faction of the State Labour Party has claimed victory in the recent factional brawl. The left says it's been able to stop proposed changes to Labour's pre-selection system. But the deal may have come too late with the ball closed by election tomorrow. And we're back with more news for you right after the movie. Saturday night on your ABC. 7.30, have a relaxing break and take a look at the rest of the world on holiday. 8.30, a bell. Like I said, it's all going to come down to consents. She didn't say no. 9.30, Great Crimes and Trials examines the horrific case of Jack the Stripper. Ten o'clock, The Wonderful. Welcome. And the Bazaar with Clive James. That's all on your ABC.