The final day of the oldest tournament in the world. Who will take the crown of crowns? Tonight on Seven, the climax of the British Open. Fred was up to his usual tricks off a googly from rock with a claim in great senses. It flew through the air, blew lead out a roar. Oh, 080114444. There's no point crying. Call Windscreens O'Brien. They'll fix it. How may I help? For sure. Windscreens O'Brien. The windscreen specialists with over 80 branches and 200 mobile units. That'll come to you to replace door glass and front and rear windows at no extra cost. So, remember the number. 0801144444. Call Windscreens O'Brien. There's no point crying. Oh, nice. I'll get it. They'll fix it. For sure. Dinner was magnificent. Really? I've never cooked a meal like that before. No, really. Oh, chocolate. I love Rocher. Oh, you're just saying that. I really do love Rocher. No, no. I mean about dinner. It was so good. You can have my last Rocher. Well, if you can't spoil someone special, who can you spoil? Cher a Rocher. At Mazda, we believe so strongly in the quality of our utes that we're the only ones to offer you an unlimited kilometer warranty. So you can treat them like dirt for 12 months and still remain fully covered. You get more from Mazda. Every woman is an individual. That's why there's now a range of different Lux fragrances for every kind of skin. At last, a beauty soap that's perfect for me. The Luxe Collection now understands your skin even better. This is Loch Ness. There's a local legend that the Loch Ness Monster will surface for a glass of Bell's Scotch. They say she'll come up for Bell's. It's been blended with their finest single malt whiskeys for 150 years. She takes it with too much water anyway. Bell blended with the finest single malt whiskeys for 150 years. Next on Hinch. In this reserve of 400, anyone who was old enough to lift a bottle drank themselves into oblivion. The story of a tribe of Indians with 100% alcoholism. The entire tribe beat the booze and then they made a movie about it. It's an inspiration. Next on Hinch. In Home and Away. I think you owe us all an explanation. Why is this young girl terrified of her own father? You're certain you never want to see your father again? I'd rather die. What traps her in his iron grip? You win. Boy, you're a wicked girl, Livia. And evil people must be punished. Monday at 6 on 7. Do you ever get the feeling that some banks aren't that interested in helping small businesses? If so, talk to CBFC. Because at CBFC we specialise in helping the small businessman rather than the big businessman. CBFC. Specialists in small business finance. Is it a game or is it real? Matthew Broderick. Ali Shidi. One more game. Wednesday night on 7. I'm Tommy the Sea Lion. I wave when I clap. I'm Peter the Penguin. I'm a friendly chap. I'm Scooter the Dolphin. Come feed me my meal. I squirt the whale. I swim where I feel. Where the Sea World family? Come visit our home. 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