Put the lid back on your aerosol. There's a better way to kill crawling insects. It's in a trigger pack so you can aim the spray better. It has a stream setting to fire into nooks and crannies and an off setting as a precaution against little hands. It doesn't have a strong smell, yet it kills continuously for months. New Shelltox surface spray. It holds much more than an aerosol but costs about the same. New Shelltox surface spray. Wins the war against crawling insects. Bub's maternity closing down sale commences Monday November 7th and all stocks must be sold. Dresses reduced from $60 down to $15. Tops up to $40 now down to as low as $12. Shorts reduced to $10 each. Triumph bras reduced to $12. Burley bras $10 and heaps more big savings. In conjunction with the closing down sale and maternity shop, the baby shop will also have big discounts on all stock. Bub's maternity sale commences Monday the 7th of November and all stocks must be sold. The first choice is Sharp. The next choice, which Sharp microwave is right for you. Today Sharp is number one in microwave cooking with a range to suit everyone's needs. From the top of the line, the Xceler 20, with fan forced and microwave cooking, to this affordable model with touch controls. They're clean, efficient and so easy to use. No wonder the first choice is Sharp. First choice is Sharp. Buying a home should be your wisest investment. I'm Peter Van Bacaris and I've been in real estate for over 14 years in Rockhampton. I recognise value and I understand your needs. I am sure I have the type of home you're after at the price you'd like to pay. I could save you a lot of time and money. Phone Peter Van Bacaris today if you'd like to save money. So if you want to save money and of course you do, Peter Van Bacaris is the man for you. 60 Minutes Sunday Night, Channel 7, 7.30. The top reporters, George Nagus, Ray Martin, Ian Leslie, Diana Vente. 60 Minutes Sunday, 7.30. How do you feel? Three days at the wheel, taking on the sea and sun. How do you feel? Working ropes and steel and there's no rest for anyone. How do you feel? When they ride on your keel as if the race had just begun. How do you feel? When the spinnaker fills and you're flying high on a winning run. How do you feel when the gun and the jizz tell you you're first home? How do you feel? I feel like a Toéis. I feel like a Toéis or Toe. I feel like a Toéis. I feel like a To coś. I feel like a To oise or a Frou. So bright, put it on. That style, put it on. At Showcase, jewelers, put it on. Diamonds, put it on. Rings and things, put it on. Showcase has the style for you. Prices make you to chew. When you see it, put it on. Your Showcase jewelers are putting on the style for you. Hey, what a surprise. So much space for a car this size. It's not too big and it's not too small. Wild board Meteor's got it all. The front wheel drive Ford Meteor will surprise you with its interior space, economy and performance. Got the features, got the pace. How they fit all that space. What a surprise. Meteor. You'll fall in love with the new 10% bigger cherry ripe. Now there's even more of that beautiful cherry ripe taste. 10% more at the same old price. New cherry ripe has even more of those big cherry pieces. Juicy coconut and thick old gold chocolate. New 10% bigger cherry ripe gives you more of that big cherry taste. Share one today. You'll fall in love with the new 10% bigger cherry ripe. Good morning. James Stewart and Company, may I help you? It's the hometown kind of feeling. It's the people that you know. Whether you shop personally, order by mail or phone for that special something, Stewart's are there to help with their personal service and exciting range of merchandise. Free daily city delivery and a comprehensive range of credit facilities. It's a friendly kind of caring. Stewart's serving you with pride. Now's the time for Diet Coke. You're gonna drink it just for the taste of it. Now's the time for Diet Coke. You're gonna drink it just for the taste of it. Living good with Diet Coke. This is the one from Coca-Cola. You're gonna taste with just one calorie just for the taste of it. Just for the taste of it. Diet Coke. Central Queensland. It's big. Providing food for the markets of the world. It's here you'll find Steiger four-wheel drive tractors and Sheera tillage implements. And it's here you'll find Farmer's Centre taking you up with highly specialised sales service and parts. Farmer's Centre are now offering great deals on John Sheera cultivators, air seeders, trash workers, trash culti drills, tandem offsets. Farmer's Centre for Steiger and Sheera. They won't let you down. Seven News Update. Just part of the seven national news effort to keep you fully informed on all the major stories of the day from overseas via satellite and back home. Yes, and the not so serious. Come home to seven national news. This tall grass has a special place in our landscape. Sugarcane. It lights up the night sky. And it fills a vital part of our export trade. Sugar is Australia's second most valuable export crop. It's all the work of 7,000 cane growers who are naturally proud of their smaller farms. Sugar provides the foundation for an industry directly employing 25,000 people and indirectly many thousands more. Sugar is part of this country's natural wealth. Sugar, the most important product of sugar, a part of life. Around sheds, along fence lines, in channels and drains, around equipment storage areas. Roundup herbicide is the ideal clean up. Ideal because roundup kills a wide range of weeds and grasses, and roots and all, wherever there are problems. Ideal because roundup is so effective, it costs you less in the long run. Ideal because roundup is completely biodegradable, leaving no residue in the soil. Roundup herbicide by Monsanto, the ideal clean up. All round the farm, all year round. Everybody settle down, please. Thank you. What I want to say is what this country needs is a totally apathetic party. I mean, why should we vote? Name one single thing the voters ever done for us. The doll? You know, the unemployment benefit. Right. Name one other thing. Child endowment. Family allowance. Old age pension. Women. What about women? Well, it gave us the right to vote. You mentioned? Yeah. But widows and orphans. All right, all right, but apart from unemployment benefits and votes for women, old age pensions, and Vickies, family allowances, and looking after orphans and widows, what else has the vote ever given us? There's a lot more to vote for than just politicians. Freedom of speech? Shut up! Get your claim form from any post office or electoral office. Enrol to vote and make your mark in Australia. Introducing the new Rover Quintet, now available from City Motors, Glanston Road, Rockhampton. Its performance is outstanding, with a 1.6-litre transversely mounted, fuel-efficient, four-cylinder engine that runs on standard petrol. Choose from either automatic with optional overdrive, or this five-speed, fuel-efficient manual. The all-independent suspension gives a superbly cushioned ride. The new Rover Quintet has features you'd only expect in a larger, more expensive car. Side window demisters to maintain visibility for your safety. Power windows, which help make driving the pleasure it should be. Air conditioning, powered by Rover's extra-quiet compressor. Quartz digital clock. Electrically operated tinted sunroof for those sun-filled fun days. And power-assisted disc brakes. Test drive the all-new, economy-size Rover Quintet at City Motors, Glanston Road, Rockhampton. Rover Quintet. It'll take you just about anywhere. The thunder you'll hear this summer will be from the world's three super teams fighting it out right here in Australia. Come summer, thunder down under. It can't get here soon enough. Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons join Cheryl's Neighborhood on Channel 7. Shirley Strawn and the gang present a fun-filled half hour of personalities, pop groups and fun things people do. A great neighborhood to be in, Cheryl's Neighborhood, Channel 7. The GMH Lang Lang Proving Ground, where a standard Holden Gemini is clocking up 2,500 kilometers every 24 hours for 60 days and nights, nonstop. Wearing out a team of 60 drivers, receiving only standard service checks. All to prove that everything they say about Gemini reliability is true. And right around Australia, in celebration of this remarkable event, your Holden dealer is offering unstoppable deals on the unstoppable Holden Gemini. I've traveled through this countryside for 20 years or so Seeing people using wattle, no matter where I go So I asked a bloke, why wattle? And he answered, don't you know That wattle does it better for Australia By a trendy little townhouse and in country towns I've stood Watching wattle go on metal, fibro, brickwork and on wood With so many people using it, well it must be flaming good And wattle does it better for Australia For any kind of painting jobs, the big ones and the small Wattle has the goods for you, cause wattle makes them all When it comes to paints and stains, it's the name that you recall Cause wattle does it better for Australia Cause wattle does it better for Australia Decore understands every woman experiences changes in the condition of her hair When she's feeling run down When her hair's colored or permed Or just because of the weather And one shampoo just isn't enough A specially formulated range is needed Decore's new specialist care range of matching shampoos and conditioners Are specially formulated to care for hair through all its changes And gives you healthy, shiny hair Wow, Decore Wow, Decore Wow, Decore Wow, look at me now Specialist care, Decore