生動石鹸バブル お母さんはお料理が上手です 客機でチーズケーキもプロの出来栄え お父さんは後片付けが上手です PDAで噂のナショナルオーブンエレク 野菜がねおいしくフルーツに かくれんぼ こんなに上手にかくれたら きっきっきになる野菜だよ ちっちゃいのなんの つよーいのなんの 大阪ガスのガスファンヒーター こちら女高生 ハイパーロボットコンポ ビフター もしもし あああの そう30分目の来たのですけど 中華大飯店さん あのね30分前に海老チャーハン2つと 水餃子とカニ玉と深ひれスープ4つ 頼んだんだけど まだ 何それ ラーメンしかないの さっきカシフォカウンもありましたって 言わなかった ラーメンしかないならないって 言っとくなきゃ困るよ 何もそっちに頼まないもの あとこの間もそうだよ この間もいろんなもの頼んだら ラーメンしかないって結局ラーメンじゃない どうなったんだよ こちら大事なお客いるんだよ そこどこはちょっと モギーに行くから 中華大飯店 どうことは中華大飯店 無理じゃねえかって 何だよ はいはい いやー はいもしもし 中華大飯店でございますが ああ 餃子と ジャーハンですかいやすいません 今材料がなくなっちゃいましたですね 今ラーメンしかないんですよ おお おお はいなおけっぴなのだ やいすぐる だれだ僕をケース教育の赤シライオン ペッペッ サダハルカ イケメンさん でも隠し玉持ってるよ おけめっつ じゃボールに未練は RR 引き口広志 それじゃ停止 誰が決めたか知らないが 11月14日 パチンコ記念日 本日はキリコ会館に来られて くださいまして誠にありがとうございます ドスコーイ あ 大野国さんまた負けてきましたか この番組はご覧のスポンサーの提供でお送りします はい 喉を爽やかにしてますか パウダー付きの喉飴です 第1日の飴や シェイシェイ 味覚糖の改善喉飴 アタックの洗浄力 まだ半信半疑でしょ でも一度使いになると よくわかるんですよ 新開発のバイオテックスは モメン繊維のこんな奥へ 入り込んでミクロの汚れを バイオの力で溶かして落とします この働きが今までの洗剤と 全く違うんですね モメンの裸着で白さの違いは はっきりわかるんですよ ぜひ比べてみてください わずかスプーン一杯で驚きの白さに アタック 春が来て 夏 夏 秋 冬 そしてまた春が 毎日手にする幸せの形 毎日香 森君 どうだラーメンでも いいですね ご指導していただけますか いつも高るねしかし お願いしますよ 私だってこの間牛くぬ間に 家建てたばっかじゃないんだよ ちょっと待って 大丈夫ですか 1500円あるけどな 大丈夫ですかね最近高いですからね ラーメンだよ 本格的なもの1000円とか2000円しますからね 300円とか400円ってことだろ 500円だろ 大丈夫だと思いますけど おじさんごめんね残っちゃったけど ちょうど2000円 ちょうど2000円ちょうだいします 500円 大丈夫です 君 悪いけどラーメンを2つくれないか 悪いけど いらっしゃいませ たまにはこういうところで食べてみたいね ちょうどせったいせったいで中華料理 やったらね やった早持ち こういうのがいいんだ そうですね いただきます おじさん金額 2000円です ありがとう 笑 笑 おめでとうございました おめでとうございました では行ってみたいと思います 今週の第2位 ようほどに片岡鶴太郎 2406票 おめでとうございました おめでとうございます 片岡鶴太郎です 年中の片岡さんでございます 金庫法制です ようほどにというのはですね お酒の歌でございますけど 金庫さんはですね どのようなお酒の飲み方をされていますか 私は良いお酒ですね そうですか 水割りについた水滴あるでしょ あれでね好きとか書くんですよね この顔で でも書くんですけど油性ですからね 好きっていうよりやつっていうより いやいやほんとにね ここの長野 酒伏せの悪い長野とですね 君ちゃん 今日はね私はもうBGMでいいです じゃあ画面で15 横にワイプで顔だけ抜いてきます そういうところはわれわれの心遣いですから そのワイプ上の方で丸が 恐れていますよ BGMということで ご心募お願いします ワイプだからもう一回ここで撮ってもいいんですけどね ほんとに嫌ですね さあ行きましょうはい それでは今週の第二片岡鶴太郎さんで ようほどに 東京帰る記者ももう亡くなってしまった 駅前の小さな宿で 黒枠で縁取られた写真の中のお前と 飲み明かそう 辛口の酒を ぐっと開ければ 続けた正直に 映った夜は 頃流した 酔うほどに酔うほどに お前の面影が 瞼の裏浮かんでくるように 酔うほどに酔うほどに お前に会いたくて 場所もなく 涙 涙 落ちていた いやーリアルでしたね リアルでしたね あれはあくまで番組用ですから いやいやいや皆さんですねこれだけ言っておきましょう くにちゃんのがちょっと違いますが 長野とですね島崎この2名はですね ほとんどドキメントでございます うそですいい加減なこと言わないでください あなたあなた自分で覚えてませんけど いつもあんな状態なんですよ さあ行ってみたいと思います 今週のスポットライト 今週はデビュー20周年を迎えまして ますます張り切っている和田彦さんの 包容にお届けしました どうぞ いやーいや いやーどうも先生 おはようございます本当に いやーどうもどうも いやいやいや本当にね デビュー20周年ありがとうございます ありがとうございます 今チラッと見られました 見ました 酔っ払ってました 最高だった でもあの和田先生の酔いに比べれば 和田先生の酔いに比べればまだまだ本当に どうして そうですか 私の酔いはどういうの でも診察ですね え 帰ると表まで出ててね タクシー止めてくれるんですよ そう 走る車こうやって 70キロまではこのまま止めます 先生本当に じゃあ今日は先生ね20周年でございますから いきなり歌ってもらって必要でございますから やはり酔いで 気をつけてくれてね 酔いですよ本当に お願いしますね本当に ではこちらまでお休みください お疲れください お酒ありませんけどすいませんが 大丈夫ですか はい ではいってみたいと思います 今週の第一位です 福場産緑合唱団ニュークエスプラスワン2983票 どうぞ どうぞ ありがとうございます 何もないやったらもう言ってや 言ってや 何もないやったら 何もないやったら こら つれえなことを言うなお前 ない リュークエーセンス いくつの手からやってのことにね いくつですか リューク やっぱり やっぱりねごめんね 全力投機してしまいましたね今ね はい はいではもう歌ってもらいましょうね そうですね 今週の第一位素敵なハーモニーを楽しみ くださいリュークエーセンスプラスワンで 福場産緑合唱団 どうぞ 福場産緑男性合唱団 マウントつくばのフロックコーラス セカンドテナーはむっせえかえる 福場産緑男性合唱団 セカンドテナーはひっくりかえる 御陀风 御陀風 御陀風 御陀風 御陀风 御陀風 御陀風 御陀風 御陀風 御陀風 ミデ ... ミデ ... ミデ ... ミデ ... ミデタ ... ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ ミデタ 心の虹を見たのはいつか あなたに抱かれた日か 命と愛が重なり合って 同じ涙を流す時 たった一度の夢でもいい 私生きてた 思い違い出会ってもいい 一度きっと 夢うつつの後も 心細さと高いながら でも私は私だと また体を外して あなたの腕の中 夢でもいい 私生きてた 思い違い出会ってもいい 一度きっと 愛よ いい 愛よ 愛よ 愛よ What are you thinking about? Here you go. In the middle. Let's take a picture first. With this? It's the 20th anniversary. The 20th anniversary? That's not possible. High five. This is the 20th anniversary of Mr. Oda. We congratulate you. We congratulate you. Here you go. This is the pants of this band. What is it? Okay, the best of the best! I like this. I like this. Sir, sir, sir. Please tell Mr. Oda to come. Mr. Oda is behind you. Sir, sir. He's doing it. Idiot. I want you to come. Let's fix it with this. The bug in the throat. Big drop. Daikichi, you have no acne. I'll be right there. What are you doing? What is it? Your acne. Are you treating it with medicine? The medicine's clear. Clear soap. Answer my voice. Answer my voice. Answer my voice. Okay? Let's get up early tomorrow. Okay? Good morning, Wanta-chan. Good morning, Wanta-chan. Answer my voice. Answer my voice. Wake up in the morning. Answer my voice. Don't get close. Stop it. What are you going to do? I can't. Don't get sick. Don't do anything stupid. Look. We have vitamin C. Vitamin C? Vitamin C is in it. Vitamin C is in it. Vitamin C is in it. Vitamin C cold medicine. Vitamin C cold medicine. Oh! This is ramen? A long time ago. It's been here since I was a student. Shall we try? Shall we? We have a meeting today. Thank you. I just bought an apartment in Machida. I bought an apartment in Machida. I bought a house in Ushiku. Did you sell it? I bought it for 1,500,000 yen. I sold it for 8,000,000 yen. Yumi! Here's your ramen. Thank you. You're a good old man. Here's your ramen. Here's your ramen. Here's your ramen. Here's your ramen. Here's your ramen. Dormitory has fallen. Dormitory has fallen. What? Don't move. Don't move. What is this? Dormitory has fallen. Don't move. Don't move. This is bad. Dormitory has fallen. You moved a little. It's a pity. See you tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. It's hot. Omori. I'm going to get angry. Thank you. How is it? It's amazing. I have to watch the magazines. We're not old. We have to enjoy the atmosphere. Even at a ramen shop like this. It's beautiful. The women are good. There are many women. The restaurant is noisy. Eat. It's popular. It doesn't matter. I'll eat. I'll eat. Everything is good. Please give up your marriage. What? God doesn't come back. Idiot. It's raining. I want to cut thin hair. I want to cut thin hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. I want to cut hard hair. What are you wearing? Bifunite. Bifunite is effective while sleeping. Bifunite. What are you wearing? This is a new product. It is a new product. So, it is easy to remove the oil. Kobayashi's new product. It is a new product. It is a new product. I'm not here. You were not born yet. You were not born yet. I'll do something good for you. Sound workforce Sound workforce Sound workforce Sound workforce Sound workforce Sound workforce Sound workforce 백帽 submarine Airplane Take-chan Man 7 Take-chan Man 7 Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a time The old man has gained a lot of weight This baby is He used it to make Kanao Sumo What should I do? That baby is also called Kaguya Maru 18 years early Amazing What? The next minister is Takeshi Nobomaru Takeshi, you're great You've passed the man Tears fall This is a little bad The child? I don't know which one is the father Kaguya Maru What is it? It's time for dinner Rice Rice Ouch What's the matter? Why are you running? That's right You always say Before you eat Itadakimasu It's not There's something you have to do Poop? What did you say before dinner? It's a combination of the couple Poop That's right It's delicious I'm going to sweat and eat I'm going to eat 10 bowls of rice today If I don't get 5 kg heavier I won't be able to do the blood test Eat Even in this Kaguya Maru I was the first in the village How are the sumo fans all over the country? It's time for the winner The commentary is Agonoumi Oyakata Let's introduce the two people Who are going to be on the top of the vote 8,127 in a row It's a great record Kaguya Maru and Kataya Adamo Shikimori Mame How do you look at Agonoumi Oyakata? From the story of Take-chan Kaguya Maru There's no doubt about winning How do you make a joke In Adamo It's normal to make three jokes And then push it out Yoshimoto Kogyo and Watanabe Pro Even if it's rotten Nabe Pro is Nabe Pro Even if it's rotten Nabe Pro Push it out Yoshimoto Kogyo Nabe Pro The two people have come in It's time This is painful This is cold It's cold It's Kaguya Maru's personality Maybe he's in a hurry Maybe he's waiting I'm sorry He said he made a good one He said the comment before the game It doesn't work for the technician It seems that this kind of relationship has spread That's right Poor Nishiki Poor Nishiki has appeared Poor Nishiki It's a pity that the clothes are different This is the same Yoshimoto Kogyo It's like a student After all I want to make a joke This is the love of Yoshimoto Kogyo as a senior I see This is the problem Watanabe Pro I didn't make a joke to Watanabe Pro And if I make a joke to Yoshimoto Kogyo I will get complaints from Nabe Pro I have to put out a kicker in Kaguya Maru's program I see I have to put out a kicker in Kaguya Maru's program You have a lot of power It's time There is Wow I got a lot of votes This is a relationship between seniors and juniors This is a relationship between seniors and juniors But Poor Nishiki has a lot of power 13 years of entertainment life 13 years 13 years I'm not satisfied I feel sorry for Kaguya Maru I feel sorry for Kaguya Maru I feel sorry for Kaguya Maru I feel sorry for Kaguya Maru I'm laughing at my own TV I've heard you like your own show I like TV I laugh at my own TV I'm a rare person I'm not satisfied if I watch my own show You're good at what you like People do it When people watch it, I want to try it I heard that it will be in F1 next year In F1 it's a long day This is deep Move, move, move What's going on? This is a young man from Kataoka Is Megumi-dono safe? Yes But... Move, move, move Megumi-dono I'm here to help you Why can't you move with my power? Leave it to me What's wrong with you? Can you do it? Well then Amazing Move, move Mr. Omachi I'd like to thank the person who helped me That's me Are you hurt? You? Megumi-dono Megumi-dono I'm here Megumi-dono How are you feeling? You haven't slept for a long time How are you feeling? I'm hungry I'm fine Father Please don't talk to Kataoka What? I love Takuma-shi Megumi The best Takuma-shi in the world and the strongest I... I'm not that kind of person Megumi I... I have something to say What is it? Kataoka's Shonagon-sama has come to see you What is this? Megumi-dono Megumi-dono Why do you refuse to go on a date with me? Date? I don't like you I don't even look at your face What? Do you think I'll go on a date with you? Kaze-san I'm called Fujimi-no-Sada I'm used to not hurting people I'll put my phone somewhere I can't see I'll give Megumi to the winner Today I'll train you to be the best Wait Follow me I'll do it Relax your hands Do it Do it I'll show you how to train your legs Open your hips Do it Do it Don't do it Don't do it Apologize Apologize Apologize Apologize Apologize Apologize I'm sorry Do you see the mark? You're so strong I apologize I'm tired I'm going to train you You know what I'm going to do Do you know what this is? I'm not going to Osaka I'll start with the rabbit dance Why did you stop? That's the rabbit dance? Fujimi-no-Sada I'll show you how to do it I'll do it I've been doing this for two years I thought I'd be able to do it You can't do it The machine stopped working This is all because of the nuclear power plant Isn't that right, Osakuton? I don't know It's a dirty sea How are we supposed to live? Ouch And the day of the problem has finally come The world's strongest people came to Meguhime That number is 100,000 One, two, three, four Five I'm going to try it Five I'm going to try it I'm going to try it Kaguya-maru won one by one He has no place to go Ready, go I know what you're up to A.D. Knight Nushiwara Catrine And Hiroigui And the last opponent was defeated Finally won I won Meguhime's seat But it was that night Meguhime Kaguya-maru What happened? Kaguya-maru Meguhime We can't live like this I'm already at Tsukanoma I am... the moon moon moon This is my... home Soon... I'm going to... I'm going to... I'm going to... I'm going to... If that's the case, please take me with you To Akima It's too much Why is it too much? You... It's not a place where you can live I don't want to I... I don't want to I don't want to Please take me with you To Akima We're here to pick you up To Akima Wait I... I was able to meet you I was happy Kaguya-maru Stop it Don't say such kind words Please stop This will be the last time I... When I go to the moon My behavior and personality will change I'm glad my dream came true To Akima Five mushrooms, five mushrooms If you listen to the radio You'll be able to dance right away Charles Town Mr. Ataki Today, as you can see I'm a pig Do you understand? I'm dressed like a pig today To all the good people in front of the TV I'm going to teach you a lesson That's what it is There are many lessons There are many lessons about you 13 years on the stone 13 years on the stone Even if you work hard, you can't do anything That's three years on the stone Three years on the stone He's 13 years Listen to the wall, be honest, don't joke Evidence rather than evidence There are many things like this Do you understand what it means to believe in pigs? Believe in pigs What does this mean? It means to be late Do you understand? What do you think? I wonder what it means to practice I like pigs This is what it means I like pigs If you can do something that you can't do That man will be able to do something That's what it means Do you understand? Yes Let's start with the blue pig Yes He's smart This man is smart Other women are popular in this place The red light is the red light of the stone It's not like that Get up quickly I'm sorry Don't be shy I'm going Go Get up That's right What are you doing now? Go I'm going Your jokes are more than funny What are you saying? It's really not funny Go Yes That's right Do your best Do your best Go Aren't you going to praise me? What? You're an SM I'm not praising you From now on, I'm going to be a politician I'm going to climb up to the top You look dirty Where are you going to climb up to? No My parents said I'm going to be a teacher I used to be a teacher I'm not smart This man is smart I'm not smart He's swinging his hips That's right Go Go Go Go up to the top Yes I'm going Climb up the same way That's right That's right Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Climb up Go Do your best Lightly Lightly You're always going too far Lightly What are you going to do when you're dancing? At least half the way to the top Don't lie to me It's not like this You always go back and forth Are you counting that? Are you counting that? You're always going too far You're going to take the course next You're going to take another course You're going to take the course and walk Then you're going to the wrong place You're going to the wrong place You can't do that Are you counting that? I'm going to go up first I did it! Come on! Come on! Come on! Hey, wait for me Wait for me Let me hold your feet Let me hold your feet Okay, okay Okay Okay Come on! Wait! Wait! I'm going to take the course I'm going to take the course I'm going to take the course I want to go again I want to go again I got it Even if you climb the mountain The monkeys will fall from the tree It's good It's almost full moon I can meet him I'm looking forward to the moon I'm looking forward to the moon I'm looking forward to the moon What? It's cold It's cold What? The destination is up to you A disk system that gives you dreams A poor condition Please come in You did a good job Please take care of yourself The second tenor is Sorry Wrong This is This is not clear Osamu-chan I'm not going to attack you I'm not going to attack you I'm not going to attack you Thank you I'm sorry Excuse me I was bored I was really bored Please Miyake-san You're not going to win You're not going to win You're not going to win Miyake-san Miyake-san Miyake-san You're not going to win Who are you? Excuse me Ouch! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry What? I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything I'm sorry Ouch! Man-in-Densha Yokobe-ta Wai-Shatsu Are-wa Yume-yo Dance, dance, dance Ima-ga Romance Dance, dance Honto-no Anata-yo This program was brought to you by the following sponsors Ima-ga Romance Dance, dance, dance Ima-ga Romance When I find the Brekkies My Tamattara is always waiting for me Even boldly Nusutokidori See? You're aiming for the Brekkies, aren't you?