Five, four, three, two, one. One, two, one, two, three, four. I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice. After her. Still a strange force here. Wanna see action? I'll give it to you. Ah, yeah! Sailor Scouts are here! So many babies, so full of energy they don't even know what to do with it. It's perfect, Alan. All the energy we need with no fuss. So, Anne, pick a cardian that'll zap the juice from those gurgling babes. Okay. Cardian Skulker, I command you to arise. Hey, big guy. Jordan, were you a good baby in school today? Oh, sure. Jordan's the best. But he didn't say any words, huh? Guess I'll have to be patient. Bye, sweetie. See you tomorrow. We're doing finger painting. For Lucas Jordan. From down the block. Oh, hello, girls. What's going on? Your energy is mine now. Give it to me! Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah. Oh, Mrs. Winston. It's so weak. Oh, Amy, look at them. They're not even moving. What are we going to do? We've got to get them some help. Hurry! Go call an ambulance! Let's go! Everything's going to be all right, you guys. We're almost there. Just hang on. You picked a good card, Anne. It worked like a charm. And there's so many babies in this town. The Doomtree's going to be very well fed. Yeah, but we've got to keep a low profile. These humans are oddly attached to their offspring, and we can't alert the Sailor Scouts. So, what did the doctor say, Amy? Good news! The babies are going to be out in about a week. Great! And how's Jordan? Jordan's totally fine, but Jordan's mom is in bad shape. She got it all in the attack and has to stay a while. Problem is, her husband's out of the country on a business trip, so there's no one to take care of Jordan. They just moved here about a month ago, so they don't really know anybody to take care of him. And the nursery here is jammed with all the other kids, so they really need him out of here. This guy has nowhere to go. My mom and I would take him, but she's taking off for a medical conference in Paris, France. I just wish I knew someone who could take care of him. I'll take care of him. Huh? Tell the doctors it's taken care of. But Darian, are you sure you want the responsibility? I mean, taking care of babies is really hard work. You've got to watch them every minute. Oh, here you go. Got your pinky. You sure you know what you're getting into taking him for a whole week? He could just cry all the time, you know. I'm sure he's not used to being away from his mother. There it is, sweetie. Who's this goofball with the hair? Can't she see I'm hungry? Oh, poor Jordan needs a hug. Probably scared from all these tubes. I'm going to take him to our place. Yes, right. You and a nine-month-old. You couldn't even take care of your goldfish. We'll have a good time, won't we? Go, go, change, go. Hey, hey, you're a happy baby, yes you are. You don't want to cry anymore. Stop with the dumb faces and change my diaper. I bet I can make Jordan smile. She is a goofball. Okay, Meatball Head, you can make tracks any time. I'm the one who volunteered for this, so I don't want you to think you have to help. All right, we're flying. Oh, that's a relief. This babysitting business is major hard work. Woo-hoo! I wonder if Darn will be in such a good mood after a 3 a.m. wake-up call. Someday I'll have my own happy family just like this. Oops. So, Darian, where do you keep your comic books? I'll read him a story. Wow, he sure changes moods fast. Maybe it's because he's hungry. I'll fix him a bottle. Hey, let me do that. Here you go, a nice warm bottle. No way, nothing makes this kid happy. Maybe you got the bottle a little too hot. Where's my mommy? These people are totally clueless. And now the big goofball's stealing my milk. It's good, want to try some? Well, I guess he's not hungry. Then what's wrong? Has he got some kind of disease? Maybe it's measles, or chickenpox, or a working cough, or a tropical flu. Kill the hysterics and hand me a diaper, would you? It was his diaper he was trying to tell us about. Can't be, we just changed his diaper at the hospital. So what do you expect? I'm on a liquid diet. Okay, there you go, nice and dry. Oh, now what? I just gave you a brand new diaper with baby powder and everything. Yeah, but now I'm hungry. You better not have polished off my whole dinner. Oh, I wish babies could talk. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe he's hungry now that he's all dry. Here, pal. Finally. This pair's a real brain trust. I don't get it, Darian. This baby comes along and you are sweet as peppermints. Then you see me and your Mr. Sour Pickle. Just trying to survive Hurricane Serena. Oh, that's so funny. First a meatball and now a hurricane. It's not very flattering. That's good milk, isn't it, big guy? Keep that up, you'll grow big and strong. Milk is good for you, Jordan. Can you say milk for me? I'm not a trained seal. Oh, and here I thought you had half a brain, Darian. He's not old enough to talk. He's got to learn to stand up first. Good, Jordan. Oh, good. Now walk to me. Oh, yes. Oh, here, let's try again. There you go. Oh. And you're not pushing him? Poor kid probably doesn't even know how to crawl and you're making him walk to you. On second thought, maybe that's why he's staying put. Hey, I'll bet my allowance for two weeks he walks before he talks. So bitter. You're on, meatball head. Weirdos. Oh, he is the most totally pompous, arrogant blowhard. I mean, who does he think he is and why do I ever think I liked him? We have nothing in common. Nothing at all. I know he hates me. He just won't come right out and say it because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings like that. What am I going to do? Oh. Oh. Oh. I'm happy to bring you great news. Just what we've been waiting for. St. Louis will continue in a moment on Cartoon Network. There is at this moment a monster which threatens our very way of life. Thinkable. On March 26th, only in theaters, a really ordinary kid will become a really, really big movie star. This is the biggest thing ever. It's Doug's First Movie, starring Patty Megaday, Skeeter, Roger, Port Chopp. And did we mention Doug? No, Mr. Narrator. Well, then, Disney presents Doug's First Movie, rated G. Starts Friday, March 26th. L'Oreal Kid. Watermelon shampoo. L'Oreal! Tear-free. L'Oreal! Cool hair. L'Oreal Kid! L'Oreal Kid shampoo and L'Oreal Kid conditioner. L'Oreal! No tangles. Shiny hair. So shiny. L'Oreal Kid's watermelon shampoo and conditioner. Because we're perfect, too! Milk Emergency by T.J. Rice, age 11. In the big city of Los Angeles, there's a factory called Mr. Brownies. I was working as a brownie tester, and everything was going good until the milk siren went off. Warning! No milk! Warning! No milk! I tried to use water, ugh, but it tasted awful. The next day, I heard my brother. This is the only thing he could do for a living, so he had to take the job. As for me, I lived happily ever after working at Six Flags theme park. Got milk! Say hi to Billy. Billy's just been to Chuck E. Cheese's. And it seems he's got just one thing to say. Awesome! Hey, thanks to Chuck E. Cheese's, the world is a cool Chuck place. Nice shave! Look, Coco, I know you're excited they put real chocolate in Coco Crispies. Me, too. I just don't think it's a good topic for a science project, that's all. I mean, science deals with complex stuff, like electromagnetic fields. But proving kids like real chocolate? Come on, that's like asking if kids like snow days. New Kellogg's Coco Crispies cereal, part of this complete breakfast, is now made with real chocolate. So life's real chocolatey. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind doing the research. Kinex! Make a breakaway! First you make them, then you break them. Breakaways, smashers, power! Rock Kinex! Break them, remake them! Breakaways, speedsters, power! Rock Kinex! Whoa! Breakaways, speedsters, and smashers, each sold separately with figure. Do you remember your first wedgie? How about your first nookie? Or your first purple nurple? Or the first time your little sister beat you up in front of all your friends? Then they wrapped you in plastic and dropped you in a dumpster. Do you remember? Yeah. Ed, Ed, and Eddie, tonight at 8 on Cartoon Network. Now watch this. Bone. Naked. Not afraid to work naked. As long as it's tasteful. Will you work nude? I'll work nude if it's tasteful. That's the chicken I know. If it's tasteful. Bold. In today's day and age, I think so. But tasteful. Thin line. He walks it. Cow and chicken, tonight at 8.30. Oh, my little chickies. I need this naked sex. It's time to get a few things straight around here. Not everyone's been paying attention, so I'll go through it again. It's time for your lesson. I am Sailor Moon. Mercury. Mars. Sailor Scout. Hangs up. Every weekday at 4, Sailor Moon is the first one here. What do you know? What do you know? You've caused enough trouble tonight. The Thundercats will be on their best behavior at 4.30. Tigran, follow my lead. At 5, Dragon Ball Z stops by to say hello. What? K.O. Canada! K.O. Canada! The real adventures of Donnie Quest take us down at 5.30. Grandpa, you coming with us? Sure, as soon as I take care of something. I hope this makes things a little clearer. Keep watching. I've got some new ideas. Only Tsunami. Mercury Power! Sailor Moon now continues on Cartoon Network. All right, it's time to leave the sack, lazybones. Huh? Serena up before noon on a Sunday. Something must be terribly wrong. It really didn't need to come, Meatball Head. Now, how are you supposed to push the stroller with your arms full? Well, I just hope I bought enough to last till his mom's well. There's Darian with Serena. And what are they doing with a baby stroller? He'd better be helping her babysit. That can't be his baby. Aw, look at the cute little family. Aren't they adorable? You make such a nice couple. I'll give you a couple. A black eyes if you don't stop it, Mina. I'm just helping out. Don't have a coronary, Serena. Actually, we think it's really nice of you to take care of Jordan while Mrs. Winston's in the hospital. As long as you treat him better than your goldfish. Hey, Serena. Ray's going to be doing a fire reading up at the temple. She's trying to home in on this new cardian. Meet us there, okay? I'll be there. I call upon you, great fire. Show us who this evil new cardian is on the count of five, four, three, two, one. That's the one. She put that weird spell on all those poor babies. And she'll do it again. Seems like she's tuned into baby energy. She's searching for more targets. Is there any way we can stop her? Not unless she appears again. Now that I've tuned into her energy, I can keep an eye out for her. But we'll still have to be really careful. Gotcha, Ray. Aren't you in luck, Serena. You've got an excuse to be with Darien. You know what? Since this Jordan came along, I've seen a whole side to Darien I never knew he had. But last week you said he was a cold-hearted stuck-up dork. Hey, I'm the only one who gets to talk about him that way. Catch you later. Cardian's planning another attack. The sailor scouts are going to have to be ready for her on a moment's notice. Right. Come in. Hey, Darien, it's me. I heard you're on baby duty this week. And I thought I'd better see if you needed a hand with them. I'm really good with babies, you know. Hey, you, stop that. Yeah, I know you don't like it, but you can't go messing up Darien's nice, clean apartment. It's time to shut up already. That's not a nice thing to say. Boy, you're a rude one. I'm warning you. I think he needs to be changed. Could you do it? Of course, Darien. I was just about to do that. There, all dry, so stop whining. Aw, he's just the cutest little munchkin, don't you think, Darien? If you need anything else, I'll be glad to help. I love babies and they love me. Okay, there. What a phony. Why can't he see through her? Hi, Darien, door was open. Want to take Jordan to the park? Oh, hey, Anne, what's wrong? Anne, wait, don't go, please. I don't want you to be mad. You found someone else to help you with Jordan, haven't you? Fine, I'll take off. See you around. No, Serena, don't you go too. What's going on? Jordan threw up on her and she got unglued. What is she, your girlfriend? Of course not. What made you think that? You know, I don't care if she is. I've had it with the way you treat me. You can take care of Jordan by yourself. I'm out of here. Look. Huh? He's standing up. Whoa. I don't believe it. You owe me ten bucks, pal. Oh, yes, look at him. He did it. He walked, Darien. Hey, what's going on? I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Amy, it was totally amazing. Jordan started to walk. Halfway across the room. Wow, how great. Hey, Jordan, why don't you show Amy how he can walk? Yeah, do it again, little guy. Come on. Serena, Sailor Scouts need it right away. Huh? Ray's got new readings that Cardian's on the move. Sorry, Dar, we got to book it. What? Big report. Due for biology tomorrow. Bye, guys. Have fun. Huh. I want your energy. Not this time, sister. Stop right there, Nugget Slugger, I'm going to turn your sizzle into fizzle. So don't give us any of your dribble. Venus Crescent Beam Smash. Nobody stops me, Sailor Wimp, so don't even bother trying. You messed with the wrong people, you ugly slime face. You're watching Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network. Now your turn, Sailor Failures. We've got to stop this energy vampire. Hey, tell me about it. Moon Crystal Burn. Moon Crystal Burn. Magic Power. Good, I'll zap your energy too. Mercury, can you move? No, she's zapping all my strength. We've got to do something or we're fried. How dare you attack the most innocent of humanity, these helpless babies. You'll pay for it, you evil parasite. Moonlight Knight, you saved us. Had to, Sailor Moon. If you and the Sailor Scouts don't stop her, no baby anywhere will be safe. Hey, you baby snatcher, I don't know where you get off stealing these innocent kids, but it's stopping right this instant. Mercury and Bubbles. She's breathing. Whoa, Mercury, where did that come from? I know those weren't your usual bubbles. I don't know. All of a sudden I just felt this new power inside me. I guess because I couldn't stand the thought of her getting away and zapping more babies. Great, Sailor Mercury. We've got to put this baby number out of business, woman, you're getting moon dusted. Moon Scepter Elimination. Excellent work, Sailor Scouts, but it sounds like you might have some diapers to change. I'll leave it to you. Typical guy, but a hunky one. I'm sure glad Mrs. Winston's finally out of the hospital. Jordan, my little guy. It's your mommy. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking care of Jordan while I was sick. I hope he wasn't too much trouble. He was great. Yeah, but the poor little guy really missed his mommy. Now you be a good boy and let your mommy get some rest. And I'll forgive you for not talking to me, Jordan, as long as you're still my very best buddy. Bye-bye, Jordan. Bye, Bellion. Huh? Meet the head. Huh? Bye. Unbelievable. He said my name. We're geniuses. We taught him how to walk and talk. All right. Woo. Five, two, one, two, three, four. I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice. After her. I feel a strange force here. You want to see action? I'll give it to you. The Sailor Scouts are here. Oh, that must be the new ice cream parlor everybody's talking about. It looks so yummy. Mmm, mint chip. I want some. Mmm. Wait a minute. I'm acting like a total kid slobbering over ice cream. I got to keep my mind on the silver crystal. Hey, Rini, where are you going? Ice cream shop? No, just home. Wow, you've got a lot of discipline. I try. I've heard their ice cream is really delicious, but I'd like some company. Don't look at me. I hate sweets. Come on. Everybody loves ice cream, Rini. If you don't mind hanging out with an old junior high girl like me, I'll buy you a double. What do you say? My treat. All right. But only because you wanted some company. Let's go. Last one there is a rotten peach. Come on, hurry. Okay. I'll stand in line for you. Hey, Ray, why so bummed? We just found out Amy was accepted to study in Germany. Yeah, our little genius totally aced her study abroad scholarship test. They said she can choose any school she wants, even start her pre-med training. So when does she leave? Not for a few weeks, I guess. Wow, studying abroad sounds exciting. Yeah, but I bet it'll be hard for her, being away from all her friends and so far from home. She's so sweet. Her friends mean a lot to her. We can't just let her go. Don't you see she's the brains behind the Sailor Scout? Come on, we'll be totally lost without her, you guys. Serena, do you always have to be so selfish? I mean, think about Amy. Yeah, she's going to need all the support we can give her, Serena. Besides, we can't always depend on Amy. You've got a perfectly good brain, too. You know, I think I understand, Serena. You're just afraid because one of your best friends is going away. Yeah, you're right. I guess I should be happy for Amy, shouldn't I? Hey, I say we plan a humongous going-away party. Who wants to be in charge? Serena! Well, time to hit the books. This was fun, Rini. It was nice getting to know you better. Bye-bye, Amy. Thanks for the ice cream. Wow, she's smart. Hey, maybe she's got the silver crystal. Now I want to be dumb enough to give it to Serena. So here are some new power tools for you girls. You each get a power stick and a wrist communicator. I think you'll like them. They're ten times more powerful than the old ones. But what are we going to do with Sailor Mercury's stuff? Crystal Tokyo, a thousand years in the future and soon to be under my control. Yukon? I've located the first of the five star points of Crystal Tokyo. Go make it a stronghold for the Negamoon. Once we control all five points, Crystal Tokyo will be ours. That was good. Amy! Huh? Rini, what are you doing here? Did you come with Serena? No, but I need to ask you a favor, Amy. Can I come over and stay at your house one of these nights? What's the matter? Aren't you and Serena getting along, Rini? Oh no, it's nothing like that. You see, she's got a huge test coming up and I don't want to bother her. You know how easily she can get distracted. I've been there. I think I can help you out. And you'll probably get a better night's sleep away from Serena the Hyena. Come on, let's go. Oh, thanks, Amy. Now for sure I'll get that crystal. Rini, why don't you just go to bed? But I want to finish this. Huh? Go to bed, Rini. You can finish reading it in the morning. Hmm. If she doesn't go to bed soon, I'll never get a chance to search through her stuff. Hey, aren't you tired? No, not at all. I always study best at night. I'm a night owl. I guess I forgot how little you are sometimes, Rini. Go on, go to bed if you like. Are you going to come too? You know, you're exactly like me when I was little, curious. I always wanted to stay up way too late with my parents. Sometimes my mom would give in and let me sleep in her lap while she read. She's a pediatrician, and that's what I want to be too. Yeah. Over in Germany, right? Hmm. Pretty soon I'll be packing my bags. Wow, my first trip abroad. Won't you be lonely? It's so far. I know. That's the only bummer about studying abroad, you know. I've never been so far away before. I'd better find that crystal soon. Amy, please stay. It's my one chance. What isn't? Oh, you're so smart. They'll take you any time. I'm going. You've got to get used to that. But I'll miss you. Well, I'm not going to put my dreams on hold for you. Can't you study here? No, Serena. I'm starting a new life. I'm going to have all new friends. It's going to be wonderful. Hi, Serena. Hello. Hi, Muffin. Don't call me that. It's over between us. Wait. Where are you going? Far away, Serena. Far away from you. No, don't go. Don't leave me here alone. The first crystal points an ice cream store. How amusing. Frosty, you here yet? Sorry, I'm late. Fashionably late. The best kind. Are you ready? We need quick work on this dump. That's fabulous. Ice crystals for the first crystal point. And tomorrow we'll have all new flavors. You all set, Sailor Scouts? Ready! Sailor Moon will continue in a moment. On Cartoon Network. What's for lunch? It's Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hungry Hungry Hippos! First to gobble up the most marbles wins! Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hungry Hungry Hippos! Hot Wheels Motorized Starter Set Hot Wheels Motorized Starter Set comes with one car. As far as the track sits, it's all separate. Batteries not included. Steppin' out, I'm with my baby. Can't go wrong, cause I'm in the right. Steppin' out, I'm with my baby. The big day may be tonight. Oh, baby. Wearing his Chuck Taylor Couch Fling shots, Billy has successfully picked up 14 gazillion dolls belonging to his sister Sally. Making him this week's Converse Couch All-Star. The Converse Couch Collection, now available. If you were a baby, you'd sit in a high chair and eat Strain Peas every day. You don't like Strain Peas, tough. Babies don't have a choice, but you do cause you're a kid. So you can go to Burger King. Get a cheeseburger. No pickles, no problem. You don't like choices, be a baby. You want it your way, you can go to Burger King. Fun! Gold! You don't have to choose between great tasting food and fun at Burger King. You can always get both. Right now, there's a new cat-dog action toy in every Tasty Kids Club meal you buy. Five toys in all, only at Burger King. Taste rules. Howdy, Codna. Let's play horsey. Giddy-up girl! Bounce her up and down and she really talks. Giddy-up horsey! Snap her boots together and she'll talk and ride like a cowgirl. Giddy-up! She's a giddy-up girl. I love you, Mommy. Giddy-up girl! She says 11 different things. When you got play-doh! Anything goes. Hop in the chair. Grow wild hair. Sniff it here. Shave it there. It's a play-doh do. Smells like shampoo. At the Fuzzy Pumper Barber and Beauty Shop. Play-doh place that comes to show in case a color slips up. On the next Super Chunk, it's three hours of Bugs Bunny and friends Groucho Marx, Carmen Miranda, Bing Crosby, the Yankee Doodle Floop Guy, and of course, Liberace. The Bugs Bunny Super Chunk, Saturday at 4. Titanic Shmytatic. Top disc for special effects, huh? Announcing Cartoon Network's greatest cartoon countdown. Our picks for the 50 best cartoons of all time. Played in order all the way up to number one. Plus comments from the stars. It's true. I had to gain 500 tons for this role. That's one heck of a lot of birdseed. Cartoon Network's greatest cartoon countdown. March 20th starting at 2. Only on Cartoon Network. Deep within Gotham City, a dark figure lurks in the shadows seeking his own unique form of justice. And the only way he'll be stopped is by a dark knight. Batman will have to confront the demons of his past to defeat his deadliest villain ever. A villain in a mask. Cartoon Theater presents Batman, Mask of the Phantasm. Saturday at 8 on Cartoon Network. It's time to get a few things straight around here. Not everyone's been paying attention, so I'll go through it again. It's time for your lesson. I am Sailor Moon! Mercury! Mars! Sailor Scouts! Ah! Ah! Every weekday at 4, Sailor Moon is the first one here. What do you know? What do you know? You've caused enough trouble tonight. The Thundercats will be on their best behavior at 4.30. Tigran, follow my lead. At 5, Dragon Ball Z stops by to say hello. What? You can't attack! The real adventures of Donnie Quest take us down at 5.30. Grandpa, you're coming with us? Sure, sonnus, I take care of something. I hope this makes things a little clearer. Keep watching. We've got some new ideas. Only Toonami. And remember, those Sailor Scouts are still out there. We've got to stay on our guard. Sailor Moon now continues on Cartoon Network. Hey, guys, what's the buzz? Same-ole, same-ole. What, did you guys stay up all night yakking? Uh-uh, reading. You can come back any time, okay? Thanks. What's a little lost sleep if I can get my hands on that silver crystal? You want to give me a farewell party? No way. It'll be way too much trouble. There's totally no way we're letting you take off on us without a fabu party, Amy. But all my friends and family will be there. It'll make me sad. I won't want to leave. Amy, it'll just be like going away to summer camp the first time. You miss everyone the first week, and then it's a blast. Come on, it'll be fun. And think of all the loot you'll get. Please call it off. But, Ames, I'm using it as an excuse to buy a new party dress. What do you mean we're not giving Amy a goodbye party? What happened, Serena? Forgot to send out the invitations? Did you mess up again? Uh-uh. Amy doesn't want to do it. You see, I really do want to be a doctor and take care of little kids. But leaving my friends is a big deal for me. And if you give this big party, I'm afraid I'll lose my nerve. It's already going to be hard enough to say goodbye. Wow. I never thought of it that way. Poor Amy. What a tough decision. Well, what if we just get everybody to take her to the airport, then? Yeah, that shouldn't be so bad. And if she starts to change her mind, we just pack her on the plane. She'll love that. I think it's a good idea. I think it's a great idea. All right, we've got us a plan. Two for one special today. We're practically giving it away. Come on, we've got the best ice cream in town. Here, Sarah. Thanks, Matt. How about going to the park and renting one of those row boats? On second thought, I'm kind of busy. So am I, pal. Take a hike. Yeah, see you around, okay? If you're lucky. Was that weird or what? Get your ice cream, folks. We've got some great new flavors. Get them while they're cold. So how's business today, Frosty? Cool. Whatever sales pitch you're using, it's a winner. But don't overdo it on the first day, okay? We don't know how much storage we have. That's no problem. I checked it out. There's a huge cellar big enough to hold every single customer. And the new flavors are working as expected? Yep. Just a few licks and they're ours. Excellent. So why don't you show me where we'll put them? Who's there? Look what a pretty cat. Must have startled the little fella. Come here, cutie. Know whose cat this is? Of course. And I know exactly what to do with them. Put them on ice. Coming right up, one kitty popsicle. The scouts come a-look at it and Renie will finally be ours. Oh, Great Fire, we call upon you to tell us how to find Artemis. Please, Great Fire, he's in trouble. Tell us now. I really think Artemis is in bad trouble. The fire can't even get a reading on him. Artemis, didn't he mention that new ice cream shop? I know. Let's call up Amy. She can put a quick trace on Artemis with her computer. Whoops. I forgot. Forgot what? I'm supposed to use my own brain from now on, right? Not my strong suit, guys, but I'll give it my best shot. Yeah, that's the spirit. There, that ought to do it. Why are you packing now? Your plane doesn't leave for two weeks. No, it doesn't. Oh, I get it. You told your friends the wrong flight date. That way they can't come wish you goodbye and you won't be sad. I should have known a smart little girl like you'd figure it out. You'll say goodbye for me? Sure. I guess she really doesn't have the crystal because she wouldn't leave town with it. Artemis was on to something. I sense major bad vibes here. Mm-hmm. He could be trapped. We'll go check it out as soon as the crowd thins out a little bit, okay? Got it. If they've got you, Artemis, I promise I'll set you free. How'd we do, Frosty? Oh, I think you'll be very pleased with today's results. So everyone who ate our ice cream is now under your spell. Excellent work, Frosty. I'll remember that in the future. Oh, why, thank you, Bertie. And when we've captured all five star points and Crystal Tokyo is ours, I'll be queen. I look forward to serving you, Bertie. Excellent. I won't forget you. And every time there's an outfit I'm tired of, you'll get to wear it. Would you like to see our prisoners now? Nah, manicure time. What's the story here, Snow Cone Head? Who's there? Now I know what you're up to down here. I've seen your collection of human ice cubes, okay? Now who are you? Look, you're a little snoop. My feet are killing me. I've had a hard day, so I'm putting you on ice. Luna! Next bus should be the one that goes to Amy's house. I'm worried about Mina and Luna. They should have been back by now. Hey, guys, I need Sailor Scouts big time, on the double. You got it. You guys go on while I drop off Amy's gift at her place, and I'll do my very best to talk her into staying. You'd just be wasting your time. What do you mean? She's on her way to the airport. She leaves today. Are you serious? I'll take it. Daryam! Go on, Mina needs you. Oh, right. Rini, you coming? You betcha. Bye, guys. Can we go now? Where are you? It's no use hiding. Why don't you come and get me? Fine. Whoops, froze the whipping cream. Up here, Blizzard Breath. The Sailor Scouts! That's right. I'm Sailor Moon, enemy of all that's evil. Sworn to fight for a peaceful future, we are the Sailor Scouts. We will right wrongs and transform evil. And that means you. It's freezing! This is way colder than when we fought Queen Beryl. Try not to think about it. Rini, Daryam, what are you doing? Kitty Power, make a gift for Amy. Don't forget me, okay? Thank you. This one's from Serena and the girls. They shouldn't have. Go on, open it. You know, I told them you were leaving, but they wouldn't come. Not very good friends. What do you mean? Well, if they were such good friends, wouldn't they be here to say goodbye? Some friends. And that puny gift, probably something cheesy from the drug store. No. I'm glad they're not here. It'd be too sad. But you'll be gone for a long time. Who knows when you'll see each other again? We can talk on the Internet, and there's always holidays. But we'll still miss you. And I'll miss you guys too, Rini. But it's just better this way. Well, hurry up and open it. You're gonna miss your flight if we keep on yakking. To Amy, you'll always be welcome. To Amy, you'll always be one of us. We wish you the best. Love your friends. Oh, Darian, I can't. Can you give me a ride back, please? I can't do this. Hey, there's plenty of time to become a doctor. I'll just reapply in a couple of years from now when I'm really ready to do this. Right now, I want to be here with my friends. We've got to try to do something here, you guys. I can barely feel anything. I think the girls might be on a mission, Amy. I know the Sailor Scouts are in trouble. I can feel it. They need me. I want Rini. Where is she? You know it's Rini I want, Sailor Scouts. Hand her over now. Because you know I'm not letting you go until I get that kid. Come on. Where is she? Fine. Be stubborn. No! No! You're watching Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network. I can't believe I almost got on that plane. What was I thinking? I can't leave the Sailor Scouts. I'm part of the team. I'm Sailor Mercury. I just hope I'm not too late. Mercury Star Power! Hold it, slush brain! And who might you be? It's Sailor Mercury! Mercury and Star Flash! Are we glad to see you? Better take care of her quick. I sure will. Sailor Moon! Moon Selector Elimination! Luna! Optimus! Sailor Mercury! We thought you were gone! I could never leave you guys when you need me. We Sailor Scouts gotta stick together, right? Hey, and thanks for the presents. Came in real handy. Amy's not mad I didn't see her off. I don't get it, Darian. It's okay. You'll understand one day. You sure you're okay about not going to Germany? Yes, I realized I really wasn't ready to go yet. Someday I'll get my chance to study abroad, but right now I just want to be home. Maybe we can go to Germany together. I bet you couldn't even find it on a map. Hey, I'll look it up, smarty pants. Or should I say, smarty cat? In every group of friends, there's always one person you can count on. You know, to always have the right answer, to think things through, to be dependable. It's good for us to think for ourselves, to be forced to stretch, make decisions on our own. Of course, those decisions aren't always as good as they would be with Amy around. But they're our decisions, and that's the only way to learn to be responsible, by accepting responsibilities. This one's going out to all the ladies. We've made the wrong triumph over all evils! Oh, we're finally married! Oh, Darien, I can hardly believe it! I feel like the luckiest girl alive! Oh, wow! Look at all these gifts! Gifts? Oh, I thought it was real. What's that? Oh, the fungus is in my bed again! No, Mommy, I want to sleep some more. Out of my bed, you little spore! No! I've had another vision, Rubius. The moonbeam will appear again today near the Tenth Street Bridge. So will the crystal. I want that girl and the crystal captured, understand? I'll put the sisters right on it, Wise Men. We'll complete our work by day's end. You'd better before I run out of patience. We'll all be glad when we can leave this prehistoric dive and get home. And by the way, Wise Men, how are things in the future? Have you conquered any more crystal points there? No, we haven't. It hasn't helped that you failed to capture any crystal points yourself. I don't understand. I thought the fight was going better. It was until we decided to launch an all-out attack on a crystal point near the royal palace. We've never encountered such resistance. Our forces were held off by a strong energy force field. We couldn't even get close. An energy force field? Coming from where? Not where. Boom! Four female warriors sworn to defend Crystal Tokyo and protect the royal family. Strong female warriors sounds mighty familiar. They must be the Sailor Scouts of the future. We've had problems with them here, too. They always show up at the wrong moment and blow us right out of the water. Get rid of them, Rubeus. Right here, right now, in the past. We don't need their interference in the future. The sisters are going to enjoy this assignment. They've been waiting to get even with the Sailor Scouts for a long time. Double chores again! I love this! Since Renie's been here, I never get in trouble anymore. Why don't you keep your big mouth shut, Sammy? You know, you could move out and give Renie your room. I'd love to, but where would I go, Serena? You could go stay over at Bobby's. No, it's way cooler watching you get in trouble. I'll give you ten dollars! Huh? Renie, where are you going? Where I'm wanting. Hey, you come back here! Now, where's that brat going? I hate this place. I want my mummy. Get real, Luna. Come on, Serena. She wouldn't run off like that if you were nicer to her. Just think, she's out there all alone thinking nobody cares about her. And no one does, the obnoxious brat. I'm going shopping. Didn't you already spend your allowance at the arcade? Anyway, what if Renie does that weird moon-bing thing again? So why don't you go track her down, Luna? You call me on the communicator as soon as you find her. Because she's not my responsibility. Now, I trust you to do the right thing, Serena. We've both got to look for her. Maybe she'll come back, I don't know. Well, that'd be great, but we can't count on it. So let's go. We've got to find her and make sure she's okay. Okay, I'm coming. Why are you still sitting there? Move it! It can't be her, Kitty. Serena hates me. But my real mummy loves me tons. It's got to be someone else. Where are you, Mummy? Please tell me. Can I come home? I'm so lonely, Mummy. Oh, Mummy, I love you so much. I know it's important I be here, but nobody wants me around. Can't I come home without the crystal? Please, Mummy, they hate me here. This key gives you the power to travel in time-space, but it's dangerous if you use it too often. I don't care if it's dangerous. I'm going. I'm going home to the future. Crystal! G! Take me home! Crystal! It's working! I'm going home! I blew it, but I'll be there soon. I want my mummy. I want to go home! The moonbeam really must be in trouble. Mummy, Daddy, I want to go home! What's wrong, little princess? Can't find your way home anymore? Don't you worry. I'll take you home. Back off, Birdie. I saw the moonbeam first. Don't try to run, you little nuisance. We've got you trapped. Lots of shopping bonuses for catching her. I'm warning you, the brat's mine. Slow down, cats. Your shoe's untied. Nice try, but I'm wearing my four-inch cuffs. What do you want? You're scaring me. Please, just go away! So plaintive, I'm reduced to tears. Me too, sis. Tears of joy. I'm out of here. She's getting away! Ashfall tastes good, sis. Stop right there. You're not going anywhere. Kitty! Thank you! And how are you liking that ashfall? Ow! That little weasel, she's toast! Run fast, Little Birdie. Never fear. Sailor Moon will be right back. Do bugs give you the willies? It's time to call Bye-Bye Buggy's terminator. I'll get rid of all your bug problems. Big bugs, little bugs. Runners use their little shortcuts. Hiding in their little tunnels. Finding little secret little areas. Bugs are smart, but I'm smarter. They try to run, I'll chase them. They try to hide, I'll catch them. They try to fly away, I'll stomp on them. We offer no promises, no guarantees, but hits. Beetle Adventure Racing, now infesting N64. I hate bugs! Sock-em-boppers, sock-em-boppers. More fun than a pillow fight. Blow them up, put your hand inside. Get ready to have the time of your life. Sock-em-boppers, more fun than a pillow fight. I had to gain 500 tons for this role. That's one heck of a lot of birdseed. It's Cartoon Network's greatest cartoon countdown. Saturday, starting at 2, only on Cartoon Network. Brought to you by Tootsie Pop. Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? Let's find out. One, two, three. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know. You can run. Ready or not, here I come. But you can't hide. Nice monkey. Now you can own all the laughs. Can you get him to put me down? Joe Dropo. In Disney's Mighty Joe Young, you can own the mightiest family adventure of the year on video this Tuesday, rated PG. Wow, the new Luminator LED is the most amazing flying disc ever. Not just a glow in the dark. No, man, you actually turn it on. What's the deal? The deal is, there's lights in the disc that make the whole thing light up. There's a hole for your finger so you can do cool tricks. You can play during the day and at night. Get the new Luminator Maxim 2. It's the longest distance light up football ever. Lights up like the LED. The deal is, play day or night with Luminator Maxim and LED. Good deal. You know it. Call the number on your screen to order the Luminator Maxim and Luminator LED. You must be 18 to order from Kid Power. Look at this equation. We all know he's smart. No doubt in my mind. He's figuring it out. That's tough. But it's more than just smart. He's also got action. Boom. What was that? Boom. I don't know. What's gonna happen? Boom. More action. You know, it's smarts in action. Smarts in action. In action. Dexter's Laboratory. Tonight at 7.30. I'm thinking action. Adventure. You know, spinoff. But that's for later. There is a world inside your computer. A place where guardians protect the mainframe by battling in the games. The reward is survival. The penalty? Deletion. The enemy is you. Toonami's all digital. Today at 4.30. Watch Ed. Watch Ed. No, no, no. Over here. Just read the line. Watch Ed. Ed. Nettie. Nettie? Go on Cartoon Network. I'm sorry, best friend. Okay. Tonight at 8 on Cartoon Network. Ed, Ed, and Nettie. I can name three cheeses. Thank you. In keeping with Toonami tradition, we've changed the line up, trying to keep it fresh. Change is good. Your history is over. Teridacty. Sailor Moon stays on top at 4 o'clock. Let's get busy. At 4.30, reboots the new kidding class. Stubble units two to one. Crimson Ball power. No. I'm getting out of here fast. On this planet, we have something we call Dragon. Come on, guys, with a big surprise. Five remains consistent with Dragon Ball Z. Obstacle holding. And it wouldn't be Toonami if Quest didn't close us out at 5.30. I am now in control. What's going on? Don't fight the revolution. Just lay back and bask in the glow. Magnificent. Sailor Moon is back. You're on Toonami. Come on, you guys, an hour's long enough. I'm sick of waiting for Serena. Just a few more minutes. She's probably not even out of bed yet. Yeah, I'll bet Luna's just dragging her out now. Huh? Luna? What happened, Luna? You look terrible. I'm fine. I'm fine. What happened, Luna? You look terrible. Two of those weird sisters from the Nekomoon were after Reani. Why didn't you come? We wouldn't have come. There wasn't enough time. It all happened so fast. Where's Reani? We'll find her. Take good care of Luna, Artemis. Ooh, that looks like a good place to hide. Huh? That was Reani. Now what is she doing? No one around. We'll be safe here. It's going to be okay. I'm scared too. I should tell Serena I'm here, but she doesn't care. Nobody cares and those horrible ladies are after me. What should I do, Luna Ball? Hi, Reani. Hi. What's the matter, pumpkin? You've been crying? I'm so lonely. But Reani, honey, you've made a lot of nice friends here. I'm scared. Weird ladies are chasing me. From the Nekomoon. They want to change the future so they can take over Crystal Tokyo. But what am I supposed to do? I haven't found the crystal or my mother. You're going to have to keep trying, Reani. I know it's tough for such a little girl. Yeah, but Serena, the girl I've been staying with, totally hates me. I can't stand it anymore. Can't I come home without the crystal? I miss everybody so much. No, Reani, it's safer for you to be here where the Sailor Scouts can protect you, like they do in the future. Don't you remember, little princess? In the future, they're the female warriors who always protect you and are your loyal and true friends. Those warriors are the Sailor Scouts, the same ones who protect you here. They're fighting for a peaceful future, just as we are. You must put your trust in them and Sailor Moon. If you want to see your mother again, you must remain here. It's the only way. Don't go! This must mean that Reani is a princess. Then her mother would be... Found you, you little amoeba! You're not getting away from me this time. Now don't make me run my nylons chasing you all over, okay? Reani, I've got to help her. Moon Crystal Power! Moon Crystal Power! My mommy taught me never to go with strangers. Is that so? Come here! Yo, maggot prep! Leave her alone! Sailor Moon! You got that right. In the name of the Moon, I will punish you! All your pretty lipstick cannot hide all the evil deep inside. Come on, Reani, we're out of here! No, I don't think so. Neither do my sisters. Introduce yourselves, girls. My name's Prisma. I'm Avery. My name is Bertie. I'm Katzie, the oldest. You're no match for us. Give up. Before we have to hurt you. Not a pretty sight. We're the Four Sisters. And we want that kid now! War, spire, incite! You were watching the pretty soldier, Sailor Moon. You heard me, hand her over. Four against one, you haven't got a chance. So, let's even the odds. Guess you Twisted Sisters are going to have to bust up a few fingernails. The Sailor Scouts! I am Sailor Marv! I am Sailor Mercury! Sailor Jupiter! Sailor Venus! The Sailor Scouts! Well, well, well. Looks like we've got ourselves a showdown, ladies. They need my help, but I can't leave Rainy. Sailor Moon! Can you hear me? Sailor Moon, are you all right? Sailor Moon! She will as soon as she gives up. Face it, you're no match for the power of the Negamoon. I've seen the future and you're not in it. Who are you and what do you want? I'm Rubius from the far side of the Negamoon. I live to see Crystal Tokyo ruled by the forces of the Black Star. I live to see Crystal Tokyo ruled by the forces of the Negamoon. So may I suggest you hand the kid over? I really don't want to hurt you. Fine then, taste the fire of the Negamoon. Crash and thunder, a brilliant flash of light. A battle has begun and only one will win the fight. Sailor Moon, don't let them take me! I won't! Sailor Moon, wake up! Sailor Moon! Don't leave me! She's a naughty, sneaky little fungus. A major brat, totally spoiled. And she hogs my bed. Don't go, I need you! But something about her... Oh, I just can't help liking the little spore. Ready to go? Time to waste him! Oh no, you don't! I'm not letting you or anybody take her. Can you hear me? Nobody takes her without facing me first. You're dusted, buster! Bullying little kids, how low do you go, pal? You just a schoolyard bully? Find out, cape boy! Hey, Sailor Moon, this guy could use some scepter therapy, don't you think? Sure could! No! We're out of here! Hurry up, sisters! We'll be back, sailor scouts! You sure you're okay, Rinny? That was scary stuff. You were really brave, you know that? But we're gonna keep a closer eye on you. The weird sisters mean serious business and they're bound to come back again. But the sailor scouts will protect you. You too? Of course me too! Me most of all. Sailor Moon! You saved me! Those ladies were gonna take me away! Before I even found my mom! I can't go back without the crystal or finding out who my mom is. But I don't want them after me anymore. Oh, it's okay. Go ahead and cry. We'll help you find your mother, Rinny, and we'll get you back to where you belong, I promise. I'm beginning to think this Sailor Moon plays an important role in all this. She could even be the key to the whole mission. And in that case, she'll have to be eliminated. Wait a second. Of course. Why didn't I see it before? She looks like the Queen of Crystal Tokyo. She looks like the Queen of Crystal Tokyo. She looks like the Queen of Crystal Tokyo. She looks like the Queen of Crystal Tokyo. And the child, she could be her daughter. Babies and younger kids can really be... After his long and strenuous journey, the Prince found her. But the Princess had fallen into an eternal sleep under a wicked witch's spell. He knelt down and kissed her. Boring. You've got to be kidding. This is the best part of the story. But I already know this story. So you mean I've just been reading this for my whole life? Yes. But I already know this story. So you mean I've just been reading this for my whole life? You mean I've just been reading this for my own enjoyment? But that's okay. So the Princess suddenly opened her eyes and the spell was broken. Isn't it romantic, don't you think? Rini? Rini. She slept through the best part. Come on, Serena, give the poor kid a break. I mean, here she is in the past, trying to help her mom and dad, who are in big trouble in the future. I wish I could do something to help them. Mm-hmm. Oh, Darien, finally the two of us can live happily ever after. Serena... Serena! Prince Darien, remember you must keep your distance from Princess Serena. Not you again. Who are you anyway? I know that is going to be difficult for you, but you must stay away from her. Her safety, your safety. The future of the very planet hangs in the balance. This is just a stupid dream! The same nightmare I've had every night! How do I know? You're for real! Because I have seen the future and I know the truth, you must believe me. It can't be! It can't be, liar! I get too close to Serena? Something will happen to her? This is tearing me apart, Serena. Serena will be in terrible danger. What just happened? Should I listen to my dreams? How can I risk not to? How can she be in danger because of me, when we truly care for each other? Hi there, Darien. Thought I might find you here. I'm worried about Rini. Has she said much to you? Well, no, not really. She did say something about Crystal Tokyo. That's about it, though. She hasn't talked about that to me. Wait, Darien, can't you stay and talk a while? No, gotta get going. See you around, Serena. But, Darien... I'm sorry, Serena. Oh, Darien, you seem so distant suddenly. Alright then! Alright, run away! Just see if I care! Darien! Oh, I miss you so much! What am I gonna do? Something wrong, Darien? Hey, Andrew. You haven't been quite yourself lately, and I just wondered if everything's okay. Well... Come on, Darien, tell me what's going on. Maybe I can help you if you talk it out. I'm your best friend, right? Yeah, you could be right. So tell me, Andrew, what's the best way to get a girl to totally despise you? Sorry to keep you waiting. Hi there, Darien! So, have you had a chance to talk to Rini about her troubles yet, Serena? Nah. We know she's from this city in the future called Crystal Tokyo. And it's been under some terrible attack by the ruthless invaders from the Negamoon. And Rini's mother's been captured by these invaders, right? And that's why Rini's here now. Yeah. And Rubeus and the Twisted Sisters followed Rini here to catch her and alter the future. Wake up, Serena, your ice cream's melting! Earth to Serena, hello! Guys, what do you think Darien's going way out of his way to avoid me? What? Serena, the topic at hand is Rini and all her problems. Think you can stick to the subject? Right. We've got to help that girl and get her back to the future. Right! How can I hear myself think? Stop that racket! Darien! Darien! Darien, who is this girl? She's a cousin of yours, right? Or some other relative, isn't she? Since we've been friends for a long time, we've known each other for a long time. We've known each other for a long time. We've known each other for a long time. We've known each other for a long time. She's a cousin of yours, right? Or some other relative, isn't she? Since when do I have to report in and tell you who all my friends are? Get a life, Serena. Hold on tight, okay? We're out of here. Who is she? Darien! Just some girl I know. I'm just some girl. Serena, until I find out what that dream means, it's got to be this way. I'm sorry. It's killing me, too. Come on, boy! Bart's Butterfinger's so butterfingery. Hit a homer, dude! Crispity-crunchity Butterfinger from Nestle. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger. Wow, look at that great giraffe. Children love animals, and they enjoy learning everything about them. That's why your children will love zoo books. Grandma, look at this. This exciting magazine for children will bring the most wonderful animals into your home. Animals that do the most amazing things. Your children will meet incredible new animals and read fascinating new facts about them. Hey, what are you reading, son? I just got my new zoo books in the mail today. Look. A camel's head has built-in sun visors to keep the bright sunlight out. That's better than sunglasses. Month after month, a brand new zoo book will arrive, packed with beautiful pictures that will encourage your children to read and learn. Fantastic new magazines with captivating animals, colorful pictures, and facts that even you may not know. Imagine your child's very own zoo book in the mail every month. Make zoo books a part of your family today. Call this toll-free number now. You'll receive 12 full months of zoo books, plus this stunning tiger poster and animal stickers to put anywhere, even cheeks. And you'll even get this extra elephants issue absolutely free. Just think, 12 big zoo books that will show your kids hundreds of amazing animals, many they've never seen before. Beautiful pictures that bring incredible facts to life. Call now and send zoo books to someone you love. 12 great books, 13 including this extra elephants issue, plus poster and stickers. These days, it's rare to find anything that will bring your children so much fun and knowledge for such a small price. Call now and start zoo books coming to your children today. To order, have your credit card ready and call 1-800-544-7400. That's 1-800-544-7400. Call now. Smelly Telly. Starting April 26th, something's gonna smell funny. Not bad. Cartoon! It's Smelly Telly on Cartoon Network. For the first time ever, you can smell the cartoon. All you need is a Smelly Telly Scratch and Sniff card. It's free. Then smell along with Cartoon Network starting April 26th. Smells like chicken. Stay tuned to find out how you can get your free card. Smelly Telly! There is a world inside your computer. A place where guardians protect the mainframe by battling in the games. The reward is survival. The penalty, deletion. The enemy is you. Toonami's all digital. Today at 430. In keeping with Toonami tradition, we've changed the line-up, trying to keep it fresh. Change is good. Hell, you're history! Teridactis! Sailor Moon stays on top at 4 o'clock. Let's get busy! At 430, reboots the new kid in class. Scramble units, two to one! No! I'm getting out of here fast. On this planet, we have something we call Dragon. Come on, guys, with a big surprise! Five remains consistent with Dragon Ball Z. Obstacle. And it wouldn't be Toonami if Quest didn't close us out at 530. I am now in control. What's going on? Don't fight the revolution. Just lay back and bask in the glow. Magnificent. Soon, the universe will be no more. Only the Negaverse will prevail. And now, back to Sailor Moon. What's that noise? Could it be a burglar? Serena, what on earth are you doing? You'll have a terrible time getting to sleep if you eat all that stuff, Serena. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You'll have a terrible time getting to sleep if you eat all that stuff, Serena. I don't care. I just don't care if I don't sleep or if I get back. Daring's got himself a new girlfriend. Now that my guy's got himself a new girl, I'm just going to eat away my sorrows. Daring's got a new girlfriend, that can't be, it just can't be, why would he do that? Huh? What was that? Oh, Serena, quickly, Rini's in terrible trouble, she's missing again. Oh no, that was Rini's energy, oh Rini! So girls, the little brats revealed herself again. Yes, we've pinpointed where her energy was released. Get her, and don't fail me this time. Gotcha now, you slippery little weasel. Mommy! Rini! Help me! I'm in a majorly bad mood and I'm taking it out on you nega-tramps, moon crystal brats! Ha, you're not getting away this time kid, don't be so sure. Sailor Moon! I stand for love and I stand for justice too, but I won't stand for bullies like you. I'm Sailor Moon! And on behalf of the moon, I'll punish you! We've been expecting you and we brought a little surprise with us. What kind of surprise? Okay Droid Hypnotica, come forth. Hypnotica! Look into my eyes. You're getting sleepy. What are you doing? Be careful Sailor Moon. Go to sleep, go to sleep, you must rest forever. Oh no, Sailor Moon, you've got to stay awake. You were wrong about eating too much before bed, Luna. Good night, I'm so tired. You like that kid? That's good, cause it's your turn. So the weird sisters are at it again, why am I not surprised? I hate these meddling scouts. Yeah, but there's two of us and four of them. Sorry sis, but I don't care for these odds, I'm out of here. Wait! What, you're taking off so soon? Before we say good night kids, we'll let Hypnotica tuck you in. Droid Hypnotica, put silly scouts in the same lovely dream world their friend Sailor Moon is in, then say good night forever. You're getting sleepy. Don't listen to her girls, she's trying to hypnotize you. You must resist her and not let yourselves fall asleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, you must rest forever. Where'd you learn to sing, yodeling school? I call upon the pattern of fireballs, charge! Cool move Sailor Mars, I was in trouble big time. Hey, come on Sailor Moon, wake up. Not likely, she's dreaming, she's running out of energy that falls asleep forever. Except there's no waking from this dream, it's real. Stop! What was that? Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon, wake up, you've got to wake up. Come on, wake up. Sailor Moon. Don't go to sleep. Her energy's leaving her body, if we don't find a way to stop it we won't be able to wake her up. Can't you hear us? Wake up Sailor Moon, wake up. Wake up, wake up. I'm afraid she's leaving us. Now that my guy's got himself a new girl, I'm just going to eat away my sorrows. What? Darien, you have to come with me. Sailor Moon's in great danger, she's falling into an eternal sleep and you've got to come wake her up. No one can do it but you. But I can't do it. I know you still care about her. So why must you continue to avoid her? Because. She's running out of time, go to her. Hold on Serena, you can't leave me. Hold on Sailor Moon, hold on. I am Sailor Moon. Mercury. Mars. Sailor Scout. You're watching Sailor Moon on Toonami. Wake up Sailor Moon, please wake up. Oh come on, please. Oh please Serena. Oh Serena, how can we get through to you? Sailor Moon, her temperature's dropped drastically. Hold on Sailor Moon, wait. Look, I think Tuxedo Mask is here. Huh? Tuxedo Mask, you're here. I just hope he can do something for her. I sure hope so too. Sailor Moon, wake up. Can't you hear me? Oh Darian. Serena, please forgive me. Stop. Look everyone. The power of love brought Sailor Moon back to us. This is so great. Darian, I feel warm. I'm so glad, Serena. Just like my storybook, the fairy tale came true. How rude upon to interrupt her sleep, gate boy. Look out. How dare you attack my guy. I'm the one you want, so come on Negatrash, let's rumble. Lights up for you, it's past your bedtime. I'll say when it's my bedtime thank you. Moon Scepter, animation. Sailor Moon, amazing job. I'm really glad you're all right again. Darian, I just knew in my heart you still loved me. Serena, but I don't love you. What? But how can I believe that when you just came to my rescue? That's another story. Believe me. Our love is like a rose, beautiful when it's in bloom, but it can't last forever. No. Come back, Serena. Oh, Serena, I can't stand hurting you. Oh no, get out of town, Lizzy. Wow, I didn't know that you were Andrew's little sister. Sure am, and Andrew asked Darian if he'd give me a ride home, and that's when you saw us. Giving you a ride home, that was it? Yep, and it was really nice of him to go out of his way because I was already major late that day. But wait, I thought Darian was your boyfriend. No way, he's just a friend. I've got the greatest boyfriend I'm totally wild about. See you around, okay? Oh, I've still got a chance to get him back. But I just, I just don't understand why Darian has to keep avoiding me all the time. There must be some logical reason. Yeah, that's right, yeah, there has to be a good reason. Yes, that's it, I'll find out exactly what it is, and then I'll be able to win my guy back again. Yes! This one's going out to all the ladies. I feel a strange force here. Checkmate! You always win, another queen bites the dust. Smooth move, Amy. Oh, Sarita, take a lesson from Amy. You know, Amy, you're so good at this, you ought to think about turning pro or something. Oh, I'm not that good. Come on, Amy, with your moves and me promoting you, we could go all the way to the national championships. Yes, but I don't play enough for that. Come on, Amy, we've got to get going. I almost forgot, we're going to see the new chess tower. What's that, a new store at the mall? Mm-mm, way better than the mall. Better than the mall? Oh, looks good on you. You really think so? What was Catzie thinking? Why would she want to be just a boring old human being? Catzie's nothing but a traitor to our cause. And not to mention to our family as well. Catzie's no longer a member of this family. Too bad, I'm going to miss her. I won't. She'll get hers soon enough. Back to business. I just discovered another crystal point. It's located here. We can't afford to botch this one. I'll capture it, Rubies, I'll get it for you. Just wait and see. Bertie won't be able to do it on her own. Let her go. If she doesn't make it, we can always finish the job. Good idea. I'm counting on you. Okay. The vain silly fools don't have a clue. I'm just using them, pawns in my game, to be discarded when they're no longer useful. Toil away, you stupid dupes. Hey, I've seen that shape somewhere before. It's a, what do you call it, a kook, right? In chess, it's called a rook. A what? That's right, Leda. It's a cute little chess piece that looks like a castle. This was built by a man who loved chess more than anything. Next week, as part of the grand opening, they're going to hold a huge chess tournament. The winner will be named the Junior World Champion. Oh, Amy, you've got to enter it via Snap for you. Yeah, come on, Amy, this is your big chance. I don't know if I'm good enough. I've always just played for fun. I've never been in a real tournament. Spoken like a true loser. If you're not playing to win, you shouldn't even bother playing. Winning is definitely where it's at, you know? Says who? Who are you, anyway? I thought a good sport enjoyed the game no matter what, win or lose. I'm lucky I don't have to be a good sport. Uh-uh. Oh, look at the time. Gotta go, girls, there's another championship trophy in there with my name written on it. You're certainly sure of yourself. I am, aren't I? Well, catch you later, kids. Maybe give you an autograph. See ya. That's what you call an attitude. A real bad one. So, little Amy, you've come back to us. Oh, hello, sir. I'm so excited to look around your place. We like it. But what about you? Will you be entering the tournament? Yes. Would you like a warm-up match? Huh? Sure. I used to play chess like this with your grandfather. I know. Amy, there's been a change in you. Huh? There was a time when you could think about nothing else but playing chess. I used to wonder if you did it because you needed the company. You see, I've got real friends now. That's good. Chess is one thing, but real friends are there for you your whole lifetime. Yes, my friends mean a lot to me. Checkmate. Some things never change. Playing against you is still humbling. Oh, you just let me win. I wish. You still play like a champion. Oh? Oh, sir, this building closes at five. Is that right? That's right. No more visitors. Just the two of us left all to ourselves. Would you mind if I took a quick look around before I leave? No, no. Go right ahead. Thank you. Nice seeing you. Ah, so this is the center of the Crystal Point. Rubius will be pleased. Great power of the Mega Moon. Seize this place! Hey, stop it! It's that little mousey chess player. Want to play? Do you, kid? What's the matter, kid? Cat got your tongue or you're just scared to death of the thought of losing to me? Better get ready, because I'm going to dish out a big dose of humility coming right at you. You stay right where you are, kiddo. Your lesson's only just begun. Well, you've got guts, which I find rather surprising in a pathetic human like you. Oh, look! Star... Power! Yay! This is a real surprise. The little brown mouse turns out to be Sailor Mercury. Wait till Rubius hears about this. Mercury Ice Storm Blast! That's the last interruption I'll tolerate. Jupiter! Thunderclap! Thunderclap! That hurt! Look who's come to join the party, Sailor Moon and her fashion-challenged little friends. That's right. And we're here to challenge you, Negabrat. And I'll win that fight, but I'll choose the time and the place. See ya. This could be big trouble. Hey, what's the matter, Amy? She saw me transform into Sailor Mercury. I don't know what she was doing here, but I've got the feeling she'll be back. Why would she be interested in the chest tower? It just doesn't make any sense. Hey, whatever the reason, we've got her covered. You guys are the best. Ow! This really hurts. Those bratty little viruses really took a big chunk out of my hand. Bertie got her wing clipped. Ah, baby got her now, wee. I didn't think anybody was here. Hope you're not going to tell us. That you failed? Because there's no room for failure in this game, Bertie. Of course not. That's good, Bertie, because we all remember what happened to the last sister around here who failed miserably. I think I'd rather die than end up being a human. That's not going to happen to me. I just had a minor, very minor setback, really. Let's hope it's only that sister. Yeah, because they say it's pretty rough out here for those who can't cut it. Who would have thought Sailor Mercury is a wimpy little chest nerd? Well, I'll just have to beat her at her own game, or rather my game. I've got some who she won't believe. Never fear. Sailor Moon will be right back. You can get the real sound of Tiger Sports Field Tennis. 450 into the wind. It's Tiger Sports Field Goal. It's Tiger Sports Field Baseball. Get the real sounds and real sensations. With Tiger Sports Field Games. Each sold separately, batteries not included. Storm Riders and Flame Riders, each sold separately with figure. One special soul wasn't content to just sit and watch. His name was Balto. And when a fierce blizzard cut off supplies to a town full of sick children, Balto would have to race against time and the treacherous steel to prove his worth to the world. Cartoon Theater presents Balto. Saturday at 8 only on Cartoon Network. Brought to you by the biggest hero on video and DVD, Disney's Mighty Joe Young. From Walt Disney Home Video. Whoa. Easy Open Capri Sun. Now that's cool. Capri Sun. Easy Open Liquid Cool. Comin' at ya. Capri Sun by The Pitcher. So whenever you want it, you can make as much as you want. All Natural Capri Sun Drink Mix. Rock me baby. Rock me all night long. Rock me baby. Honey rock me all night long. Baby. Say hi to Billy. Billy's just been to Chuck E. Cheese's. And it seems he's got just one thing to say. Awesome. Hey, thanks to Chuck E. Cheese's, the world is a cool Chuck place. Nice shades. Spelly Telly. Starting April 26th, something's gonna spell funny. Not bad. Cartoon! It's Spelly Telly on Cartoon Network. The first time ever you can spell the cartoon. All you need is a Spelly Telly Scratch and Sniff card. It's free. Then spell along with Cartoon Network starting April 26th. Smells, uh, cheeky. Stay tuned to find out how you can get your free card. Chewy Chewy. There is a world inside your computer. A place where guardians protect the mainframe by battling in the games. Look out! The reward is survival. The penalty, deletion. The enemy is you. Toonami's all digital. Today at 4.30. Big X-Money. In keeping with Toonami tradition, we've changed the lineup, trying to keep it fresh. Change is good. Hell. The history of X-Money. Terrible. Sailor Moon stays on top at 4 o'clock. Let's get busy. At 4.30, reboots the new kid in class. Scramble units two to five. Principal power level attack. No! I'm getting out of here fast. On this planet, we have something we call Dragon Ball. Come on, guys, with a big bang. Five remains consistent with Dragon Ball Z. Obstacle hold. Wouldn't be Toonami if Quest didn't close us out at 5.30. I am now in control. What's going on? Don't fight the revolution. Just lay back and bask in the glow. Magnificent. You wouldn't pay for this. Sailor Moon now continues. Excuse me. Is this where I sign up for the chess tournament? Yes, you need to register. Really? Let's just skip all that. Huh? I don't really need to register, do I? No, go right in. Thank you. This is so exciting. I know. Look, Amy's still hanging in there. She'll do it. I have great confidence in her. Yeah. Come on, guys. Let's let her know we're out here. Amy, Amy, she's okay. She's the chap that's here to stay. Shh. Stop that. What's the racket? Huh? Sorry, my friend just got carried away. That's all right. Pardon me for asking, but are you all friends of Amy's? Yeah. Oh, I see. Then you must be the wonderful new friend she told me about. That's right. And who are you? Just an old chess fan who happens to own the building. You're the one Amy told us about. Do you think Amy really stands a chance of winning the tournament? It all depends on who she's up against. And it looks like that's the girl she'll have to beat. That's Birdie. What's she doing here? All right, Amy. Look at that. She just aced another match. Nobody's going to beat our Amy. Don't be so sure that other girl's acing all her matches, too. Oh. Wow, Amy's one of the finalists. May the best player win, all right? She's as cold as ice. I'll win this tournament and turn this place into a vortex of mega power. Then the real games will begin. If you don't mind, I'd like to use these. They're beautiful. They're more than just beautiful. That Birdie, what's she up to now? Oh, good move. Not so good for Amy. You can do it, Amy. I believe it's your move now, my dear. Oh, wait a minute. Checkmate. She won. Not so fast. Game's not over yet. Now the real games begin, sale of mercury. Now we play for keeps. So long, chess fans. Who did this? What happened to the video coverage? Stay there, sir. We'll check it out for you. Stay here, Cassie. Crystal Power! Monster Power! Jupiter Star Power! Venus Star Power! Super Power! Venus Star Power! Hold it right there. Every game's got its rules, but you've been making them up as you go along, you big, slimy, nigger cheater. In the name of the moon, we'll hand you the roll book, and you're gonna play by it. More pawns in the game? Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts! Now, anyone for pawns under glass. Mercury Bubble Splash! You are watching the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. They make a darling little ornament, don't they? Sailor Mercury, shall we play another game? But this time, we'll use my pieces as well as my rules. I'm freezing! I'm stuck! Not working! What's going on here? So, do you want to play? Do I have a choice? Not really, Sailor Mercury. Now, can we stop stalling and start playing? Oh, some rules. Oh, I think you'll find the rules very fair to me. Now play. Oh, did I forget to mention that each time you lose a piece, a piece of you gets frozen? Sailor Mercury, don't give in! You can beat her, I know it! That's right, even though she's cheating! Give up now, Mercury, and maybe I'll go easy on you. Oh, just play the game. Sure, just remember, you'll never win. Mercury, stop now! Get out now! I'll get her out of there! Mars! Celestial! Fire! Surround! Ow! What a permissive death for entrance! I'm sorry, can't do it! Work, mate. Shall we continue with this little charade? You know, you really can't win. You've just got pawns in the game. They're not pawns. They're friends, my friends. Who has friends? Everyone has friends, and I'll fight to the end to save them just as they would for me. You're just playing for a little time. Nice piece of work, Birdie. I think we came just in time. So nice of you to show up when it's almost over, sisters. Oh, but Birdie, we want Rubius to know that we had something to do with this. Right, we're just here to claim a little piece of the credit. Check. Rude! Oh, not you again. Check! Oh! That hurt! Don't ever overlook the power of your pawns, for the game can be won or lost because of them. Farewell. Can you help me, girls? No way. You blew it, Birdie, big time. Yeah, I hate to think what Rubius is going to do to you. I wouldn't come back. Have luck, kid. What do you know? Even sisters can let you down, but I never really expected much else. Hey, don't look so glum. You guys won here. I'm the big loser, so go ahead and yuck it up. My own sisters, they just leave me here to hang out to dry, not a friend in sight. It's really very funny. Why aren't you laughing? Why aren't you? That's it, then! Forces of the Negevurs! Turn me to ice so I never have to fail! Take me now, please! No! There's no such thing as love. Why didn't I see it sooner? Friendship, loyalty. I was such a fool. Oh, Birdie, you're wrong! You're wrong! Go ahead and laugh, Katzie. I deserve it. I'm not laughing! I'm here for you! Leave me alone, Katzie. You couldn't possibly understand what I'm going through right now. Oh, but I do understand better than anyone else. Birdie, I know what it feels like to think you're completely alone in the world. I can't stand it! Katzie! Birdie, you're not alone! The Sailor Scouts, they taught me what true friendship is really about. We never have to be alone, as long as we love one another. Oh. But could I ever be able to feel love like that? Oh, Birdie, we need each other. This is a new feeling for me. Why are you crying? Are you in pain? No, they're just tears of joy. I have so much to learn. We'll learn together, sister. Moon Crystal Healing! Activation! Birdie, you OK? I feel so different. Thank you, all my friends. Yes, our friends. Oh, give me a break, will you? No way. You've got to learn to be on your own in this game. What's that, an extra piece, you little cheater? I like not, but it's only a silly game. Silly game, are you? Birdie and Amy both fought hard today to win the big chess match, but competition doesn't have to get ugly. That's right. There's no reason why people can't compete with each other and stay friends. The main thing is to keep it in perspective. It's just a competition. Have fun. And when it's all over with... You're still friends, and that's what counts. Oh, if Serena'd only take her own good advice. Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight. Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Silver Moon. She will never turn her back on a friend. She is always there to defend. She is the one on whom we can depend. She is the one named Sailor Moon. She is the one, Sailor Moon. That's it for Sailor Moon and the Scouts. Stay tuned for Reboot, next. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Trey-bray, Tom-Mom, Chicken, Scooby-Doo. Yogi, Dibble, Snackle, Huckle, Cow, and Droopy, too. Dina, Woodle, Jerry, Judy, Weasel, Wally, Wilma. All-Star, Mol-Tar, Elmer, Dexter, Velma. Please, speedy, ocky, rocky, focky, monkey, Spike. Flip, flip, loop, flip, squiddly, diddly, tight. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Speed. Speed. Bang. Bang. Copy. Copy. Master. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Quick. Draw. Mug-raw. Mug-raw. Freakazoid. Master. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Boob-a-bob-a-dee-dee. Bag-mang-bird-mang-bam-bammy-sippity-tap. Bessy-lacky-joky-hoky-pixy-dixy-shaggy. Jabba-blabba-joozy-roozy-oky-dokey-dabby. Bugs-bunny-bunny-betty-betty-brack-and-penny. Bugs-bunny-bunny-betty-brack-and-penny.