was raised at Gordon Highlanders. Next month they're to be amalgamated with the Queen's own Highlanders into a new regiment. So tonight we pay a special tribute to the Gordons, to the men from the northeast of Scotland, from Buffen and Banff, from the Myrns and Aberdeen, who Winston Churchill once called the finest regiment in the world. It was raised by the Duke of Gordon with the help of his wife Jean and her three lovely daughters. The Duchess rode to village fairs dressed in regimental jackets and Highland bonnet and promised a kiss to those young men who took the King's shelling and joined the regiment. One village blacksmith who seemed reluctant to join the guards willingly joined the Gordons and to prove it was the kiss he valued not the money he threw his shelling to the crowd. The inspiring sound of the pipes has led the Gordons into many battles. In October 1897 on the heights of Dargai in India, Vibha George Findlitter was shot through both ankles and ignoring the intense pain he continued to play. For his gallantry he received one of the 19 Victoria crosses won by his regiment in their long history. 20 years later on the Somme and in the mud of Flanders the story was repeated and in the Western Desert and on the beaches of Normandy 25 years on. Now through the Castle Gate tower and across the drawbridge comes the sight and sound which 9,000 visitors from all over the world sitting in the stands here and most of you sitting at home across the world have been waiting. Amassed pipes and drums. The pipes and drums of Scotland's senior regiment, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the drums and pipes of the 1st Battalion the Gordon Highlanders, pipers and drummers from the Royal Air Force, from Victoria Australia the rats of Tobruk memorial pipes and drums, from Delta and Canada's British Columbia the Delta Police Pipe Band and they're playing of course the regimental march of the Gordon Highlanders cock of the North. The senior drum major is drum major Jeff Harper of the Gordons and this march is called Captain E. B. B. Tows VC in honor of an English officer in the Gordon Highlanders, Captain Ernest Beechcroft Beckwith Tows awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry in the Boer War. Discover the fun. Sunday discover how to get over that cat allergy on talk to the animals then at 730 raunchier than the psycho shower scene. Two time gets toilet trained. Thank you flush Gordon. I am determined to get my old body back. Followed by laughs and amazing effects. Plus you could win two cars and a Nintendo family pack. The world's greatest commercials. Apparently these fixed paper drops soothe the throat and clear the nose. Ha! Next you'll be telling me that Elvis is still alive. See nothing. Actually these fixed paper drops really do soothe the throat and clear the nose. Fixed paper drops. Also available in butter menthol flavor man. Thank you. This is what happens after you brush with Colgate Total because no matter what you're doing Colgate Total keeps on working and hopes to protect you against cavities, plaque, tartar and gum problems right through to your next brushing. Colgate Total the brushing that works between brushings. There are lots of yogurts that taste delicious. Some taste even better because you can add fruit or muesli. But only YoSplit contains 60% of the calcium you need every day. Why is that important? It gives you strong bones. YoSplit with 60% of the calcium you need every day. The easiest way to go skiing make the ski connection. 223 5355. The ski connection have a terrific range of low-cost all-inclusive package holidays for three days, six days or eight days in the snow at Falls Creek, at Mount Buller or at Mount Hotham. You go by luxury coach, stay in a lodge or your own apartment and if you have your own accommodation you can take our Express coach. So pick your mountain then make the ski connection. Phone Sherry on 223 5355 and go with a ski connection. The Optus guarantee. Regardless of the time of day, the place or country you call, whatever flexi plan or special offer, whether it's home or business, Optus now guarantees you'll pay less for long-distance calls across the total bill than with telecom or will credit you with double the difference. The Optus guarantee. Phone us and we'll give it to you in writing. Royal Artillery motorcycle display team was formed over 30 years ago and is based at Woolwich and you'll soon see why they're called the Flying Gunners. The riders are all trained gunners from the many units which make up the Royal Artillery. The bikes are 250cc, Kawasaki's and remember there's a 14 foot or just over four meters drop from the castle end to the east stand of the arena. Single crossover. Just watch how close they get to each other. the next time. Watch how close they get to the central marker. You see they really cut it fine. Now what I suppose I ought to call one of the team's explosive displays as they demonstrate the bomb burst. The riders follow that with the fish eye. And as the ramps return, the riders turn for the scissors. If you think all this stunt riding is a bit of a gamble you might just be right. This is the roulette. And the trapeze. Now if you look towards the drawbridge you'll see the star of one of the highlights the Flying Gunners display, the pyramid. The key man at the bottom of this remarkable 15-man stack is the team leader, Sergeant Martin Stock. He's been with the team for 16 seasons and what he doesn't know about motorbikes is not worth knowing. This moving pyramid is a spectacular demonstration of balance, teamwork and precision as they maneuver around the arena gathering up men as they go. We used to call this in the old days the last bus for Redfoot Barracks. The pyramid ladies and gentlemen. All these young riders that you can see tonight are regular soldiers from the 16 regiments that make up the Royal Artillery. They all have pooled military trades and skills as gunners, drivers, signalers, surveyors, parachutists and commanders. Any gunner can apply. After a couple of weeks have been bumped and bruised about if they show enough lunatic ability they can become a member of the team for between two and four years. And now the Flying Gunners prepare for their spectacular finale, the body jump. And it'll just show you how much confidence his colleagues have in Lance Bombardier Andrew Jackson, the jumper. And he makes it. Lance Bombardier Andrew Jackson and the body jump. It also shows how unsuperstitious they are or if you counted there were 13 men on the ground all hoping that Lance Bombardier Jackson got it right and he did. Ladies and gentlemen the motorcycle display team of the Royal Artillery. The most famous battle in which the Gordon Highlanders fought with great distinction was surely the Battle of Waterloo. On the 18th of June 1815 the Scots greys to the left of the Union Brigade charged against Napoleon's army. Their brother Scots in the Gordons grasping the stirrups were hurled headlong into battle. Soldiers of both regiments cheering each other and shouting about the din of battle, Scotland forever. Only three days earlier the fourth Duke of Gordon's daughter the Duchess of Richmond held a splendid ball in Brussels. The Duke of Wellington was a guest. Many of those who later died just 12 miles away at Waterloo attended and joyously danced the night away. Next week Adelaide too tired for sex. 50% of people had sex once a week or less often. Why and what can you do about it? Plus living in retirement. The choice between care and independence. I would hate it at my age. But a home to son is a prison to others. If you walk through the door you sniff and if it smells you don't go there. Today tonight next week on Seven. Little River Band the classic collection. 18 of L.R.B.'s greatest hits on one big album. Relive the good times and great memories with the classic collection from the Little River Band. Psst over here. I'm the invisible baker and this is Buttercup's Wonder White the invisible bread. You can see it but can you see the fibre? That's the invisible bit. Wonder White might look and taste like soft white bread but it contains the invisible dietary fibre you need. Ask the kids. Wonder White is the soft white bread kids love with the fibre they need. Well it's that time of the year again when AM Adelaide heads off to Falls Creek for three fun filled days in the snow leaving July 20. Falls features spectacular snowmaking facilities. 16 lifts and our special package includes deluxe coach transport, premium accommodation at Pretty Valley Alpine Lodge, three-day lift and lesson ski pass, three breakfasts and two dinners. So don't leave your holiday to chance and join me with our camera crew and ski Falls Creek by calling Rapid Surf and Ski on 344 1166. Yesterday's computer, today's computer. Yesterday's mobile, today's mobile. Yesterday's music, today's music and today's directory. All businesses listed all in one compact book. Big colour pages. All the numbers you want in a size that's easier to handle. Next time think big. It's quicker. It's on now the Adelaide Wood Heating Expo. See the latest range of high-efficiency wood heaters by one of Australia's leading manufacturers all under one roof. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save at the Adelaide Wood Heating Expo. On now at the Wayville Showgrounds Rose Terrace entrance. Now our reputation is built on low prices so costs must come down. Reduce costs? How? Close the bulk store. What about all the beds? There's over a thousand mattresses. Dump the lot. Sell them at half price if you have to. Half price? Just sell them. This will be the biggest bedding sale in the Cornews 140 years. Over 1,000 Sealy, Sleepmaker, King Coral, Sleephaven and Therapeutic beds are up for grabs. Queen size ensemble by the makers of Sealy 399. Sleepmaker Duracore Plus 599. Sleephaven and the Allergy, say 250. King Coral Spinal 2001 699. Hundreds of beds for $79. More ensembles 199 and mattresses for $22. Look at these prices. Don't miss out. The Duchess had invited some NCOs of her father's regiment, the 92nd Highlanders, to give a display of Highland dancing. The Gordons obliged. They danced the Argyle broadswords as they do now over crossed muskets to one of the Gordons regimental tunes, the Marquis of Huntley. The Gordons obliged. They danced the Marquis of Huntley. While the dancing is in progress, a messenger arrives with the news that Napoleon has crossed the border and is marching on Brussels. Soon all the men folk leave the dance floor, returning with all dispatched to the regiments. Some, according to contemporary accounts, still wearing their dancing pumps. Now the opposing armies are marshalling for the Battle of Waterloo. We shall see that famous Charge of the Greys and the Gordons, the capture of the Imperial Eagle Standard of the French 45th Infantry Regiment, the Invincibles, by Sergeant Charles Hewitt of the Scots Greys. He was a Dumfriesher man who was later commissioned, and as Ensign Hewitt, his body was brought back to Scotland in 1938, 92 years after his death near Manchester at the age of 77. He's buried here on the Castle Esplanade, and the standard he captured at Waterloo is on display within the castle. And the music you will hear is by a composer whose work is being highlighted at this year's Edinburgh International Festival. From Beethoven's Battle Symphony, Wellington's Victory. A memory of some of the brave Scots lads from the northeast who fought for the Gordons at Waterloo. My great-grandfather Donald was one of them. He was 19. The mobile phone wars, lots of dirty tricks, a buyer's guide to safety. Means and tactics that some of us are really not familiar with don't particularly appreciate. Famous, welcome, 3R videotapes, quality tapes, an unrepeatable three for five dollars, be quick. CDs, rock, pop, country and classical, out they go, any three for ten dollars, pre-recorded audio cassettes, large range of titles, any three for five dollars, be quick. Quality men's, ladies or children's fashion court watches, bargain ten dollars each, water-resistant alarm chronograph watches, ten dollars. Remember buy a bargain at Cunningham's warehouse sales. Batten down, there's a Cyclone coming to Adelaide. Cyclone, the brand new album from Jimmy Vines. Cyclone, including the smash hit single Change of Hearts, in store now. You'll taste a different way of life. You'll find a dress circle that's a long way from the theatre. And have front row seats for a show that runs day and night. You'll love the streets of Melbourne. You'll love every piece of Victoria. Are you okay to drive? Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll just take it easy. Don't look out! I didn't go through the give-way sign. Drivers involved in accidents are breath tested for alcohol. Sir, the test is positive. But it wasn't his fault. SGIC and the Government of South Australia would like to make that perfectly clear. Sir, there could be something off the license. But it wasn't my fault. If you drive, you'll be sorry. Introducing new Hot Pockets from 420. A thin, crispy, crust-packed full of tasty, chunky fillings that really hit the spot. Mmm, nice bum. It's a good pocket, actually. New 420 Hot Pockets. Captain, what are you making this? A periscope. Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Kernels of sun-ripen corn toasted into crunchy, golden flakes drenched in ice-cold milk. Excuse me, can we borrow some Kellogg's Corn Flakes, please? Mmm. Tonight, can you unravel the mystery before Fitz? Any more bets? Drama, action and danger in a brand new cracker. If there's any consolation, you've very nearly got away with it. Award-winning suspense, 9.30 tonight on 7. The man who made the first The Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force. The Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force. The Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force. The Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force. The Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force. The solo piper was Steve McGinnis and the bands were under the direction of squadron leader Alan Mosswood, director of music of the Central Band. Round, six, arms. And how did you get on with those Scottish tunes? Well, I'll tell you that this one is called the Glendarewl Highlanders. As the Mast Bands of the Royal Air Force are joined now by two recently created military bands, the Highland Band formed four months ago from musicians from the Black Watch, the Queen's Own Highlanders, the Gordon Highlanders and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and in Scarlatunix the Band of the Dragoon Guards, formed from musicians formerly in the bands of the Queen's Dragoon Guards, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the Royal Dragoon Guards and the 9th and 12th Royal announcers. And the Mast military bands have been joined by the Mast Pipes and Drums. The 1994 Tattoos director of music and principal director of music, the Royal Air Force, wing commander Barry Hingley, MBE. In 1990, for the celebration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother's 90th birthday, Wing Commander Hingley composed a tribute which he called The Sound of the Pipes. Now in August, four years on, as the bands are joined by the Cavalcade Choir under their conductor, Alex Elric, it remains a fitting serenade to that lovely Royal Lady. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. And even if she wasn't born here, she's certainly a Scot and a Lady of the Thistle through and through. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Oh, the sound of the pipes as they play for Our Lady recall youthful years in the land of her birth. Monday, Danielle Steele's most intriguing story. Mommy! Who kidnapped her beautiful boy? Please, baby. Is it his own mother, guilty of a tragic secret? I know who you really are. Or could it be his desperate father? Were you having an affair with Miss Sanders? Or a previous lover looking for revenge? By all rights, he should be mine. George Hamilton and Lisa Rinner star in the thrilling bestseller. There's been a break in the case. Vanished. Premieres 8.30 Monday on 7. Don't try this on an empty stomach. Start your day with cereal, milk, toast, fruit and juice. Because without the energy of a complete breakfast, you can't do this. Or this. Or this. Or this. O.T. by Kellogg's in the interest of nutrition. The Optus Guarantee. Regardless of the time of day, the place or country you call, whatever flexi plan or special offer, whether it's home or business, Optus now guarantees you'll pay less for long-distance calls across the total bill than with telecom. Or we'll credit you with double the difference. The Optus Guarantee. Phones and we'll give it to you in writing. She has stains, not colours. New drive colour removes stains. Darling, you should see what I bought. I'll put it on straight away. You'll love it. And helps keep clothes bright wash after wash. Yeah, well I bought something new today. Well, what do you think? I think it'll be great. After it fades. So, what did you find today? Me? Nothing. Panasonic. It's the future made easy. For everything your office needs. From office phones to fax machines. Copiers and printers too. Panasonic's there for you. Panasonic. It's the future made easy. For the state society. Panasonic. It's the future made easy. For the state society. Panasonic. It's the future made easy. For the state society. Panasonic. It's the future made easy. Why do I feel tired and run down? Why? Because I've got a child and I work and I run a household. I think it's environmental. I think it's to do with living in a big city. I think it's lifestyle. Because I'm overworked. I'm a single mum with a daughter. I know, I know. I'm a single mum with a daughter. I know, I know. I feel a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure. Actually I really don't know. The action is real and the emotions run hot on television's ultimate sport. Gladiators are next on Seven. The regimental badge of the Gordon Highlanders is a stag's head. The regimental badge of the Gordon Highlanders is a stag's head. the mast bands and the caper choir stand fast as to the few in Hollywood they're joined on the Esplanade by the rest of the 800 participants in the tattoo for the finale. The Royal Artillery Motorcycle display team, the tattoo dance company, the survivors of Waterloo and the Guard of Honor is found by the First Battalion the Gordon Highlanders parading with a regimental color on which are emblazoned the honorary distinctions of their two centuries of regimental life a life begun in the summer of 1794 and ending in the summer of 1994 soon to become part of the new regimental life of the Highland regiment and this remarkable and spectacular bird's-eye view of the castle Esplanade comes from our camera 1,500 feet above in the Orange Airship. When all are in position you will see that the whole parade takes the shape of the Gordon's stag's head with antlers. For Wing Commander Barry Hingley's moving farewell to the Gordon's. The sun was as bright as the light of the beam. Mary, dear Lord, demands thee to sit on her knee. Why, she sings the song that she wants time to hear. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. For Gordon Highlanders the world over a remembrance of all Langshain. For all Langshain. And hands across ladies and gentlemen for another verse. And hands across ladies and gentlemen for another verse. For all Langshain. And a shower of rain never seems to dampen the spirits up here on Castle Rock. It's been a wonderful summer, honest. OK, chatter. Reset! Out! God save the Queen! decision in of true and glorious, our native land. Applause No arms! The evening hymn. The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me down to lie in pastures green. He leadeth me in the quiet waters fine. High above the city, a lone figure up on the half moon battery. Lance Corporal Duncan Edwards of the Gordons plays Donald Blue, the duty tune of the Gordon Highlanders for Lights Out. Music Applause Scotland the Brave! The Guard of Honor, found by the 1st Battalion, the Gordon Highlanders, and under the command of Lieutenant Jason Calder, proudly escort their regimental color from the arena. The friends and foes of Earth's wild wars take their lead. The dancers, live to reel and rant another day and step it lightly down the bray. The flying gunners, the kamikazes of the Kawasaki's, speed away. The masked bands of the Royal Air Force, the Highland Band, the band of the Dragoon Guards, and a war but no award to leave us. The castle will be left at the last to the masked pipes and drums. The pipes and drums of the Royal Scotch Dragoon Guards, once the greys and so closely linked to the Gordon's in battles past. The drums and pipes of the 1st Battalion, the Gordon Highlanders, Gordon's for a week or two yet. The pipers and drummers of the Royal Air Force, the most welcome pipes and drums from Down Under and from Western Canada, play the Black Bear, the going home march of all the Scottish regiments. A time we went home to. To the Gordon Highlanders as they march off into history, farewell. To you, wherever you've been watching. Thank you for being with us. And from Edinburgh and its military tattoo of 1994, until another year has come and gone, goodbye and a good fortune be yours. Daniel Steele's most romantic thriller, a mother's little boy kidnapped. Is she guilty of a tragic secret? George Hamilton and Lisa Rinner star on the premiere of Daniel Steele's Vanished, 8.30 Monday night on 7. But don't go away because those gladiators are next. Good evening. Political leaders are calling for calm following this morning's firebombing of the French consulate in Perth. A group calling itself the Pacific Popular Front has claimed responsibility for the attack, which destroyed the consulting rooms of French Consul, Dr Robert Pierce. In the earthquake devastated region of Western Greece, an eight-year-old boy has been pulled from the rubble after being buried alive for more than 40 hours. And Graham Cornsett's perfect record against Victoria has been spoiled with today's 63-point rubbing at the MCG. Victoria's forward line dominated from the start with Tony Lockett kicking seven goals. Best for South Australia was Simon Tragenza. Back with more news at 8.30. Nobody knows I believe like seven. The Optus Guarantee. Regardless of the time of day, the place or country you call, whatever flexi plan or special offer, whether it's home or business, Optus now guarantees you'll pay less for long-distance calls across the total bill than with telecom, or we'll credit you with double the difference. The Optus Guarantee. Phone us and we'll give it to you in writing. Yeah, ooh, yeah. Get lucky, get lucky. Oh, yeah. Get seven, get seven. Discover it all on Seven. Discover it all on Seven. Yeah, get lucky. Oh, get seven. Discover it all on Seven. Gladiators, proudly sponsored by Pizza Hut, Pepsi and Energiser. There was a time when gods walked the Earth, when warriors were heroes. Their battles and conquests became legend, and the legend lives on. This is the hour of the gladiators. It's the hour tonight's the night. I took the courage to strike inside. Only the best of the best, best, best, best are the gladiators, gladiators, are the gladiators, gladiators, are the gladiators, gladiators. Tonight our challenges, climb the pyramid, run the gauntlet, jewel 90 style, and slam the powerball. And now the hosts of television's hottest hour of gladiatorial conquest, Kimberley Joseph and Aaron Peterson. Good evening and welcome to another exciting night with our champions. Our challenges tonight want to claim their right to compete in the contest and share in the prizes. Our challenges will be put through their faces by our team of muscle men and muscle women. But first, please welcome to the stage the all-powerful gladiators. And here they are. Taipan, Fury, Vulcan Blade, Tower Storm, Hammered Level, Kuga Cheetah, Condor Delta, and Flame. Our two female challenges this evening are Tanya Logan and Donna Suta. Tanya is 27 and single. She's 5'8", an aerobics instructor and personal trainer from Sydney. Tanya has a fetish for action movies. Donna's from New South Wales. She's 30 and single. She's represented her state in hockey and swimming, and at 5'2", Donna says her biggest weakness is her height. Please welcome Donna and Tanya. You're looking forward to those contact duels? Yeah, I enjoy the contact sports the most because of the strength that I have, and I'm looking forward to battle against Flame in duel. That'll be interesting. Well, that will be an interesting contest. You're about the same height and probably the same weight and build. Now, you've got a problem with height. You said that's your weakness. But then small people are quick and fast. That's right. The eliminator is what I'm looking forward to because of that. Yeah, I might get knocked off the duel, but I'll just try and hang in there. Good luck in gladiators, ladies. And our two male challengers tonight are Andrew Strickland and Rhett Foreman. Andrew is 26. He's single and lives in New South Wales. Andrew's a 6'2", maintenance manager who loves all sports, especially running and swimming. Rhett's also single. He's 21, an apprentice carpenter from Queensland. At 6'2", Rhett's into indoor volleyball and surf life savings. Please welcome to centre stage Andrew and Rhett. CHEERING Andrew, you're a maintenance manager, obviously a very fit one. Yes, it's a very physical job. I'm usually on my feet all day. Now, are there any games that you're particularly looking forward to? Well, I've got a background in Australian rules football, so I think the gauntlet and the pyramid are my game. Rhett, you're an apprentice carpenter. Now, you also play a lot of rugby, so you're obviously ready for the contact sports as well. Yeah, I played a bit at school, but I've been playing in the volleyball since, so I'm looking to finish them on pace. Well, all the best for this evening, and we'll look forward to seeing some action on the pyramid, your first game. Pyramid. 60 seconds to get to the top. The first to hit the button gets 10 points. Would you please welcome to the base of the pyramid Tanya and Donna. And at the top of the mountain are our two gladiators, Blade and Delta. Climb every mountain. I'll have none of that. We start the pyramid and all our events tonight, our referee, John Alexander. Challengers, ready. Well, here we go for the first event of this evening, the Women's Pyramid. It's the last of the eliminator heats before the quarterfinals start next week. Three, two, one. Let's match them up. On the left, we've got Tanya and Delta. Tanya's got an 8-kilo advantage over Delta. It doesn't matter in this case, as Delta brings her all the way down. Blade's got the exact opposite. She's got 10 kilos on Donna, and she's not going to have any problems trying to bring Donna down, because weight really does help in the pyramid event. It's all a matter of tactics. You can mouse a little bit also. If you can get around the gladiator, and maybe even duck as they dive on top of you, you've got a chance to get up and push that button. So let's have a look here at Blade and Donna. Donna trying to get around Blade, but Delta puts another great tackle on Tanya. Donna gets thrown down to the bottom also, and there's not much time left now for our challengers to get to the top. Tanya working out a little bit of a break now, but Delta right on top of it. She throws Tanya down once more. Donna pushed off there by Blade, and there's not much time really running out now for the challengers. I don't think there's going to be much left. Tanya's still trying to get around Delta. She goes to the right. Delta's right there. Blade also waiting for Donna, and time's up, folks. No points for the women. The first of our replays showed that it really is a wrestling matchup there, and you can see Delta using Tanya's weight advantage to bring Tanya down to the floor. And once again, Delta grabs Tanya and brings her right down. There she goes. Donna, what a climb. It was really hard. I just didn't want to get thrown down. I kept pushing to the top. Right, but the pyramids are pretty comfortable. They don't hurt too much. Oh, speak for yourself. I'm a bit little of a new. How about you, Tanya? You're out of breath. Very, very exhausting. The leg to yesterday was building up in my legs, and I was just so tired. So even if you'd thrown one of the gladiators down, it would have been hard getting to the top anyway. Yeah, I copped a beating in my left quad muscle, though. She heard me go, ow. Our gladiators are going to be hard to beat tonight. Both challengers have yet to score. Andrew and Rhett have been warming up watching the games, but now it's their turn to tackle the pyramids. But our gladiators are certainly not going to give them any ground, not Vulcan or the Colossal Condor. Come on. Come on. Pyramid at the top of the peak. The Condor has landed. Challengers ready. You saw there Vulcan. He's just waiting for these guys to come to the top of the pyramid. Let's see how he goes. Three, two, one. Rhett and Condor on the left. Vulcan and Andrew on the right. It's going to be a great matchup. Andrew's trying to get around Vulcan. Vulcan's got a good hold of him. Throws him down and let's go. Andrew's got loose. He'll get to the top and get the 10 points. What a great time. 15 seconds. Absolutely fantastic there by Andrew to get past Vulcan and give him Vulcan some of his own back. Now we're going to concentrate on Rhett and Condor. Can Rhett get up the top and get the remaining five points? Condor throws him down. Rhett's got to show some good tactics here because Condor thinks he's the king of the mountain. And maybe he might be. We'll soon find out. Condor's got a good hold of Rhett. Pushes him down. Rhett jumps off. Waiting to come back up. Cat and mouse needed here by Rhett. He's going to have to go left and hope that Condor goes right. There goes the arm. Condor fakes the movement. Rhett tried to get up. Condor's not going to get him. Adding latitude. A big throw. Looses his shoe. And time's about to run out. Fantastic work there by Andrew. He got the ten points. If you wanted a good start, this is the way to do it. Look at Vulcan tackling Andrew. He just slips there and lets him go. Andrew's able to run all the way up to the top, push the button and get the ten points. Well done. Did you think you could do it? I had a thought on my mind I could do it. I pumped myself up for this event. I looked on the sheet and I said, how am I going to get past this guy? I went straight to the top and he just slipped off me. The weight advantage for Condor proved to be invaluable on the pyramid. 96 kilos to Rhett who's only 70. Condor's just able to pick him up and throw him down. Nobody gets past. Nobody gets past me. Well they mightn't get past Condor, but Andrew certainly got past Vulcan and got ten points. Rhett didn't score. In the next game our challengers are going to barrel down this corridor to collide with Flame. Flame, can you take the heat? We've heard you've been making waves. Joey. Psst, over here. I'm the invisible baker and this is Buttercup's wonder white, the invisible bread. You can't see it, but can you see the fibre? That's the invisible bit. Wonder white might look and taste like soft white bread, but it contains the invisible dietary fibre you need. Ask the kids. Wonder white is the soft white bread kids love with the fibre they need. SA Video Warehouse massive eight day clearance is now on. SA Video Warehouse has reduced 20,000 videos with up to 80% off liquidated stock. New movies from $2.95. That's right, brand new movies from $2.95. Slightly imperfect movies, how'd they go for 50 cents? You can even bring in your old videos, swap them and pay just $4. SA Video Warehouse eight day clearance on every day till 9pm. 274 Weymouth Street City. SA Video Warehouse eight day clearance sale definitely finishes this Saturday 9pm. At last, the very best of the Eagles. Their first definitive collection. 17 classic tracks. For the very first time, the very best of the Eagles. All your favourites on one great album. The very best of the Eagles. Get it now. Don't miss, Ernst Mitz Mighty Stock takes sale on now. Hundreds of items only a few dollars a week. Videos, washers, TVs, fridges, sound systems and much more. Only $5 a week. No deposit and nothing to pay for a month. Don't miss out, Ernst Mitz Stock takes sale on now. Psst, this is Buttercup's Wonder White, the invisible bread. You can't see it, but can you see the fibre? Wonder White has the invisible dietary fibre you need, but looks and tastes like soft white bread. The Nile. No river in the world is longer. We're here for Energizer to prove no ordinary battery lasts longer. These rowers are all using ordinary batteries except one. He's powered by Energizer. You need a lot of energy to row a river this long, and that's exactly what Energizer's got. International tests confirm no ordinary battery lasts longer than Energizer. No ordinary battery lasts longer than Energizer. He's still going. Fight! Tonight, Uncle Doug dusts off the projector. Our third celebrity smart night. And finds himself shooting the breeze. I'm an opinionated b****. With Phyllis Diller, Jack Lemmon and Russell Crowe. A 30 tonight on 7. It's nighttime in the Old Town tonight. Things are heating up. Superman is in the shower. Will the outfit actually come off? On Lois and Clark, Monday's number one show. And getting hotter by the hour. 7.30 Monday on 7. Maddie Eaves. I'm a personal trainer for Body Express and a rowing instructor, and that's all I have time for. I'm single. I enjoy going down the beach, sunbathing, swimming, and in my spare time I love partying with my Simi friends. I'm on gladiators because I want a challenge. And I love the satisfaction of slamming one of those gladiators down. Our second game tonight is Gauntlet. And it requires our challengers to push through not one, but five gladiators. Their goal? To get to the other end. Gauntlet. Might sound easy, but if they want to get the maximum 10 points, they've got to get to the other end in less than 20 seconds. In the arena is our challenger Tanya. And preparing to stop her in her tracks are Flame, Rebel, Cheetah, Blade and Delta. We're getting her. Well, Delta seems real confident there. We're getting her with the words, and let's see if they do. Gladiators winning! The first of our Gauntlet runs about to start. Three, two, one. Tanya at 70 kilos has got a big weight advantage over some of these gladiators. The only one she matches up with is Flame. And Flame's doing a great job to hold her up. She's past her now up to Rebel. Rebel applying the brakes. A lot of time being wasted here. Remember, she's got to get through in 20 seconds to get the 10 points. Cheetah's also doing her part. She's stopping Tanya from getting through. Time nearly run out. She's not even going to get five. Whistles blow. It's all over. It was a tough Gauntlet run here for Tanya. She came up to Cheetah. Cheetah was in the middle of the Gauntlet. So if she got past her, she might have stood a chance, but there was no way she was going to do it. Cheetah was determined to hold her back. Tanya, it was hard work. Unfortunately, it was too hard. You didn't gain any points. You didn't get to the other end. I couldn't believe how heavy they were. There was a bit of technique there, and I just didn't have the technique right. So I'm ready to try for the next event. Well, you like action-packed movies. Was that action-packed enough for you? Too much. It was as if Tanya ran into three brick walls. Now it's Donna's turn. Can she smash through all five? Whistles blow. Donna now takes off in the Gauntlet run. Meets Flay first up, and she pushes her down. We talked about Tanya's weight advantage. Well, Donna's got the disadvantage. She's only 52 kilos. Donna now comes up to Rebel. Once again, Rebel holds her up. Cheetah backs up really well. Brings Donna down. This is going to be a hard run also for Donna. Like a crying mantis with a broken leg, she's trying to just burrow her way through, and oh, no, she doesn't. Time's up. No points for either challenges. You okay? Yeah. We spoke about the crying mantis with the broken leg. As she got up, maybe she was a bird with her wings clipped. She just couldn't get enough to get past these gladiators, and they're really strong tonight. It's going to be hard for all challenges. Donna, what an exhausting run. Unfortunately, no points. But you're not injured, are you? No, not at all. I think the first girl trod on my ankle, but I think it's going to be all right. I was lucky, I think. I thought I'd do better than that, but they made a pact, I think, and didn't let me through, and it worked. Well done, gladiators. No points scored in the Gourmet Run for both our female challengers. Both Tanya and Donna still 0-0 after two games. I work as a maintenance manager. I train six days a week, and I compete in triathlons. The days are full of exercise, by running, swimming and cycling, and when I've got a day off, I love a cold beer with my mates. I heard the ad on the radio, they were looking for challengers, so here I am, and come and get me. Waiting in the gauntlet is Force, Cougar, Hammer, Condor, and the last line of defence, Tower. Three, two, one. Andrew takes off at his gauntlet run, and Force forces him straight down to the ground first up. This is going to be a hard run for Andrew. These guys are removable. Cougar now stopping him there as he comes past him and up to Hammer. Hammer just played around, he's passed Hammer also. What can Condor do? Condor stopping him, maybe. No, he's thrown him away. Tower, as I said, the last line of defence, pushing him over in 24 seconds. Andrew's through in the run of his life. And he's a happy man also, and so he should be. He really tried to power his way through. Let's remember, Andrew's at 80 kilos, and some of these guys weigh 10 or 15 kilos more without their uniform on. It's making it a little easier now. You've got five points, Andrew. You've got 24 seconds, one second under the time. I was just a bit lucky there. I was going, when I hit force, I thought, oh yeah, all the running games are going to start. But then Hammer come up and comes right through me. Then I look up in this tower there, looking down at me, I go, how the hell am I going to get through here? It doesn't get any better. Oh, I just scrambled through the last second. It was good. I'm an apprentice carpenter from Brisbane. I play a bit of golf. Oh, and I've got a worm farm. We're a bit of a sporting family. My mother's a champion golfer. My father played football, and my sister's in the show jumping. I'm a bit of a tough guy. I work out at home. I breed goldfish, and I use the hard side of my toothbrush. Why am I on gladiators? To win a bet. Challenger, ready. So he thinks he's a tough guy, does he? Ready he is. Well, these gladiators are going to bring him down to size, I'm sure. Three, two, one. Rett runs down the gorge. Right pass force, up to Cougar. Cougar now stopping him, breaking him down. Can he get past him? Yes. He meets Hammer. Oh, look at Hammer throwing him around, trying to cut him in half. He pushes him down again. Bites on top and gives him a slam to go with him. Up to Condor now. The worm farmer trying to slide his way underneath Condor. Can he do it? Yes. He's now up the tower. Can tower stop him? Oh, he just gets over by a finger. This was a really tough run for Rett. He came straight past force into Cougar. Cougar did well to try and hold him up. Once he got past him, he was up to Hammer. You've heard of a hammer and sickle. Well, this is sick of Hammer. This is incredible. You are getting pounded left, right and center. I've got some news for you. You've been getting five points because Hammer held you up too long. Five points for the challenge. Wow, what a lucky break. Congratulations. I could see that Hammer was tossing up whether he was going to pick me up and drive me on my head. But thank God. Easy five points. You might have been driven on your head, Andrew, but you also had your score driven up by five points. Rett also earned five in the gauntlet. Andrew leads 15 to five after two games. Yeah! Next up, our contestants arm themselves for a duel against the Determined Storm. I've got attitude. You got a problem with that? Maddie Eaters. Danielle Steele's most romantic thriller, Vanished, Monday. I'll have some pizza. Yeah, I'll have some pizza too. And pasta. Yeah, pasta. And how about a bit of grain salad? On the side. And we'll have some dessert. You know what we want? I know exactly what you want. You want the works? The works? Well, the pizza, pasta, salad and dessert. You can eat at $4.95 at lunch and $6.95 at dinner. Yeah. The works, $4.95 or $6.95 from Pizza Hut. These rowers are all using ordinary batteries except one. He's powered by Energizer. International tests confirm no ordinary battery lasts longer than Energizer. He's still going. Oi! Shift stains, not colours. New drive colour removes stains. Darling, you should see what I bought. I'll put it on straight away. I love it. And helps keep clothes bright wash after wash. Yeah, well I bought something new today. Well, what do you think? I think it'll be great. After it fades. So, what did you find today? Me? Nothing. Eat, sleep, play. Eat, sleep, play. You've been practising. Now it's time to show the world. Blockbuster World Video Game Championship 2. As players all over Australia square off in a do or die video game competition. The best based off in the United States. Sponsored by EA Sports, Metro Games, Capri Crunchy, Coca Cola and Triple L. So get down to Blockbuster Video and sign up now. What else is there? I want a gentle shampoo. And then I want something that will give the hair shine. I want a protein that will build the hair. Give it body. Give it some texture. That's the important word here, texture. For those who believe there's no such thing as too much Pepsi, introducing The Cube. I mean, it's never been such good value to pick up a Pepsi, let alone 24 cans. So where does it go? Right about here. It doesn't get any better than this. The Cube, 24 cans, one great price. Makes a great case for taking home a lot of Pepsi. It's Australian rules. Oh, that is tough. The correct decision there is holding the ball. But who really knows the rules? I think most of them like to think they know the rules, but I don't think they really know. Today tonight hands the whistle to the real experts. Oh, this is murder. Awesome way to murder. The spectators. Ducked into it, holding the ball. He was tackled too high. Bowning your verdict on the game's toughest unfiring decision. UBV Up on Today Tonight, 6.30 Monday on 7. Maddie. I'm a personal trainer. I won an aerobic competition last year in New South Wales. I have a background in swimming, dance, gymnastics and hockey. I train three hours every day. The rest of the time I run my personal training business. And whenever I get time, I party. I was told into going into the gladiator, but now I'm in it. I'm going to give it my best shot. It's a stoush on top of the podiums. And what do you need? Weight, balance and reach. And if you're lucky, Kimberly, and stay up there for 30 seconds, you'll get the maximum 10 points. Tanya is up there and is about to be torched by flame. Jewel, let's be frank, I like a good fight. Tanya, flame, in jewel. Both competitors must be seen to be attacking at all times. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. John Alexander laying down the laws for the start of the jewel. And away we go. Tanya and flame. Now flame absolutely loved it on top of these platforms. She's actually made herself the queen of the castle. And she goes away and works away on Tanya. Tanya trying to fight back, nearly lost her stick. If she actually lets go of her stick, she'll be disqualified altogether. Flame not giving Tanya a chance to fight back. She's trying her hardest. I think it's just going to be a matter of survival now for Tanya. She's being won again by John Alexander. And the tie runs out. Tanya survives. Well done. Five points to her. Height and weight pretty equal here. There's a real fine line between surviving and not attacking. This time I'd have to go with John Alexander. Tanya, a good fight. Let me tell you the good news. You just gained five points. Now they were much needed points. You were on zero to start with. So fantastic effort. You're a little bit puffed there. She's just so strong. But that was one of my better games this one because of my body strength. Does anything prepare you for that first blow? You get a bit dizzy when she hits you. It's just like you don't know where you are for a minute, a couple of seconds. But then you sort of back on track again and focus. Tanya's feet were certainly glued to that platform. Let's see if Donna will come unstuck against the sensational storm. And sensational. She definitely is arid on top of these platforms. We've seen in the previous weeks just how strong storm is. Let's see if Donna can wear it. Hunda. Three, two, one. Both women a little bit hesitant here in the start of the duel. Storm just backing back. Now she comes forward and unleashes with a few big hits. Donna's actually defending herself. Make up your own mind, folks. Is she attacking or is she just surviving? Well, surviving might be the name of the game here for Donna. And Storm lets go with a few big blows. And Donna doesn't like this at all. Oh no, woman overboard throwing the life raft. That storm was just too much for Donna to survive. And as you can see here, Storm just throws it from everywhere. She hits her in the back of the head. She hits her on the back. And Donna just didn't want to be there at all. She jumped ship. And she might have even hurt her ankle as she landed on the stick. Now there's a medic and a doctor at all Gladiator events. Storm's obviously concerned. Although the competition is fierce, there's a good camaraderie between Gladiators and Challengers. Now it looks like Donna's ankle's pretty badly twisted. Hopefully it's only a sprain. Let's hope she's okay to continue challenging the Gladiators this evening. And at the end of the duel, Tanya scored five. Donna unfortunately scored zero. And after three games, that's the way the score is. Five love after three. Challenger ready. Let's see what the men can do on top of the dueling towers. Ready. Vanguard. Taipan versus Andrew. Go. Here we go. Andrew throws a big one first up. Taipan just trying to survive. Oh, the stick's down. Andrew actually fell on his stick there. Could have unbalanced Taipan. Yes, it did. Oh, well, did it actually. I don't know. I reckon Taipan just came over and pushed Andrew off. Taipan's been disqualified. Andrew protested. Taipan's not too happy. Let's have a look at this on the replay again. As we watch Taipan's stick go down now. Andrew did fall on the stick, whether it unbalanced Taipan or not, or whether he just didn't like the heat. Taipan just stood over and Andrew went blind. I think he's actually overbalanced and fell onto my platform by accident, but it's not a good way to get the points, but who cares? Ten points better off. I might lodge a protest of not being a bad sportsman or I saw a loser, but I had trouble lifting my stick up once I was down, so maybe his weight was on it. I don't know. The video clearly indicates Andrew falling on Taipan's stick, causing him to lose balance, therefore coming on the opponent's podium. Therefore, we will replay the duel. OK. Take two of the men's duels coming up. I reckon Taipan might have been a bit lucky there. As you see him climb the ladder, that's how the guys get up to the top of the platforms. And here we go. Three, two, one. We do it all over again. Andrew and Taipan in the duel, and Taipan really going for it this time. Oh, Andrew sitting down on the top. He reckons it's that easy. Now he's praying for mercy, and he's not going to get any from Taipan at all, Andrew. He's just unleashing left and right, and Andrew's going to go. Yep, he does. Oh, Andrew, I would have just taken the ten points and run in the first effort, because this time you were absolutely slaughtered. As you were down there on the hands and knees, Taipan said goodbye, and that's exactly what happened. So after the rematch, what's your state of mind, Andrew? Very lucky, very lucky to get the rematch. But he had me down, he got a good hit on me, and then I was on the ground, I couldn't do anything. Well, he certainly had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Taipan, justice prevails. Certainly I was pumped up for the second time, and a few big hits. I was down on his knees, but I still managed to get him off. Well, now it's Red's turn, and how is he going to handle Kuga? Well, that's a very good question, Aaron, because Kuga's 92 kilos, Red's 70. You could nearly say it was the matchup of the big cat versus the kitten. Ready. Under. Three. Go. Go. And look at Kuga's eyes. He's fired up, and I don't reckon Red's going to stand a chance here as he ducks a couple of blows, but he takes a few also. Kuga just unleashed him. Bang, bang. Red tried to come over, he's lost his stick. It's all over. Blow the whistle. Oh, jeez, lucky they stopped up there. Red was going to cut more. Let's watch it here. Kuga really unleashed with a few blows. He went down and swept his legs. That was the end of it for Red. He really lost balance from then on, lost his stick, and as a consequence lost the match. After all that dueling, no points to either challenger. Overall scores, Andrew still leads Red 15 points to five. Red and Andrew are still with us, but only just. Coming up next is a game that will have them running in all directions and into the bulk of the mighty tower. Empower Ball. Glad it is big. I'd like to see that. Mediators. The Great Wall runs on and on, and so does Energizer. It just keeps going and going and going. Energizer, no ordinary battery lasts longer. He's still going. Fight! Don't miss Ernst Smith's mighty stock take sale on now. Hundreds of items, only a few dollars a week. Videos, washers, TVs, fridges, sound systems, and much more. Only five dollars a week. No deposit and nothing to pay for a month. Don't miss out. Ernst Smith's stock take sale on now. She's a Nutella kid and he's a Nutella kid. Hey kid, aren't you lucky Nutella for afternoon tea. You know, being a mum's not that easy. You want to give your kids something that they like, yet no it's not bad for them. Nutella has no artificial colors or preservatives. It's natural. Hazelnuts, skim milk, cocoa, yet it has about half the fat of peanut butter. That's right. The hazelnut chocolate spread that kids love to eat. With the UNOS 30 export, you do not get a choice of a V6 engine, ABS brakes, airbag, power steering, power windows, or alloy wheels. Simply because all these features are standard. What you do get is a choice of colors. The UNOS 30X V6 Sport from just $36,365. Get ready to get tanked. The most outrageous comic book hero of all time is coming to save the future. Come on! Tank Girl. Discover the Our World of Wildlife and Endangered Species sticker album for $2. There are thousands of prizes to be won, plus instant prizes. Collect the activity sticker packs for 90 cents. Collect, stick, complete the picture and win at newsagents, milk bars, schools and tatsum. I'll have some pizza. Yeah, I'll have some pizza too. And pasta. Yeah, pasta. And how about a bit of grain salad? On the side. And we'll have some dessert. You know what we want? I know exactly what you want. You want the works? The works? Well, the pizza, pasta, salad and dessert. You can eat $4.95 at lunch and $6.95 at dinner. Yeah. The works, $4.95 or $6.95 from Pizza Hut. The mobile phone wars, lots of dirty tricks, a buyer's guide to safety. Means and tactics that some of us are really not familiar with, don't particularly appreciate. Nobody knows I believe like seven. On Home It Away. Oh my God. A plane crash stuns Summer Bay. The guilt. I did try and stop Angel from leaving. The shame. What have I done? And the fear. I don't believe this is happening. Who'll survive? On Home It Away, Monday. Madiators. Both of tonight's winners will go home with this Sony Music system, containing a 5-disc changer, 70 watts of power, remote control and this great selection of CDs from Sony Music, well over $2,000 value. Runners up in tonight's competition are still going to be big winners. Using the state-of-the-art gym equipment from Elite Fitness. Now Donna should have been here to play Powerball tonight, but due to the serious fall that she took in dual, we'll need to confer with our Dr Peter. She's badly injured her ankle. We think it's only a sprain, but we've sent her away for x-rays just to confirm this, but she's not fit to continue tonight. Okay, so obviously she won't be playing Powerball. John Alexander, what do we do about this situation? The rules allow for reserve, and in this case, Cathy will take up where Donna left off. Meet Cathy Katsarakis. Cathy's from Victoria, she's a hairdresser and 29 years old. She's single and has won a silver medallion at volleyball. Good luck, Cathy. And now a game that requires you to get as many goals as you can while avoiding the gladiators. Powerball. You get two points for every ball in the outer baskets, three points for the central goal basket. Taking to the field of Powerball are our challengers, Cathy... ...and Tanya. And would you welcome into the arena our Powerball professionals, Rebel, Delta and Storm. Three, two, one. Start of the women's Powerball here, and Cathy up for her first event, gets two points early on. Great work, Cathy. She grabbed another ball, tackled first up. Oh boy, I reckon she wishes she was back in the audience. Remember, she was just picked out to replace Donna, who hurt her ankle. And now she's caught another heavy tackle. Let's have a look at Tanya, who's brought down the first half. Another heavy tackle. Let's have a look at Tanya, who's brought down once more. Twenty seconds to go. Can Tanya get any points on the board? No, not this time. Cathy loses the ball. She's run to the wrong end. Cathy, you've got to go to the other end and get your ball. There she goes now. Tanya grabs another two points. Maybe yes. That's her first two points, I should say. Two each, two more there to Cathy. That takes her to four, and time's run out. Let's go to the videotape and watch the replay. Tanya brought down with a big tackle there from our gladiator, and Cathy didn't get it her own way either. She actually didn't know where she was there, and she has to go to the other end to get the ball. John Alexander told her that. Cathy, I know you were nervous going into this game, but you have every reason to be proud of yourself because you just gained four points. Fabulous effort. I know you were very nervous, weren't you? You've been thrown in the deep end. Really nervous, but all I thought of was Donna. She's a small girl with a big heart, and that was for her. Yeah, well done, Cathy. Four points from Powerball. Tanya received two. Tanya leads seven points to four, going into the eliminator. Moving on to the playing mat, our men. Now, this is the last chance for them to score some vital points before the eliminator. Please put your hands together for Rhett and Andrew. And to stop them scoring, the trio of Tower, Hammer and Vulcan. Prepare yourself for action here. Hitman Hammer, Tower the Tackler, and Vulcan the Vice are out for revenge. Radiators, ready? Three, two, one. As Aaron said, this is the last opportunity for these guys to get some extra points. Hammer brought Andrew down first up there with a great tackle, and now he pushes away Rhett. Oh boy, did you see that? Andrew came down, lost his helmet. Rhett brought in a hammer. Let's have a look at a little replay. Rhett was running away there. He got brought down by Tower, and look at this. What a crunch. Vulcan, Hammer, and Andrew. Bang! Call in the tow trucks, and we might even need the ambulance also, because Hammer's been hammered. Blood bin rule applies for Hammer. Well, if it was a Saturday afternoon, maybe. I reckon they might fix him up, or we might get going again very shortly. Yep, here's the count, and the restart of men's Powerball. Both men drop their ball, and I want them to go to another end to get a new one, and see if they can get some score on the ball. Vulcan with a big tackle, and Andrew's brought down there by Tower. Time running out for the guys as Rhett comes up to his end to get a red one. Andrew throws the blue one, misses. Rhett missed there also. I don't think these guys are going to score. As they come again, Andrew dies, and a big tackle there from Hammer brought him down, and time's run out. Great effort by the Gladiators. The final event before the Eliminator, and let's have a look at the replay. Andrew brought down with a big tackle there. Rhett didn't get in his own way either. The Gladiators really stamp their authority. Quarterfinals next week, and they're getting themselves tuned up for some big competition. What a game of Powerball. They make you work for them, Rhett. Oh, mate, just two hard towers everywhere. I couldn't go round him, couldn't go over him, under him. Couldn't even get under the leg. I was trying to, I was trying to. He just hung me off. Andrew, they had you lined up. I think so after that first tackle. Trying to get past Hammer. Nothing was intended. It was just competitiveness, that's all. So our Gladiators finish out on top at the end of the Powerball. Zero points to either competitor. Going into the Eliminator, Andrew leads Rhett 15 to 5. Coming up, the pace intensifies as our challengers turn the contest on each other for the final assault. Gladiators. Tally Hoedit. Polarized Dick. Spinkstit. Whoa! Pepsi Max, maximum cola taste and no sugar. Drink it. Drink it. Sound it. Devour it. Live right to the max. Get ready to get tanked. The most outrageous comic book hero of all time is coming to save the future. Tank girl. Hey kid, aren't you lucky Nutella for afternoon tea? Nutella, it's natural, based on hazelnuts, and yet has about half the energy of a human. Hazelnuts, and yet has about half the fat of peanut butter. The hazelnut chocolate spread that kids love to eat. I may not be a wog, but I look like one. Well come on, let's bring Rodney on. Give Rodney a hand. Rodney Rude is on the road. The people in Queens say they like me a lot, but the Queens let police, they haunt me like a rat. Rodney, Rodney, Rodney, Rodney, Rodney, Rodney. Don't miss Rodney Rude Live. A very, very funny man with a very funny show. A real legend. I'm lucky. I'm just one of those women who happens to have naturally beautiful hair. Look, this color, these highlights, this shine, it's all natural. I'm so lucky. What did I do to have such gorgeous hair? You use nice and easy. Okay. Nice and easy works with your hair's own tones and highlights. So the color looks totally natural, like you were born with it. I wouldn't change this color for anything. It's 120 natural dark brown. It's nice and easy to be natural, only from Clarell. Come on guys, how long to go? Okay, lace up the sand shoes and loosen up the hamstrings. Get ready for the seven nightly news corporate cup. Enter now and receive your free t-shirt, the corporate cup. I just do it, Max. Two large pizzas at a new price of $14.90. Thanks. I don't normally deliver here. But your pizzas aren't normally $14.90. Yep, the very best pizzas at our very best price. Hey, that's like a line from an ad. Well it is now. At these prices, you'll be the most popular bloke in town. I already am. Two large pizzas only $14.90. Phone 131166. Discover the fun. Sunday, discover how to get over that cat allergy. On Talk to the Animals. Then at 7.30, raunchier than the psycho shower scene. Hey. Two-time gets toilet trained. Thank you, Flush Gordon. I am determined to get my old body back. Home improvement, followed by laughs and amazing effects. Plus you could win two cars and a Nintendo family pack. The world's greatest commercial. Uncle Doug dusts off the projector and finds himself shooting the breeze with Philistilla and Jack Lemmon. Doug Mulrae's celebrity slide night, next. Madiators. The two lucky winners of the final will drive away in Hyundai's luxurious flagship, the Sonata Levant. With its 3.0-litre V6 engine, the Sonata has leather trim, cruise control, electric sunroof, power windows, central locking, ABS brakes and an airbag for added safety. Endurance is the name of the game. Conquering this torturous terrain will show us which one of our challenges has the tenacity and perseverance required to succeed. Eliminator. A giant obstacle course. That's the Eliminator. Tanya will start 1.5 seconds ahead of Cathy. No gladiators, just one long obstacle course, Tanya, and 1.5-second lead. Is that enough? No, that's not enough, but I'm going to try my best, guys. We'll just see what happens. I'm just going to cruise along and just take one thing at a time. It's the only way to go. Cruising? Yeah, cruising. If you start to get nervous, then you're stuffed up. Well, you've got different speeds of cruising. What cruising are we talking about? You'll see at the end. Well, that is true. Tanya, good luck. Cathy, you're filling in for Donna. That injury, you're nervous? Well, Donna's going to be doing it with me, so we've got double the strength going over it. Come on, Cathy! Tanya must really be building up for Cathy. Not only has she got her own personal best to worry about, but she's got to worry about Donna, who was out with the ankle injury. Three, two, one. And here we go. Tanya sets off in the women's eliminator. Gets over the first hurdle quite nicely. Here comes Cathy right behind her. Oh, Tanya's struggling to get over that third hurdle. She finally does. And this is nice and close as they come up to the rope climb. Tanya on the left in the red. Cathy in the blue on the right. Cathy's struggling a bit to get up that rope. Tanya's nearly up there now. She'll be on the monkey bar very shortly. Cathy's still struggling to get up the top of that rope. Now she does. She's on the platform, and here's the monkey bars. Two at a time for Tanya. Cathy being very cautious on the outside, but catching up quite fast. As they're off the monkey bars, now onto the platform. Tanya's across the rolling logs very nicely. Oh, Cathy's gone. She's fallen off the edge of the rolling log. That'll sit her back a mile. As she tries to find her way to the rope ladder, she's a bit disoriented. She's found it now. Up she goes. And up goes Tanya. The cargo net not proving to be much of a hurdle for her. She's taking her time just making sure that she does it properly. She's got time on her side. She's got a huge lead now over Cathy as she gets on the cargo net. And up she comes. Cathy making up a little bit of time. Cathy is up the top and comes to the flying fox. A good drop needed here for Tanya. Very important that she gets off this okay. There she goes. Yes, nice drop there from Tanya. She goes to the balance beam. Let's have a look at Cathy. She's nearly up the top of the rope now. Oh, this is good competition. Cathy just taking her time at the balance beam. She really wants to win this one and go through to the quarterfinals. Up the balance beam. Travelator next. There she goes. Oh, struggling. She's made it but here comes Cathy on the flying fox. And Tanya goes through at 1.57. A great effort by Tanya as we await Cathy down to come off the balance beam and finish her, Eliminator. Oh, her legs have gone from under her. She could have hurt herself with a rolling longfall. Maybe we'll soon find out as she comes up the Travelator. Inch by inch, step by step. Can she get to the top? She's really trying her hardest here. Hold on, Cathy. Oh, no. She's gone down. Oh, we don't want to see that. Bad luck, Cathy. You've put everything into this. Let's give it another shot. But I reckon she hurt her knee. She fell off the rolling long. And she tries again. Gives it away. But I reckon she'll give it another shot. Stand up, Australia, and cheer this girl home because this is what we want to see. A competitor come from behind and finish at all costs. Fantastic work, Cathy. Tanya, great run. Did you think you'd make it? Yeah, I knew I would. So the 1.5 seconds helped you? Oh, not really, Aaron. It was just positive thinking. And I'm just glad it's finished. I just think that everyone that attempts this Eliminator is a winner because it's very difficult and tiring. Cathy, you went in there with two people in mind, yourself and Donna. A lot of people have a lot of faith in me, and I want to thank them. I wanted to just get through this, and I suppose I have. And you have. You've done very well. I'm sure Donna would be very proud of that effort. Thank you. Yes, what a great effort there by Cathy. And Donna's coming down to show her appreciation. Unfortunately, Donna and Cathy have been eliminated and if she's successful in the finals, she's off to London for the International Gladiator Challenge courtesy of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, and four of our Gladiators will tag along with her. And when she's there, she'll be able to call home on her Optus mobile phone. In the International Series, Australia's best of the best will have their own and show the world just what we're made of. It's a contest of Olympic standards and we know our champion athletes will carry the flag proudly and let's hope they come home covered in glory. Now, Andrew, are you feeling confident about this course? Oh, confident, quietly confident. Now, five seconds isn't very much. I think this guy's a bit of a jackrabbit. What do you think of the course? I think I can take it, mate. You know, I've come this far. I'm not just going to pull a pin now, so I have to go. Andrew, well, let's hope you pull a pin on the hand grenade, because you've got a big gap to make up here. Two, one. As Andrew takes off in the men's eliminator, folks, I expect this one to be quick. Andrew's very agile, free-sized, but this little whippet here, Red, he's going to catch up real fast. Andrew's up the top of the rope climb. Nice, neat climb needed here for Red. And I think he's doing it. Yep, up he comes to the top of the platform. Andrew's just about finished the monkey bar. He's off rolling logs to him. Up he comes to the cargo net now. Andrew with a good little lead. But here comes Red from behind. Oh, look at this guy fly up the cargo net. You remember how in the beginning of the race he was up the cargo net. Well, this guy leaves him for dead. He's up the top of the cargo net now and under the flying fox. Down he comes. Oh, he's lost his shoe. Look at that. He's kicked the other one off right there. This is going to be hard on the balance beam. Yep, he slipped. Andrew's got it all to himself now, you'd reckon. He goes across the balance beam. But look at Red fly. Oh, he's got him. He's got the rope to go through. And what a great time. What a win. That was fantastic. I know, I'm sorry to do this to you, but you're going to have to talk to me. Hi, Mum. How did you feel about it? It's the second time in my life I've been so scared. First time was when I saw Jaws. Now, Andrew had a five-second start on you, and you caught him. You just scaled up that cargo net. I was so impressed. I just pretended he was my girlfriend. I was chasing him. I got into trouble in the cargo net. He caught me by a cat up a top-10 roof. But, uh, no, congratulations, mate. Did it give you an adrenaline rush when you knew he was right behind you? Oh, very much so. But when he got to the beam, I saw him fell off the beam, and thought I'd have a chance. And then about halfway, I got to the top of the travel aid, and I tripped, and that's it. Let's relive this action once more. What a fantastic illuminator. We see Red come off the flying fox. He lost his shoe there, lost his other shoe. Attempting the balance beam with no shoes is gonna be hard because of the slipperiness. But frankly, my dears, he didn't give a damn. And, Andrew, you thought you were hot. It's been a fantastic night of physical power, and we're sure glad that you've been a part of it. That's right, Kimberly. We've seen the sweat and the tears. So join us next week when our challengers take on the mighty Williams!