Blow the cough into the hole, then wipe it on your pants, like so. Or when you've eaten much too fast, your tummy comes all full of gas. Gurgle, gurgle, rumble, rum. I don't know which way it's gonna come. When this rumble happens to you, I think the only thing to do is say, Where's that cat, that naughty Tom? He's been in here and dropped a bomb. Meow. Hey baby, you jump over here when you do the ooby dooby, I got you in here. Ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, dooby dooby. Do-ah, do-ah, do-ah. When you wiggle to the left, you wiggle to the right, You do the ooby dooby with all your might. Ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, dooby dooby, dooby dooby, dooby dooby. Do-ah, do-ah, do-ah. When you wiggle and you shake like a big rattlesnake, You do the ooby dooby till you think you're heartbroken. Ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, dooby dooby, dooby dooby. Do-ah, do-ah, do-ah. So now you're moving, struggling, so now I know how to do the ooby dooby. Now let's go. Ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, ooby dooby, dooby dooby, dooby dooby. Do-ah, do-ah, do-ah. Good morning and welcome to ABC television on this Friday the 20th of December. Ghostbusters are out first followed by Square One TV and Teabag bounces back. Sesame Street's at 820, then there's PGR and Play School at 930. Everyone at ABC Radio, ABC Marketing, concerts, Radio Australia and ABC Television would like to thank you and wish you a very Merry Christmas.